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Posts posted by Jasdemi

  1. Most level 50 Republic PvP Gear perhaps except Smuggler, Looks Terrible,


    PvE Gear, Consular Set Looks Terrible, but the Others Look Ok..


    the Worst I have seen is Jedi Knight PvP Gear, Thats just Awful Cosmetic. Thank god for Head Slot Hide Option




    lol @ grammar!

  2. LOL! Der wollte uns nur auf seine "coole" de.vu Seite locken, die mit Werbung vollgepackt ist.


    Kommt schon Leute, klickt doch mal drauf. Vielleicht bekommt der ja paar Cent dafür.

  3. Hello my fellow SWTOR nerds.


    I'm slowly running out of space on my quickbars, hotkey-wise.

    I usually bind the Caret(^) key to some skill, but if I bind this key to something, it still opens the customer support window.


    This key is right next to my "1" key, so perfect for quickly accessible skill.


    Is there a way to unbind this manually? In some .ini maybe?


    Really, who the **** at Bioware did this?!

  4. everyone is affected by server down time. Everyone. I'm in the us sitting here, hoping to get a couple of hours play in before i have to go and do that darn grown up stuff that get's in the way of what i'd rather be doing.


    Your self entitlement issues are laughable. One day a week the servers are down. Holy crap...you might actually have to do something else. Oh god no. You might have to talk with actual people or read a book or something other than sitting in front of your computer frothing at the mouth over something that is necessary for the game. Let's face it, it's better than everquest that could be down for days to weeks at a time because they didn't want to schedule down time.


    In short. Deal. Go knit a sweater, play a different game, or any one of a billion other things you could be doing rather than ranting at the people who put together a game that you obviously want to play.


    10am =/= 5pm

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