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Posts posted by Torvik

  1. Simply put, I love crafting. Always have always will.


    But now I've noticed sooooo many Cartel Market items hitting the market, I'm starting to wonder if Bioware should just do away with it all together. It's almost pointless now. You can buy better crystals, better looking weapons , armor and mounts from the Cartel or Cartel-via-GTN.


    I still craft lots of stuff daily but it doesn't really mean as much since I can better looking stuff that I can craft. Mods, barrels, and hilts are about all I can craft of any use, and I'm sure Bioware is working on a way for us to spend cash to get better stuff there too.



    I would like to appeal to Bioware to make some of upcoming new items on the Cartel Market be schematics. Maybe single use or limited use. It would be nice to give the crafting professions a purpose again.


    The way things are going, I don't see much of a future for crafters in this game.


    Any thoughts?

  2. I have to admit I am getting really sick of relisting my items all the time. It seems like thats all I do. I craft a lot so I am always making new stuff. I sell a lot and list a lot. A maximum of two days is just too short if you want to play the game too.


    I would love to be able to list items for a week or so. Maybe a future unlock could be one additional day on the GTN up to a max of a week?


    Any thoughts?

  3. While I was buzzing around between Anchorhead and another camp via speeder transport, I was wondering if it was really necessary to do this. Why not just make it instant travel from the the droids. Then you wouldn't need to render all the terrain in between. So here is my what if idea for tonight...


    1. Make all travel between camps instant. You would still need to talk to the droid, but you don't need to travel through all the landscape. Maybe this could be a toggled option for those who enjoy the ride over and over again. I'm no computer expert, but wouldn't it streamline things a bit? Plus if you are on the ground you don't need to see everyone buzzing by you, which requires some computer processing too I would think.


    Any thoughts?

  4. Well if we are a insignifacant minority who have game play issues and Bioware is going to do absolutely nothing about it, then I wish they would just man up and say it.


    Why not just say "...to all of you that have posted about daily crashes to desktop since 1.4, we don't know how to fix it and won't be pursuing it any farther." "For all those who can't load the latest patch. Too bad" "Same for you guys with lag issues"


    At least we would know something rather than giving them over 600 player replies (on the 1.4 crashes) and counting with little or no response other than "we know about it".


    I don't have any issue with cartel market additions, it just seems to me to be a little bit disproportional to the number of bug fixes they are addressing.


    Apparently I'm alone in this opinion so I will let it be.

  5. They're money whoring, like a said. Even if a Bioware "customer service rep" replied (which they DEFINITELY wouldn't) they'd just say "We are aware of your issues, but unfortunately, we are unable to give you an exact time they will be addressed."


    Wait they have a CS team?! :p


    I think they took themselves and all their new found wealth on that Cantina tour they are promoting in London and Paris. :rolleyes:

  6. I totally agree with you. I wish they would start adressing some of these game play issues.


    We may be in the minority with each of these issues individually, but just as in politics the when you put all the minorities that have game issues together, they become a very large group. Even though I am only having one issue at the moment since update 1.4 I feel strongly that these issues need to be resolved for the good of the game.


    I posted a thread about this today that I'm sure is lost in the abyss forever, but here is the link anyhow.


  7. I'll try my best to keep this a civil post, though my patience for EA/Bioware is running very very thin.


    I noticed another nice shiny patch/update today with all sorts of neat new Cartel items. Once again nothing addressing actual gameplay issues affecting the perfomance of the game.


    All the shiny new cartel items and new planets mean nothing to people who can't play the the basic game.


    I know for many the game plays great, but for hundreds of others it has issues that really need to be addressed. The customer service forum is flooded daily with game issues that seem to go unadressed by anyone at EA/Bioware.


    Here is a short list of ones I have read on a daily basis...


    1. Frequently crashing to desktop since update 1.4 (this is my only issue at this time). For some it has crashed frequently since beta.

    2. Launcher issues

    3. Patcher stalls and other issues

    4. Installer errors

    5. Massive lag in specific areas of the game.

    6. Game crashing during log in

    7. Harbinger Server issues

    8. etc. etc.


    Maybe it's just me, but I would think that issues affecting the fundementals of playing the game should be the highest priority. If you can't play the game who cares about all the rest of the stuff. It frustrates me to no end to see more players trying to fix these issues than actual EA/Bioware employees to whom we pay our hard earn money.


    This game has great potential and I really do want to make the most of my experience here. I genuinely hope this game flurishes in the future. It is increasingly difficult to justify playing a broken game.


    At this time I don't need the coolest looking gear from the Cartel Market. I would be more than happy to play with the ugliest armor and an awkward looking saber crystal if the game actually performed well.


    So that's my plea to EA/Bioware. No argry faces, or swearing. Though I have done so in many previous posts I will refrain here. Just a simple request below...


    Please please PLEASE start getting your priorties straight and fix the fundimental issues affect game play.

  8. Those boxes are worthless. People are better off letting the rich kids buy the boxes and just spending the in-game credits on the items once they hit the GTN. I'm not going to spend real money on a "chance" to get something cool. I would spend a little real money on some of the items if they were in the Cartel Market. I think Bioware has this all mixed up... Just my opinion though i guess.


    I agree too. No reason to spend real life money for those boxes at all.

  9. Always look on the bright side of life

    by Eric Idle

    From the film

    Monty Python’s Life of Brian



    (Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say...)


    Some things in life are bad,

    They can really make you mad.

    Other things just make you swear and curse.

    When you're chewing on life's gristle,

    Don't grumble, give a whistle.

    And this'll help things turn out for the best.



    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)

    Always look on the light side of life... (whistle)


    If life seems jolly rotten,

    There's something you've forgotten.

    And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,

    When you're feeling in the dumps,

    Don't be silly chumps,

    Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.



    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)


    (Come on!)


    Always look on the light side of life... (whistle)


    For life is quite absurd,

    And death's the final word.

    You must always face the curtain with a bow.

    Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin,

    Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.


    So always look on the bright side of death... (whistle)

    Just before you draw your terminal breath... (whistle)


    Life's a piece of ****,

    When you look at it.

    Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,

    You'll see it's all a show,

    Keep 'em laughing as you go.

    Just remember that the last laugh is on you.



    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)

    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)


    (Come on guys, cheer up!)


    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)

    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)


    (Worse things happen at sea, you know.)


    Always look on the bright side of life... (whistle)


    (I mean - what have you got to lose?)


    (You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.

    What have you lost? Nothing!)


    Always look on the bright side of life...

    Always look on the bright side of life...

    Always look on the bright side of life...

    Always look on the bright side of life...


    Remember it's just a game.


  10. I'm not sure what the deal is, but my FPS drops horibly on Taris and Quesh. It's pretty much unplayable. I've just struggled through my class quests and moved on leaving all the other content behind. That is a big dissapointment for me since I like to finish out all possible quests before moving on to another planet.


    I've lowered all my graphics settings down to the lowest availble and still nothing improves. I have no FPS troubles on any of the other planets on high res.


    Anyone else running into issues on Taris and/or Quesh?

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