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Posts posted by SkillZillah

  1. This weapon does not produce any sound while running around or idle. I can hear the weapon when swinging it at enemies and using abilities, and it sounds awesome. Also, once I leave combat, this weapon's blades do not re-ignite despite having the weapon unsheathed.


    Otherwise I enjoy the concept of the weapon, it looks great and when I'm using it, sounds unique.

  2. Force choke and force grip will still apply their effects regardless if a person is guarded/ has full resolve, your character should still go through the animations, and your CD should be blown but if its just resetting the GCD it might be a latency issue, I have this same problem when attempting to use certain abilities and, for instance, an ally has just pulled/pushed the enemy to another location. MY screen will show the enemy in the same location, but in actuality he's several meters away, try moving your camera. You may just not be facing the right direction.


    TL; DR most likely a latency issue. You aren't anywhere near the target.

  3. Doesn't it piss you guys off to know that somewhere in some database, on some hard drive, or on some server in some basement, is your character. Your time, your money, your memories incarnate. And whoever you blame, be it LA, or SOE or George Lucas himself, doesn't even care? :tran_grin:
  4. - Those that blow their stun breaker during a mezz are the ones complaining about getting "chain stunned" and dying from back to back "8-second stuns" (which is impossible).


    -Those that blow their stun breaker on the first stun that hits them are the ones complaining about watching their resolve bar dissipate as they wait at the "fun gate". L2patience and learn what the difference between a "stun" and a "mezz" looks like.


    -Those that haven't read the resolve guide are probably somewhere in between the two groups and should probably go do that right now.

  5. I agree, teams of operatives are ganging up on ppl making them unsub.


    We need to find a solution to the operative problem that is a serious plague in pvp. Think of those poor ppl that are being ganged by 4+ operatives.


    What in the hell are you talking about? He never mentioned operatives once.


    Good post by the way OP. I actually read the whole thing.

  6. I dont have either of the two classes you just mentioned, so i'm taking a shot in the dark here, but how many other stuns do those classes have? I know we have backhand, choke, push, intimidate, and disrupt...I'd be willing to bet this is a nerf to force charge....







    and FFS quit calling it force leap. ITS CHARGE! Ballerina's leap, warriors charge.

  7. LOL! i forget who has it, but someone has a quote from a Trooper that says "Nerf Grav Round?! What else could we possibly use!!??"


    That sums up OPs post so perfectly, because the guy that originally said that was joking, and here you are actually claiming that you're worthless without gravround! Classic!

  8. I disagree about the waste of a key binding, I use them all the time, the cool down on the kick is very low and it does over 1300 damage so IMHO its stupid NOT to use them. Why not just kick them immediately after you use Force Charge? they're already immobilized.
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