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Posts posted by zeshakha

  1. I got kicked out of a Hammer Station 55 once on my Mercenary, for taunting off the tank.


    Just read that and think about it for a minute.


    Always funny when this happens (not the kicked part, but the blame on taunting). Occasionally it is true, I've had shadow dps taunt off me because they thought they were helping.



    I've yet to be kicked from a group, but if I kick someone it tends to be for ignoring the group, refusing to change bad behavior they are called out on (ninja looting, purposely pulling mobs without reason), or an overall bad attitude. I've kicked both healers and tanks (I play a healer or a tank depending on who I'm on) and finished the run with a companion because they did something the group was not willing to tolerate.

  2. I'm sorry but you're SO wrong.

    All people have to do is daily quests.

    1 round of Ilum, Black Hole and Section X will net you a ton of credits, not to mention vendoring/GTN all the stuff that drops.

    People really need to stop crying about repairs when it's so easy to offset the cost.


    So all we have to do is spend 2 hours so we can get the money to help people we don't know through content because we feel like being nice?


    Sounds perfectly reasonable.. this is the reason my guild has stopped pugging pretty much everything now. No reason to waste our credits due to group finder or some guild that is struggling to clear content. Excellent way to improve community among the servers.

  3. When I've seen this before, it's usually because someone in your group opened the door and made it to the boss in a previous run, was unable to do it for whatever reason, and didn't reset their quest before joining a new group to do it with.


    If you don't complete the heroic, make sure to reset it before running with a new group. Otherwise only that person will be able to get the completion.

  4. Everything I've found says they are crafted which makes no sense if there are tokens for them. I've only done EC (Denova) once & don't remember what dropped at end boss


    Nightmare Toth and Zorn drop two random hazmat earpieces.

    Nightmare Firebrand and Stormcaller drop two Dreadguard bracers

    Nightmare Vorgath drops two Dreadguard belts

    Nightmare Kephess drops two Dreadguard helmets

  5. 1. You should have no problem in aug'd WH gear, it comes down to the mechanics and the skill of your group


    2. The operations are usually too difficult for the average PuG


    Just because the PvP crowd is so hostile towards PvEers doesn't mean the same of some of us :), I do both pretty hardcore as I enjoy getting the most bang for my buck by doing ALL the content


    Mostly this. However, be willing to listen to EVERYTHING the group that brings you along with them tells you to do. While there are those of us willing to give fresh PvPers a chance at PvE, nothing is more irritating than being ignored when they're being carried for their first run (not trying to be mean here, but if you've never seen the fights before chances are you're going to be carried).


    Also, make sure you know your abilities. It doesn't inspire your group with confidence if a gunslinger doesn't know they have a droid CC or your cooldowns such as your group shield (may sound exaggerated, but I've seen it).

  6. So I just more or less link a item into the chat bar? Does this mean, that the ops leader, if he is linking a item in chat of his own that is unbound(That was in his inventory before the ops), could accidentally let someone else take his item?


    To be more specific, when he said "link the item in chat" all it does is make it so everyone sees what it is. You then have them do /roll (each player that wants it has to type it out), and you right click on the item in the loot window and hand it out to whoever you want (the player that wins the roll if you want to do it right).


    Master loot is an option if you right click your character portrait (being the group leader), and it makes it so that when you right click on a dropped item a list of classes show up and allow you to give it to someone under that list (so you'll see Shadow mouse over it and see all the shadows in the group).

  7. Yes, I think standing with the melee might be the way to go here if we can't get better positioning. That way I can benefit from the rev I drop on the melee group. Do you find that you have to use whatever the equivalent of consumption is as a sage much during this fight? I find myself running very low on force when we get to about the 30% mark in the fight.


    I use noble sacrifice constantly and it really isn't an issue if you know when the damage is going to come. Throw bubbles up on the melee when he's about to go berserk, run away from the melee when the red circle phase happens so that you rarely get circles and can heal most of that time, and most importantly make sure your other healer (and you if it gets on your side) cleanses the mental anguish from Zorn. That will save a lot of healing if it isn't already being done.

  8. I heal Toth and Zorn (HM) by standing with the melee. The only time you really need to worry about getting away is during the berserk jump, other than that it isn't that difficult to heal. You avoid the first jump by not running in until after he has done it, and then you get hurt by every one after that.


    I've healed it on both my sage and scoundrel, and someone above said they did it on a commando (merc) so it isn't class specific.


    No idea how to help you on the circles.

  9. I've just quit using the group finder unless I already have part of the team made beforehand. Tired of putting up with tanks or dps not knowing their roles (and my friends are tired of the bad healers).


    Note: I'm not referring to a lack of experience. I mean BAD players. "Why didn't you keep me alive?" Why were you standing in the fire when we warned you mutliple times before the fight?


    I've had.. two good pug experiences since 1.3 came out. Everyone was geared, they communicated, and things went the way they were supposed to. Every other run there was at LEAST one person not pulling their weight. The only exception I have is for those players willing to listen to advice and pay attention to what is happening in the fights, which seems to be very few of the pugs I've run into.

  10. Really depends on the person behind the class. We use both a vanguard and shadow tank, and they both do just fine in HM Denova.


    The only fight where tank preference for me comes into play would be nightmare Foreman Crusher that just DESTROYS shadow tanks. Then I like a guardian or vanguard tank because, as they put it, "he tickles".

  11. Looks good for the most part. You messed up the last taunt which is why Heizenberg was killed (taunted after he put touch on the tank, but before he cast breath so Kephess turned around and one hit him) but at that point he was already dead so it worked out.


    As to your healer dieing near the start.. only thing I can say there is to throw a bubble on anyone not at full health when the bombadier is about to come out. They have a tendency to hurt.


    Looked pretty good to me.

  12. Hi everyone,


    1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?



    Gunnery spec commando, PvE experience.


    1) Ranged dps so that cancels out some of the lower dps pulled by the majority of commando dps players. Brings a little utility, but nothing that other classes don't. No interrupt, so don't rely on them to do anything but dps.


    2) Ammo management is.. interesting to say the least. Can get a little burst dps, but sustained is quite a bit less than other classes. The offhealing can be ok, but only if you don't plan to dps when you're healing or you will be out of ammo and doing nothing.

  13. Hi everyone,


    1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?



    I play telekinetic occasionally, but I am mostly seer. I'll keep my comments to my main spec.


    1) Best AoE heal in the game, the super healer, bring two of these and nothing can go wrong. Bubble, Salvation, and rescue makes them an absolute must.


    2) Agree with the AoE heal being better than the other two (when you don't have to move), but there is a lack of burst healing (compared to the other two classes). Resource management CAN be easier, but it can also be a pain if you get unlucky and are hit right as you use Noble Sacrifice. As with all three healers, need to bring one of the other classes to balance our your weaknesses (tired of seeing people claim everything is easier with two sage healers).

  14. F&S cannot get away WITHOUT tank swap


    Just want to point out that this is false. We do it every week without tank swapping (have our shadow dps taunt before incinerate is cast, and the tank taunts back after). Don't know of a way to do Toth and Zorn without tank swapping though, so there are at least two bosses that require it.


    Other than that, i agree with his post. Don't go in there expecting to clear it the first night just because you can do storymode. Regardless of how good your gear is, there are quite a few mechanics that will WRECK you until you figure them out.

  15. Our shadow tank is doing just fine against Kephess (assuming he doesn't stand in the purple circles like last week...). When Kephess first comes down we heal our vanguard tank through the dot and kephess, and once the walker drops our tanks begin to switch after the dot.


    If you aren't getting one hit in the last 60%, it is a healing issue. Don't blame the healer when you go from 100% to dead. Do blame him if you're sitting at >70% and die.

  16. lol, nice.


    In Kaon Under Seige, you can right click the buff on your buff bar for the light. That makes it go away. Ask your group to do the same. In the Black Hole quest you are screwed.


    In my case, turning on Bloom fixed it but dropped my framerate significantly. However, when I turned Bloom back off, it was still fixed.


    You may need to delete the .ini file that has your graphics settings so it gets recreated. I think there is still a bug where graphics settings are not being represented correctly after a patch.


    This also worked for me. Turned on Bloom and turned it off and it works just fine now. It was annoying for a while though.

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