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Posts posted by RMA-WEB

  1. Gotta say Im not thrilled by this announcement. I think F2P will kill SWTOR in multiple ways, including pissing off the subscribers by now allowing the pain in the asses of the world hop on the game, screw with everyone, then leave.


    Also, what exactly am I paying for? I've been a constant sub since launch, I want to know what exactly is in it for subs, not a vague

    Second, you have the option to play free to Level 50, with game play restrictions that limit game options and access to certain game content.


    I want to know that flashpoints, operations, warzones, and GTN are subs only. They should not be left open to the public.

  2. I wonder how they plan to ever have "super servers" if an enclosed instance like the fleet is causing massive performance problems when 300+ are on.


    I don't believe this is a performance issue on the server end. I think the performance problems are from the client's processor and graphics card having to keep track of and render 300+ people in an instance. The servers could probably handle more than 300 people in the fleet, but the computers are the limiting factor here.

  3. The problem you encounter when you do that is that you increase the imbalance. If everybody starts playing imps because there are not a lot of republics on their server, pretty soon there will be NO republics on the servers.
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