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Posts posted by Mucklavee

  1. the ability to heal your factions npcs while someone is trying to defeat them to complete a quest if a grief tactic because it inhibits your progression, what i don't understand is why bioware let gamers do this is beyond me its like they got a development team that's full of griefers to allow this grief tactic
  2. 1. Corso i wanted to shoot the moment i heard him talk about his gun that he thought was more important than my gd ship.

    2.malavai because he is a boot licker

    3.did i mention corso all ready?

    4.jorgan because he's a cathar

    5.seriously corso just needs to die

    6.the trooper droid because his republic loving ways make me sick

    7.they just need to make a option to chain corso to your ships naucelles so you can roast his *** for a gundark who likes bbq'd hillbilly


    oh and i absolutely love kaliyo because she's interesting and also a freak plus i don't play my IA as a empire boot licking drone so she fits my character very well

  3. seriously corso needs to die horribly but i know it will never happen so i made a sith pureblood scoundrel so i could B****slap him repeatedly and so far i managed not to want to kill myself everytime he opens his mouth so i don't have to hear him talk about flashy or sgt boomboom
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