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Posts posted by solidkjames

  1. Ok F2P is fine and I understand you want more people playing the game. But we SERIOUSLY need some new content in this game. The same 4 bosses for 5 straight months is beyond stupid. April 1.2 launched and it is now August. Nightmare mode should have been out months ago so please stop firing people and work on the game, you might be surprised that people would actually stay around if there is something to do.
  2. Actually, they have. Dunno what patches you've been watching. They have yet to introduce a new patch without immediate maintenance needs afterwards.


    That is every MMO that has ever existed. As long as the patches fix issues and make the game better I don't have a problem with them. Of course I don't live in a timezone that loses primetime play time but that is the price you pay when you play a game in another country. People that belly ache and moan about every downtime just need to realize it is part of the MMO genre and just get used to it or find a new type of game to play.

  3. The only thing free to play brings into a game is trolls, exploiters, and the absolute most worthless players you can find. I'm all about seeing what the large servers do for sub numbers for a while. If the game goes f2p I will be done with it, the game will become garbage and bring in the trash.
  4. Great news to have a team that can handle all of the trolling and negativity that is driving away anything constructive about these forums. Job number 1 for the community team is clean house and make the forums useful, I'm pretty sure that's why Stephen Reid never posted here. I want direct dev feedback and the only way we will ever get that is to literally perma ban people who are here to start troll fests.
  5. GW2 doesn't have forums...


    I wish Bioware would just shut these down or possibly perma ban the trolls from the game and forums. That way their lies of quitting could be upheld. Though it is only but a dream. The people actually contributing to the forums are so overrun with garbage that it is pointless for anyone to even use these forums for anything anymore other than to reaffirm how stupid human society has actually become. I WANTZ TO KNOES WHEN DEY MERGE DA SERVERS BC YOU HAS ONLY TOLD ME 20 TIMES.

  6. The key thing SWTOR needs to focus on is adding features and content. WoW has proven many things but the one thing it has proven time and time again is people will come back for new things. They always come back when the game doesn't suck and SWTOR doesn't suck it just needs time to develop. If they truly make server populations large enough to sustain LFG and add features that make playing together easier there is no doubt that this game will start to grow. The doom sayers will disagree and claim it's dead blah blah blah. But those say doom sayers have probably renewed their wow subs 10 times in the past 7 years. Just fix the glaring issues, keep new content coming and consolidate the playerbase. That alone will sustain this MMO for years to come.
  7. lol the more people that leave the worse, look at the servers already, they really can't afford losing people. LMAO


    Yet coming to the forums and acting like 3 year olds will fix the game how? If something is inherently missing from this game for people there is nothing going to fix it but time. Not crying, threatening to quit, murder or trolling. The simple fact is the game is still growing, features will be added, some will suck some will be great. Server transfers are coming to curb the "I'm playing alone people". Many people will return, then they wille expect new content. HOpefully Bioware can release a new raid and rated warzones before the summer. Then by the time MoP comes out you will have the choice of playing this game with 90% of all the things people are asking for or playing something else.


    In the meantime all of these, OMG the sky is falling, the game is failing, I told you so posts are just going to continue to no avail. It doesn't change the fact that MMO's need time to change and the sooner the idiots realize this, the sooner these forums will start getting visited by Bioware. I don't blame them one bit for not catering to trolls because when my kids show their *** I don't give them attention, I ignore them until they act right. The faster the forums clear of the kids the sooner the adults can get back to work on SWTOR. The sad part is we will probably have to lose most of these people crying but they will be back, they always come back.

  8. No P2P MMO worth playing until Titan comes out probably :(


    Though there is a vested interest in making Titan B2P and adding a cash shop. Yet since peope think it is an MMORPG there is no way for people to know that. Blizzard is looking hard at that structure for Titan as they are trying to cater to the casual facebook user and not the "mainstream" MMORPG veteran. Don't be surprised if the game is B2P with a cash shop targeting Zynga customers. Though in people's minds they are dreaming of this awesome follow up hit to WoW, it just isn't going to happen. If SWTOR fails then all you are going to have in the next 5 years is TES online or stick with WoW and it's child like gameplay.

  9. How do you know all this stuff about Titan? You working on the project or know someone personally who is?


    On the topic of this thread, I think some at Blizzard are laughing and shaking thier heads about now.


    The truth is out there if you look hard enough. Not to mention the senior level designer John Staats was "LAID OFF" by Blizzard at the end of the year for reasons not publicly stated other than he didn't like the direction the game was going, ie easy mode. Then factor in the comments made by Blizzard Execs at several occassions, it is a VERY casual MMO that will not compete with WoW at all. They look for both games to coexist. Not to mention there are sites out there that you have to be a member of that contain behind the scenes info. That is how I know the direction and what the game will be. Nothing like Swtor or WoW is the only thing guaranteed at this point.

  10. There is no such thing as a WoW killer, until Titan comes out


    MMORPG players will not be the target market for Titan and this has been stated by Blizzard 100 times. People still keep thinking it's going to be WoW 2.0 but what they don't realize is Blizzard is targeting facebook mom's across America. There is no segment of game that is currently targeting this market outside of Zynga games and considering Zynga made more money than WoW last year I would say it's a good market to go after. If you think WoW is easy mode wait til you see Titan. This game will be the last Triple AAA current gen MMO launched for quite some time so let's all hope Bioware can stick to the grind and get this game going. It needs content and reasons for people to log in. That is the main achilles heel right now.

  11. Ah someone thinking as I am but got their post in before I did... I think this is a logical answer but again it doesn't seem that clear in what was detailed....


    Yeah I was unsure myself but after reading the author's comments they went on to clarify that subject before the trolls invaded their article comments. So according to the author of the article, that is the explanation.

  12. There are plenty of servers with healthy populations beside the Fatman. Just because a server isn't full doesn't mean it isn't well populated. I'm on Shadow Hand and during prime time we always have close to 200 people on fleet. There are dozens more servers like this one regardless what all the doom and gloomers say. Not to mention the majority of people who were waiting on transfers will be back to transfer. Cancelling a sub doesn't mean they can't come back.


    I'm sure they will move the dead realms to servers like this, that already have healthy populations that will then drive those populatinos closer to heavy and full. It would be pointless to put people on low population servers if they are already there. Let's just wait til they make an announcement before people organize riots in Austin.

  13. No it means any gear crit crafted BEFORE 1.3 won't have to cater to the augment slot matching the item level of the gear. So if you currrently have lvl 15 gear with an augment slot, you won't have to do anything to it to add an endgame augment. All future lvl 15 gear that crits would have to have a lvl 49 augment slot put in it for you to be able to add a endgame augment.
  14. http://inquisitorsroadhouse.com/2012/05/16/patch-1-3-crew-skills-changes-qa-with-swtor-systems-designers-david-hunt-and-patrick-malott/


    Quick rundown of key items in article:


    It appears that with 1.3 there are some interesting changes coming that will make all orange crafted gear valuable, it can be RE'd to make augment kits. We will be able to add augment slots to any piece of gear by using credits and augment kits through the crafting stations in game. If a piece of gear is crit crafted it will have an augment slot that is relative to its level and therefore would have to have the highest level augment kit put onto it to make it able to accept endgame augments.


    It appears any gear crit crafted pre 1.3 is not affected by these changes of having an augment slot matching to it's item level, therefore requiring a lvl 49 augment kit to be able to put endgame augments in it.. I personally look forward to all these changes as my bank is slap full of gear waiting to be augmented and made viable. Something else to look forward to is they are lowering the cost of pulling mods as well. Read the article for a full indepth interview with the devs responsible for this new system. If it ends up working as said, I think the crafting world just got more interesting.

  15. There is no perfect MMO out there anymore for me. I like this game a lot and to be honest it has kept my interest longer than I intiially thought it would but that has a lot to do with the fact I made some really good friends playing this game after my long time MMO friends had kind of moved on from the genre. The big things I hope for in this game is continued content, polish and trying new things.


    All MMO's go through dead server periods between content pateches, it is important that Bioware keeps players interested in this content lulls. Bioware has opted to stay silent with the community during patches, and with all the trolls who can blame them, but I think they know very this game is at a make or break point and I'm sure they are doing their best to give everyone a game that is fun.

  16. What does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Rift barely has 25,000 active subs. And it is going strong. As long as I have 15 other people that want to raid on my server I can still play. This whole fascination with sub numbers is just stupid. Who cares how many people play a game, as long as it is able to stay in operation and you have a choice of what server to play on then shut up.


    People act like WoW has 10 million active subs but in reality the US and European servers are just as dead as the dead servers here. Counting subs that play 10 minutes in a month is deceitful to me but they do that b/c over half of those 10 million subs are pay by the hour. I just wish the devs would ban the people who come on here claiming they quit and trash the game. They offer nothing to the community and quite frankly half of them are lying just trying to troll the people who are here for info and to offer suggestions. The one thing MMO's have proven time and time again is the world is full of people who need serious mental help.

  17. The free 30 days were only applied after the quarterly report was prepared. This has been discussed very extensively, and is nothing new. Additionally, even if it had been applied before the numbers were taken it would not have mattered. Your account would have been active, but having cancelled your account you would not qualify as a current subscriber.


    Even though this has been reported 1,000 times the trolls and the people who have no life still try to say otherwise. It's like they can't sleep at night knowing people actually enjoy a game that for whatever reason they loathe. I'm to the point where as long as a game has one server up and a decent amount of people on it I would be happy to play that game.

  18. And meanwhile, WoW have 10.2 millions


    Remember guys ? The game you mocked ? The game that you called ''for panda lovers and little kids'' ? 10.2 million.


    The game that can literally create as many accounts as they want if one kid in China logs on for 10 mins and pays .35 cents then he is considered a sub? I don't care if 233242343 million people play that game it still sucks since they made it so easy.

  19. You do realize we never see Darth Malgus actually die? Did you ever think that the reason we have to knock him off is so we don't actually kill him? Same goes for Revan in the Foundry, he doesn't die onscreen either in the traditional sense. Both of these characters are too well entrenched in SWTOR lore to die at the hands for 4 people in a heroic instance. They met their demise in a way that could allow them to be brought back at a later date and for that Bioware actually handled the situations right.
  20. The problem with Star Wars: The Old Republic is that there are too few Skywalkers and too many walkers.


    Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: EA ) is getting crushed today after reporting last night there were just 1.3 million active players by the end of March.


    "Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing," CEO John Riccitiello said back in February.


    EA has poured a lot of money into that game. When you lose 400,000 players -- and all of your momentum -- in two months, you don't get that back.


    Tell that to Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI ) . The world's largest video game company saw its World of Warcraft gamers peak at 12 million nearly two years ago. After relentless quarterly declines, the ranks of orcs, dwarves, and elves stand at 10.2 million by the end of December. We'll get a new tally when the company reports its quarterly results tomorrow.


    Optimists argue that the defections decelerated in Activision Blizzard's most recent quarter. Just 100,000 net gamers bolted during the holiday quarter. However, the trend is still pointing in the wrong direction.


    When EA raced to 1.7 million Star Wars fans during last year's debut of Star Wars: The Old Republic, many figured the players were coming at the expense of World of Warcraft. Now that EA's contender is slipping, could some of those 400,000 net defections be racing back to Activision Blizzard?


    Don't bet on it.


    There's a word to describe what's happening here -- and I'm about to coin it: Zynganization.


    Zynga (Nasdaq: ZNGA ) has taught gamers to be fickle. Just as FarmVille players swap their farmlands for urban living in CityVille, social games don't stay on top for too long. There may never be another seven-year run of greatness like World of Warcraft accomplished.


    Software developers don't see it that way. They still believe they can plug in expansion packs to keep a title going, but gamers are no longer as committed. Even Zynga found this out the hard way when Mafia Wars players didn't jump on Mafia Wars 2.


    So, yes, Zynganization.


    Keep that word in mind when Activision Blizzard reports further shrinkage tomorrow. Have the word handy when EA shakes its head three months from now, befuddled at how Legacy and Allies couldn't stop its dearth mauling.


    VERY solid insight into the gaming conundrum going on in the world. GW2 will be in the same boat. Millions will buy it and then quit. That is why Blizzard is going after the facebook gamer HARDCORE with their new MMO codenamed Titan. It will be a social game that targets the facebook gamer and not the current WoW/SWTOR gamer. Most of the people happy with modern MMO's will be put off by it but the facebook social crowd along with people looking for something different will find a home there. SWTOR is the last Triple AAA MMO of this type that we will see, so if it doesn't make you happy nothing is coming down the pipe that will.

  21. 24% was in one quarter WITH a free month added to keep subs "active". I for instance have cancelled but still have 101 days left. Hell, I might even give them a sub stat on their next quarterly report.


    Game is going down. Thank 1.2


    See it's this drivel that I'm referring to. The "free month" didn't even count in this as it was only for January til March. The free month didn't come until the end of April. And yeah you will give them a sub stat on their next report but honestly that doesn't matter. Good luck in whatever game you find that you are happy with but the game isn't going down for the vast majority of people. Just the people who are unhappy with the game in it's current state and want to cry hoping mommy will fix it.

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