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Posts posted by Banke

  1. juan time i saw dis marauder run supah fast and wuz liek REPOTRED


    den i saw a gurdien (i tink it was u ashly) n he jumpd from da pit all da way into de endzone with a frendly leep to noboddy!


    bungie better fix these hax it make me sad n will unscribesub


    so many hacks going on.... operative that can go in and out of stealth 4-5 times in a fight, Vanguard with singel shots unlimitet stuns are the worst, so many ppl have 3-4-5 stunns with out ant cooldowns

  2. Its easy to see if hack is going on,but not allwayse easy to se who hacks. An eksampel in huttball. After 12 minnuts of play there where no goals on either side. Suddenley the other side score 5 goals in 1 minnut an win the game. I dident see who hacked ore how but i am pretty shure there was foul play. If there where so good then would have scored all the time. Its a hack when you a attack a player and the still can run but you can only walk, because we cant run if attacked ore under attack, and i dont talk about speed buff just normal running.
  3. Classic example of the younger generation right there. I want what I want and I want it now and I want it to be perfect. These maintenances have been at ideal times, have rarely run over the expected time frame, and are to be expected to work the kinks out of such a large undertaking. Don't like it? Quit. You won't be missed.


    Hmm 8 houers yesterday now 8 houers down time again to day....i would say its pretty much down time

  4. Lol...3.44pm on a Friday afternoon is prime time? Get a job, god damit.


    LOL it 17:00 but People from US dont now any thin about other contries i guess. ore do you work 13 houers i work from 6 morning to 3 afternoon so i have been home 2½ houers

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