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Posts posted by MikeDx

  1. Recently returned player who went from 60 to 70 from doing the storied content. I felt very tedious. I'm now in the process of leveling my sorcerer and she's at level 55. If I hit level 70 without finishing the 5.0 content, would that be detrimental to my character?
  2. I don't post much on the forums so I didn't know where to put this but I'm playing a Commando and started the new 3.0 stuff and Elara Dorne is "unavailable" under my crew skill window. I did some Googling and found out it can be bugged after act 2 but I finished everything up to ACT 3. Now I did check on my Vanguard and she is there. The issue is with my Commando. Thanks!
  3. I love the new space missions and the new war zone. I did not spend 1 cartel coin on the new ship upgrades. I used credits and commendations to fund two characters. I don't understand how the argument can be made by saying this game has gone to pay2win. You don't have to buy the ship upgrades with cartel coins.
  4. I'm looking for people to run ops with and some ranked war zones. I have two level 50 tanks one is a Juggernaut and the other is a Vanguard. I work during the week so I would like to raid Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I due play everyday but I'm on the clock for 55 hours Monday through Friday. Those days I just bang out some dailies. Thanks in advance.
  5. From the point of view of an IT manager, I have to say that BW is absolutely going about this the correct way. It's a very wise and sound approach. I can only surmise that those calling for mass amounts of servers to be done in a day are just simply ignorant of the magnitued of difficulty involved here. If I told my staff they had to migrate 30 servers in a day, I'd be assassinated before lunch.


    This forum community is...wow. Words escape me. All of the tripe about BW setting expectations is astoundingly unrealistic. Seriously, BW is not responsible for my expectations. Why would anyone hand over all of that mental real estate to an outside entitty? I am responsible for my expectations. Every individual is responsible for their own expectations. When they don't match up to reality, you don't blame reality. You blame yourself. My expectations for this transfer are very much in line with the way it is going. BW is a company of game developers and designers. They're not your nanny.


    I needed to read that. I feel better now, thanks.

  6. Depends on the genre.


    For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

    For any sort of RPG, PvE.


    PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

    RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


    RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them


    Define real PvP, please.

  7. This game runs in 32 bit, as far as i know 32-bit processes can't make use of more than 2 gb at a time. I have 16 however, I think you might want to invest the extra money in a small solid state drive. this could increase the performance for sure.


    This is what I did.

  8. In regards to what I just read about the Public Test Realm getting 1.3 in the next few weeks, I feel it's going to be to late in regards that enough people will leave and we wont have a healthy player base. If 1.3 becomes available for testing in 3 weeks we should expect it to be tested and released within 6 weeks? I know I'm here to stay to the very end of life in this game but not everyone feels the same as I do. I hope I'm wrong or 1.3, when released, brings people back becuse I love this game and I want to see it prosper.
  9. I have 2 Legacy's on two different servers. I re-rolled from one to the other when the first one died. I played a Sith Jugg then moved on and made a Republic Vanguard.


    Now that both servers I play on are dead and my friends have moved on, I am re-rolling on The Fatman.


    The next game I buy will be an EA title called Madden, that's football, its a sport. Not Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2.

  10. So I found myself doing dailies for the first time EVER and making crazy amounts of cash to fund my Legacy's exploits. I've made so much money I have been equipping my companions with the starter pvp gear. I really do love this game, my SIth Jugg, and my 87 level valor. I'm just gonna hangout and wait for transfers. I am a patient man.
  11. Odd, I think SOMEbody might have noticed that they were directing people to the garbage "April 3rd maintenance = 1.2?" thread, and started pointing people here to this. . .


    Equally garbage thread.


    Look, I'm all about releasing things when they're done, but if you hyped something for a March release, at least SAY something about it when you decide it's not going to release in March! They blew a fairly large hype effort on this thing for three weeks and wasted every single minute they spent on it, because they won't even give us another FAKE release date like they did for March!



    Are they really so terrified of saying a single word about what's going on? Even a sticky that says: "Hey, folks, unexpected issues cropped up with [insert massive problem causing delay here] and we're working hard to get this thing ready! More info to come!"


    Instead, we get absolutely nothing. This fits well with their policy of closing the forums every time they do something that MIGHT be a little unpopular, and it speaks of a mindset that seems convinced that simply not talking about community frustrations is the best way to build a healthy MMO.


    This is . . . insane, and makes me wonder if perhaps this game is truly designed as a quick slash and burn to eat as much money as possible and die within the year. Hearing the devs talk about support for "years to come" always feel super awkward, because nothing about this game has longevity written on it. Completely ignoring any question you can't answer with a canned PR line only strengthens the impression that this game is a facade, a shell designed to entrap people with no concern for maintaining a customer base.


    Not addressing people's concerns doesn't make them forget their concerns, it makes them forget about trying to address them and move on to a different game.




    ..bump =)


    right on

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