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Posts posted by ReaperFox

  1. So basically the system is still overly complicated and slightly less dependent on RNG???


    Why not allow people to get specific gear from drops in OPS? Get Command Tokens from PVP and from the Command Crates that are legacy wide? The point of MMO games is to get all your players doing the content they want and a clear, easy way to get gear. No one wants to play for an hour with a 60% chance to get 2 drops from an 8 man raid. It makes no sense, do the devs play the game of real life? I'm only subbing still because I love SW and I am finishing up a couple class stories.

  2. I'm happy to hear this is finally being addressed. Galactic Command much like the legacy system is / was an excellent idea. However it seems like EA & other big companies are falling in love with RNG across most of their game platforms to keep people hooked instead of understanding that it creates burnout and disgust amongst the player base. It's frustrating to know that we spoke out against most of these changes before they were even made which proves to me that they only cared about hitting their deliverable that someone in planning put on a project that they had to push through the door.


    As of right now GC is an horrid grind and not even a fair or acceptable way to gear your toons. There should always be a clear way to get an item in a videogame when it comes to basic character outfitting. We aren't talking about secret powerful weapons but basic set bonuses and gear. I mean when 6.0 comes out will we have to grind another 300 levels on each character?


    As more well versed people have already said here are a just a few improvements that would make the game more enjoyable for all parties:

    Make GC Rank legacy wide, you shouldn't be punishing your players for wanting to play your game across several different characters. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially when the DvL event made some of us create new Alts or even made some of us return (me).


    Make it so you get a piece of gear or a crafting schematic for 230 gear with every crate (sometimes even both).


    The randomness should always between something useful I can share across my legacy or something special and useful. Orange shells are not something if it doesn't help me progress into harder content or complete my characters advanced class. Greens / Blue items that are no better than my current 208/216 gear are not something, in fact they are worthless. Reputation tokens are nice but not special enough for the grind.


    Happy to hear we can finally solve this problem and move forward!

  3. Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.




    • Yup, the drops will be random. The item type is determined by your Advanced Class and the item rating is determined by your Command Rank (higher rank = higher item rating). Keep in mind that you can always earn more Crates and that you can disintegrate any duplicate or unwanted items into CXP to get your next Crate faster.
    • Yes. All end-game gear (level 70+) can be earned by doing almost any activity. However, someone doing Nightmare (Master) level Operations, as an example, will get there substantially faster than someone doing easy/solo content.


    So it is possible that I can't do Nightmare mode because I am waiting on a piece of gear from a command box that I wont receive for months potentially.... not fair at all and just making dedicated players without much time waste even more time to play content they paid for.

  4. Couple questions:


    1. Will the gear we receive be transferable to other toons? So lets say we have a merc and a commando, can I share the gear between the 2 so I don't have to grind forever? As that is what I do now via legacy gear. If it is not transferable, will we be able to rip the mods out and put in legacy gear to accomplish the same?

    2. What is happening with augments? Are they going to continue being a thing?

    3. Any chance you'll make implants/earpieces/relics legacy bound as well? Would be nice not to have to get those for both sides as well...

    4. Gear saver: could you please make it so we can save gear setups (and for that matter, general ui setups?) Some of us respec a lot, and being able to press a button to respec/regear would be really really nice. Making PVE and PVP gear the same is a good first step, but we'll still need to have 2 sets of gears for our tank/dps and heal/dps classes.

    5. Any chance you'll move absorb/shield back to secondary stat, instead of defense being everywhere? Pretty sure that all the shadow/vanguard tanks out there will appreciate it...


    ^^THIS^^ - seriously on the surface it looks good, but what about augments? I also dont like having to possibly wait 50 levels to "hopefully" get a good piece of head armor. Totally horrible system, especially since it wont be linked with other characters on your legacy...


    How long will it take to get to max level? Why put in RNG based roadblocks? It isn't going to make people play this game longer, it just artificially puts in buffers and adds frustration.

  5. I actually like most of the changes. However as someone who enjoys raiding and clearing certain bosses for specific gear this command crate system gives you no guarantee that you will get the gear you need to complete your set bonus or desired setup. This is horrible design and a step backwards. As someone who just resubbed to the game this is not something that is a good idea, you are going to alienate subscribers and people who do not have a lot of time to play.


    If there was a way for you to specify for your subclass what type of crate you could receive as a rewards "Weapons, Ears, Artifacts, Armor" etc or it would give you items that you hadn't received previously or something it would make more sense, but getting no guaranteed drops is ridiculous.

  6. I dont think Revan would have made a mistake with who he fought. I think the fight with Revan is also explained in the book that they delayed the Emperor's plans. Who knows, I do think that the Emperor can be killed, but it could be similar to Sidious who was able to transfer his life presence and abilities to other people or clones.
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