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Posts posted by Sharinza

  1. Seriously - whinge more about pointless stuff? How about chat channels disappearing, despite having all the right boxes checked? How about the tooltips not updating properly on orange armour and weapons?


    Answers simple...if all your points above are annoying you - you don't have to play.


    I love you. SO very much. You are my Favorite MonCal Ever. I couldn't help rereading all of the responses with a snarky Yahtzee impression in my head when you mentioned you were from Australia. I agree that the game needs a bit of a better tutorial but the new player tips do describe pretty much everything you need to know. What isn't mentioned is lamentable but hopefully they'll rectify that.


    As to the rest of the gripes, did you even read your own typing, OP? One of those arguments made a little sense and even it is triflingly small. The rest were look like you got drunk and forgot the real issue.

  2. No, the launch and the game haven't failed, there's just a lot of people who couldn't see the difference between "you MAY get UP TO 5 days access" and "you WILL get 5 days of access."


    The launch is amazingly smooth, my server was experiencing some login queues but running quite well, and the launch feels like Rift's, which is to say it's a lot of fun. We'll see how they handle release day load, but so far everything is just fine.


    Maybe they'll toss in a wrench or three with the downtime and the server architecture will come crashing down. Then it WILL be a proper MMO launch. It's been far too smooth so far.

  3. Why are paying customers having to refresh their emails all day long in the vain hope they get an invite?




    Because the game releases on the 20th, not the 15th? And it's on schedule?


    Everyone is getting all bent out of shape over this early access thing. Play something else and check your mail occasionally. The game will still be here when you get done with beating people up in Arkham or playing CoD or Skyrim. Before I got in, I was playing Deus Ex and reading the X-wing series to pass the time.


    It's going live, which means no more character wipes for the betatest. There's no more rushing to see stuff. You can take it easy and enjoy yourself. The game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I preordered way before there was even a mention of early access and I wouldn't have minded if there wasn't any. The game is slated to release in 4 days, not yesterday. If you're really this obsessed, you're GOING to be disappointed, because you'll build it up to be something it's not.


    As far as the preorder access thing goes, they never made any sort of promise at all, offering UP TO 5 days of access. If you got it thinking you were going to get all 5 days guaranteed... well... Next time you'll read the misleading marketing information a little better, then, won't you? I'm not saying what they did was right, but this reaction from people who payed the money is pretty funny.


    But this is coming from someone who loves the game pretty much unconditionally and doesn't remember any hype that wasn't dead on. They delivered what they said they would. It looks to me like what the hype said it was going to be, and it's a blast to play.


    As far as the actual people who are ingame (On The Ebon Hawk) the opinion I've seen has been pretty much totally positive, because the game is fun, not broken, and interesting if not enthralling. There's been the occasional dunderhead convinced that the way the ability queue behaves is buggy (because they don't understand that the game counts the whole animation of a move as the attack, not just the shiny numbers), or not knowing how to do a certain action.


    All in all I'd rate this launch as something close to Rift's, and rift had a particularly good launch. Except for a disproportionate amount of users on the forums having absolute fits over not getting something they weren't told they would get. Underhanded marketing aside, you need to grow up.


    Also the crafting is the best thing.


    Ninja edit: And the next page is full of people debunking the hate. :D That made me happier! Thank you!

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