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Posts posted by ranlaen

  1. Its very ineffective to keep a player out there just in hope u harpoon someone really .

    If the vanguard/powertech happens to spawn and the carrier is there and his 1 min CD is up then thats just bad luck and part of game i suppose.

    But they need to fix it to grant a goal if it happens imho.

  2. well i did a WZ recently where 3 guys were running like headless chickens and doing rubbish dmg ,ofc we were losing.

    I decided to look at their gear and 2 of them wore 3-4 pieces of green armor.Seriously green ,you can buy level 50 blues for few k on market!

    I pointed it out to them and told them to do dailies or buy better gear on the market but their response was older 50s should support them and help them gear!

    Now come on they did not even make an effort to gear up at all ,so if BW feels they need to lower gear so we all wear rubbish you can count me out!

    Seriously BW whose fault is it that this people refuse to do simple dailies or spent a few k on market ?

    Reconsider any nerf and trust me in a few months when this same guys are decked in full champ/BM they will turn on you faster then a dog gone rabid!

  3. well i pointed this out before but could not be bothered to do as much research as you did.

    Its a known issue that sorc outdps sages and one of the problem is the animation lag since sorc shocks/lightening are instant but sorc have delays.


    Also my team now always attacks right turret first because it does indeed tick faster so we take it first and apart from breaking the rythmn f imps it actually scored us faster.

  4. You don't need battlemaster gear to win. The difference is very small.

    It doesn't really matter


    and what of folks like me who are rank 60+ but still have missing champ stuff talk less of BM because the random loot system seems never to reward me .

    And don't say i can use the champ commendation from bm bags since u only get 3 and can only get max 6 a day so just to buy a champion LS it will take me nearly 2 weeks.

  5. Problem is this imperial players know there is a faction imbalance but any talk of adding incentive to rep to make them more appealing they don't want to hear about it and neither does BW.


    Game is on a crash collision or already crashed tbh and between players selfishness and BW inability to change anything makes it that much dire.

  6. So with this recent nerf, now Operatives basically do burst damage equal to, or less, than other classes, only without the utility, the survivability or the sustained DPS. :rolleyes:


    My highest crit with my opener is now 3.7k on a much lesser gear player (with Relic and Expertise Buff)!! It has an average crit of 3.2k on decently geared players, with a normal damage of 1.2k lol


    We have almost no chance to kill any equal geared/skill player under any situation, unless the target is is a complete tool or was already tenderized by someone else and we open on them while they are at 30% HP.


    The ONLY way to do some decent burst (of around 4k ish with opener) is now is to drop your professions, take up Biochem and roll with full Biochem buffs (plus Relic/Expertise). And even then our burst will still be lower than some classes that use also such buffs lol.


    What a joke.

    the joke is most OP/scoundrel actually clapping due to the increased stun and having a field day only you are claiming otherwise .The joker is you sir thank you!

  7. let me list issues that make the pvp so bad


    1)WZ with uneven numbers.so common for me to enter and be 6 vs 8 then half way thru more enter after we too far gone.easy to fix for most mmo not for BW


    2)crappy lag in ilum .Well nothing to do thats what you get for buying a rubbish engine if its not the engine then what is it BW?


    3)mirror classes that do different dmg so whats mirrored about that.easy fix if they bother to collect data and find out why its happening.


    4)non ranked WZ.Yes at least you can say oh no more bolster system so all together but we have to put up with 5 players today wearing half greens not blues greens and they tried to openly dodge fighting too .


    5)nerfs that actually buff classes.OP not doing as much dmg in opener but can stun way longer nowNever ever seen that happen in any mmo shows how inexperienced the team is.


    6)lack of ops for pvp.i cannot bring my ops into a WZ only a 4 man group that for whatever reason u must reform after WZ.how hard is it to make it possible to reform after a match without having to do it manually.


    7)population imbalance.we struggle to get 20 at best for ilum pvp yet imps can lock out the instance with 80-90 meaning even if we got 1 more person we cannot bring them in.Also other games with such bad imbalance reward the smaller faction with incentive to encourage ppl to join yet BW does no such thing.


    List goes on and on .

    I seriously doubt the pvp team knows what they are doing at all and needs new blood for sure.

    Got 20 days or so left on my sub thats how long i am given BW to start fixing the game.

  8. tbh i think this might be my last month in SWTOR crappy random bags,terrible lag in ilum,poor population imbalance with no incentive to join rep ,mirror classes that actually aren't mirror in damage for whatever reason.

    The list goes on and on,the pvp is so badly done it can actually get voted for worst pvp in a mmorpg.

  9. No, person who says he has 650 expertise but clearly has zero idea about game mechanics and I'm guessing is a new 50 with perhaps one piece of BM gear.


    What he's saying is there are other stats, as well as spec choices, which can change the amount of damage that you do with abilities.


    Not only that, I imagine you're another of those people who thinks that every ability a sorc uses is force lightning- there are abilities that hit harder than force lightning that are used by sorcs.


    Since you haven't provided any actual evidence though, I'd sooner bet you got hit by a sniper's ambush saw a big number and lightning and assumed it was the sorc. How about showing something concrete before making such statements... oh wait, that would be foolish- why post concrete evidence on a pvp forum when most of the people here would believe class X can deal 20k damage across a WZ with a single attack... provided it isn't their own class.


    So ALL reps have specced wrong or have poorer spec choices then imp ?

    Fact that the most complained about class is the sorc despite its been claimed its mirrored(claimed by players never seen a dev say its a exact mirror) despite the game having more imps then rep says something.

    For every one i see complaining about sages i see 5 more complaining about sorc so clearly the rep are having a much harder time dealing with sorc then imps are having dealing with sages.

  10. In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


    Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


    Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?


    Got admit its funny as hell but sadly thats BW attitude towards loot but maybe this is how they pay their employees ?

  11. well i love to see even fights in ilum rep on my server are forced to stay in base and pull in the imps for turrets to kill.


    Why?because its same old picture every day 8 -12 rep vs 30+ imps no matter what.

    Makes the whole ilum thing pointless.


    I would have expected by now BW to implement like in planetside the side with less people in general gets a valor bonus because right now all i see is few rep and half of them complaining they are tired of been base camped then quit and some even rolling imp to make matters worse.


    I kind of feel bad for BW their pvp team seems to have messed it all up from the start and finding it very hard to repair.

  12. Ranlean, what you think doesnt matter. Can you show us legit data please - this part does matter. Otherwise this is just another troll thread whinning about how 'OP' Sith Sorcs are.


    Again i say its up to BW to sit down and do the stats on it and see for themselves not a paying customer.

  13. I hear expertise is not the only factor in computing damage


    So basically what are you saying.There must be a reason that TT does less dmg then lightening if they are mirriored.

    I think this mirror image is actually totally false.

    Or are you saying there something all imp players are doing right against all rep doing wrong thing ?

  14. Mirrored my foot lol.

    Now 650 exp rating i cannot pump same dmg with TT as lightening with ppl in 550 exp rating.

    I logged into imp to check the people reguularly hitting for higher then TT and they had 550 -600 rating.

    If they were mirrored i should easily do more with TT since i hit more with higher rating and take less dmg.


    Either the dmg reduction is bugged or they never mirrored.

  15. History of life if people can do something without consequences they will do it.

    If no one got arrested for theft then you have everyone mass looting.

    Same here they just do it because they are able to .

    First it was "companion can use" then it " i can remove the mods" etc.

    The looting option in this game are pretty much ancient and needs review.

    I expect by 2012 we have a loot option which was easy to tailor to the group need.

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