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Posts posted by xxgradiusxx

  1. Without even a combat log, or any way to know you are improving, then this basically could be Angry Birds with a chat channel.


    Yes, people want features. Core mechanics (It isn't a Core Mechanic in THIS game to have a combat log.) that need to be there from the start and not tacked on as an afterthought (which, during design, if it wasnt intended will be poorly implemented or could cause OTHER issues).


    This game IS unique, which is why I do like it. But to be honest, it could be a single player game (and I would play it!). But right now I have no good way to communicate with my friends, no way to say I'm even decent at playing, and can blame everything on instant abilities not firing even though the animation is there.


    Thats not MMO material. That's single player console gaming.


    It's very simple to see if you're hitting harder or not, than before. You see those big numbers (hopefully they're big, lol) flying above the enemy when you hit them? If they are larger than they were before when you equipped a new piece of gear, you're doing something correctly! Plenty of us are doing just fine without the "features" that other MMOs have.

  2. What makes you think that this game needs those things? I've heard so many people complaining about how this game doesn't have X feature that Y game has and in the same post, ALSO complain about how this game is pretty much Y game, with lightsabers.



  3. I would like an official response on this issue as there is no search feature on the forums for me to use to look up other information on this.


    Why have ALL the gathering nodes in the outlaw's den been removed?


    Why have 2/3 of the Black Market vendors in the Outlaw's Den been removed?


    This zone's original function was to allow people who were willing to risk being involved in PVP combat, to win control over an area of the game rich with resources. A prize, if you will, for dominating the area. With the removal of gathering nodes, the area has no function and there is no incentive to go there at all.


    Furthermore, with the grossly huge issue of having gathering nodes removed from places like Ilum and Correlia, people who like to farm mats for their gathering professions/alts are now finding it EXTREMELY difficult to find materials in anywhere near the same abundance as how the zones were previously setup.


    IF this was meant to fix the economy, it was a mistake. This will drive supply down and demand up, causing prices to rise and those who already find it hard to purchase mats ( yes, there are plenty of people who just buy them rather than farm them ) will be unable to purchase what they need.


    I would just like an explanation that isn't nearly as vague as the ones that we've been getting.

  4. I know that the patch notes said that *some* high level gathering nodes from Tattooine, but all of the nodes in the outlaw's den are gone. They do not respawn and some of the vendors there are missing?


    What gives?

  5. I never said it was broken. I said it was a bad design. I'm advocating they change this.


    If you are advocating change, what changes are you wanting? Other than completely opting out of the use of the system and stating that you feel it was poorly designed, you, yourself, have not offered any suggestions.


    I'm curious now.

  6. A 2008 join date and you still don't know when you're trolling.


    The OP is right -- the system is totally ***-backwards, and completely indefensible. In fact, he's asked you to justify its current implementation multiple times, and you've clearly displayed that you cannot field as simplistic an argument as that.


    No one but Bioware *could* make a defensible arguement. The system is in place and I would argue that more people actually enjoy it than not. What does this mean? It will likely stay in place the way it is or with very minor adjustments. No one here *needs* to justify anything.

  7. The purpose of threads like this is to provide feedback to the devs. People advocting for the system need to provide a WHY. They have no argument other than "It's the design". I've already stated why I belive it's bad design and that other games don't need a link. They seme to rely on "the programmers wrote it." That doesn't make it a good system.


    Sure, feedback to the devs is fine. But you are incorrect in saying that "People advocating for the system need to provide a WHY."


    The correct statement would be, "People who do not like the system need to provide a WHY and a suggestion for a change." I use the word "change" there because "fix" would not be appropriate. Nothing is broken.

  8. WHY? Why should i pick one that I have to hide. WHy should there be effort made to NOT use a item. It's just bad game design


    I don't think the legacy system is poorly designed, I think that perhaps you aren't creative enough to use it the way it is intended. There are several options for you to choose.


    1) Pick a last name for your character.


    2) Pick a legacy name I.E. "The Legacysystemrox Legacy"


    3) Enter something unique in, hide it permanently and still reap the benefits of the system that will eventually provide cool bonuses to your characters.


    So what we have here are 3 options that allow you display the system or keep it private by hiding it. If you feel that you shouldn't have to choose a name, you're just being stubborn. It's very simple to just type something in and hide it if you don't like it or you aren't creative enough to think of something clever.


    To answer you question of "WHY?": Because that's the way the game is designed. If this is game-breaking for you and you either threaten to quit or unsub over something as trivial as choosing or hiding a legacy name, you are being irrational. Period.

  9. I think it's great. The questing system isn't designed for "completionists." (I.E. no "achievement" for completing every quest on a planet) They add so many different viable ways to level your character that focusing on just one method is, not necessarily discouraged, but it can be counter-productive. The game universe is actually very large and if you focus on just one aspect of it, the game can feel very linear.


    I think that if you play the game in such a way that you are spreading your focus a bit more, the overall leveling experience is much better.

  10. There is no /roll feature in this game essentially making Master Looter... well, very odd. This is a staple for end-game ops groups and needs to be added. While we will be using external systems like ladders, etc., Master Looter for open groups is very difficult.


    Master Looter is a great way to eliminate loot ninjas, but without a way as simple as /roll for loot, distribution can be difficult. Considering there is no /roll atm, what is something that other groups are doing to circumvent this?

  11. While taking down the Grandfather World boss on Balmorra, we discovered a bug that wasn't fixed from beta. This bug can/will potentially cripple a raid leader's ability to play while doing world events, etc. This is currently untested by us in actual Operation instances.


    Bug: While in the open world, the Ops leader is spammed with "Your companion has been dismissed. Party Size limit reached." Whether you have your companion out or not.


    The Ops leader is spammed with this message if and when an ops member moves in or out of a 30-40m range of the Leader. This is 100% repeatable outdoors.


    We have tried leaving group, making sure all companions are NOT on missions, and dismissed, reforming the grp and this had no effect.

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