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Posts posted by Denero

  1. When I click login after inputting I get the blue circle that just spins over and over. One time I got login servers unavailable message but usually it just spins. Re-installed the game and same issue. Whats going on?:mad::mad:
  2. Its not a bug. I saw it to on numerous times on Tomb server, mainly against the REB side. A guy called GINGER release a piece of software that does all kinds of hacks and has been bragging about it since. He was banned for 1 week and now is totally arrogant about the fact that he gets away with it.


    Kids like that are just talentless f&*ck's you cant get ahead in life without cheating. Bioware better wake up or it wont have many subs left as people are fed up of all the imbalance in pvp (guardians hitting full elite WH sniper in cover for 9k????), unsorted bugs from release and ****** hacks for cheaters.

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