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Posts posted by BaronSamedi

  1. I just hit 50 and respecced to Lethality for Flashpoints and Operations with my guild so I don't have any practical experience with the build.


    Reading what you posted as your rotation, wouldn't you use Weakening Blast before Corrosive Dart and Corrosive Grenade to take advantage of the 30% damage buff? If you're really using Weakening Blast as just a generic attack rather than as a setup for the DoT's, maybe that's what's contributing to the lower DPS numbers.


    Again, I'm just speculating since I don't have any practical experience with Lethality yet (I leveled as Concealment).


    FYI...this is the build I'm starting out with: Operative Lethality build on Torhead

  2. ... An item is not actually owned until it's in someone's inventory, and it only goes into their inventory once they win a roll on it. The party collectively downed a boss. At that point, they're each individually rolling on the item for their own personal purposes. They each individually want the item. Unless they're in a guild together (in which case loot contentions like this frequently don't arise to begin with), the upgrade only benefits that group until they disband, at which point it's a benefit solely to its owner. As a result, it's largely pointless to use group benefit as a hammer by which to discourage fulfilling one's own interests at the expense of consideration for the collective.


    Your earlier analyses of utilitarian benefit applied across a group is inexact due to the dispersed nature of said groups, even once people start collapsing on one another again in endgame. True benefit applies only to the individual in this case, and motives aren't in question: people are there to upgrade their characters, and they participate in collective effort to have an opportunity at a higher quality of personal upgrades. They don't roll to disburse amongst the group, they roll to acquire a personal upgrade. ...


    This is the best rational for this side of the argument I've read to date across all threads on this topic.


    While I still lean towards the side of "need" for the character, not the companion or the looks, after reading this argument I doubt I'll get upset over the issue any more. In fact, I may even consider rolling "need" for my companion or looks in the future.

  3. You're not alone OP. Even with the bugs (I can't think of any title that is 100% bug free), I'm enjoying this game immensely. Yes, I still play WoW as well. I will continue to play both games until the servers go down.


    It seems like the bulk of the naysayers are rabid PvP'ers and "Hardcore" raiders who use MMOs as an ePeen.


    Once I'm off work and out of this training class, I'll be in-game and off the forums until the next time I've got a half hour or so to kill.


    As has been noted before, those enjoying the game tend to just play while those who feel slighted or need their ego stroked, come to the forums and create doom and gloom posts without providing any real, actionable ideas for improvement (because they're all able to create a better AAA game than any BioWare/EA developer...just look at the games they've written already....).

  4. Negative Feedback is only useful if it includes realistic suggestions for correcting or improving the feature in question.


    I see way too many negative posts with "suggestions" which reveal that the poster has no clue what's involved in creating a game these days.


    For everyone saying BioWare/EA has incompetent developers, where's your AAA game? If you have one, post the link so we can all check it out.


    If you don't like the game AND you don't have any real, actionable suggestions for improvement, then un-sub and quit clogging up the forums with way too many useless threads.

  5. I wanted to ask this question too but I couldn't find the search button to make sure it hadn't been asked before :)


    LOL...I was afraid to post a thread asking as well for fear of the flaming that often occurs on forums when someone can't figure out how to use the forum software. ;)

  6. I disagree with this.


    What is wrong with you people? It is an MMO, particularly one built around story and character. Having people change their character every second day completely kills the immersion of it being a world.


    Can you not just make a character that you like when you go to the character creation screen?


    If it is a heavy paid thing with a monthly timer or something I can see it being ok in my books, but otherwise ***. Learn to live with mistakes and stop being such babies.


    It's difficult to judge how body type in particular will end up looking in gear as you level up. I for one created a male character with body type 3 and while it looked appropriate at the character creation screen, it's now become comical as I've been leveling him up. My biggest complaint is that most boots make him look like he's got clown feet.


    While I agree that perhaps major changes (body type, race, etc.) shouldn't be allowed frequently, they should be allowed at some cost, be it money and/or time. Minor changes such as hair and jewelry should be allowed more frequently at a much lower cost of money and/or time IMHO.


    Immersion also comes from being satisfied with your character's appearance and not being forced to play a character that doesn't fit your desired look and feel. After playing a character much past lvl 20, not everyone is willing to ditch that time and effort to re-roll.

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