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Posts posted by Lockjaw

  1. Like I said at the beginning of this post, There are things to help with getting it to work right. Standing a million miles away from the boss isn't one of them. your screen shots show inconsistency yes but there are 2/3 of the people that are seeing the right thing. If you see you're the only on not in a group, you're latency is slowest and YOU need to move.


    Its bugged, broken, frustrating and dumb but it's clearable. We know the problems, we have a good idea of what causes it, so adjust and conquer.


    Interestingly enough, on the videos and screenshots, Oblivion and Xyzan were seeing the cross in the same place (and the same place as Hayward), so the assumption was that Lock's cross (my cross) was wrong, so I started ignoring the visual location of my cross, and just standing on Xyzan and Oblivion, and we were still failing.


    Overall it seemed to be extra bad this evening.


    I agree that it is passable (and we did pass it that night - mostly due to a heavy amount of healing), however at a certain point with a significant level of inconstancy, even properly "adjusting" results with a failed cross.


    The most humorous part to me is that people are assuming that latency is causing the crosses to be perceived in different spots. Our raid group plays on an EST server. People on the east coast (with lower latency) are consistently seeing the cross in the same place as those playing on the west coast (with relatively higher latency), and those with moderate to low latency are seeing the cross in the "wrong spot".


    So I'm not so sure that the hypothesis of latency is even the root of the issue.

  2. Lurker is getting very frustrating. We have a full list of items we are making sure not to do (or do) to prevent the bugs, but there is no way to prevent these graphical inconsistencies. Look at our two streams:


    Note the player marked with a star on both streams (me = Lock).


    Lock's stream: http://www.twitch.tv/plocks/c/5912121


    Hayward's stream: http://www.twitch.tv/torparse/c/5912099

  3. This thread again?


    Please note the first comment she made:


    Knights of Havoc, Working as Intended, or Res Nova. WAI being by far the largest but that comes with a pretty wide talent range.



    Otherwise transfer to the Harbinger.


    Well aligned with the fact that we know we have a pretty wide range of talent - no one in our guild thinks we are an "elite" group of PvPers.




    In the mean time (on a semi-related note), feel free to field a ranked team tonight. It sounds like a bunch of teams are going to try and queue up tonight. Including a WAI team of "faceless extras". :rak_03:

  4. Faction balance for regs is ok - it mostly comes down to who has the most pre-mades. Generally Imps rule during the day, and it slowly shifts to pubs into the evening (trends I've noticed, but potentially don't have merit).


    Overall, the reg community is good (some trash-talking on both sides, but generally mostly good sportsmanship). Pops all times of days and overall fairly balanced.


    Ranked has become purely by appointment only, except maybe the first week or two of any season (and generally that's also when you see the people that don't have PvP gear in queue) and the next week or two after rewards are announced. Solo ranked YOLO is generally easy to drum up by spamming both channel /impPvP or /pubPvP and could potentially pop if you encourage people enough around prime-time on any given day (except maybe Tuesdays because of guild conquest and the beginning of the raid week).


    Group ranked is a different story all together. Its hard to get going even by appointment - and getting more than 4 teams in queue is nearly impossible. Some guild(s) have even been known to win-trade their way to high rankings (so I've heard) because no other teams are in queue.

  5. This server requires times and dates that more than one or two teams can accommodate.


    I generally suggest Mondays - 9pm server time to 11pm server time.


    No guild conquest and generally not a raid night (unless some guilds clean up on Monday) (for those that do raid).


    Hell, I don't even know if this works for my team (I don't even know if I have an official team), but I bet it would work for a lot of folks.

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