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Posts posted by Grovanor

  1. Or a certain Darth on a ship at the end of the stream...
    Again, did not miss Darth marr in that 4 second part either.


    Once again: just like Lana, we have seen him being in the expansion already. This is not new. Am I speaking Huttese here?


    Screw it, im out. Speak about the livestream if you like, or not, or whateever. Peace.

  2. I still don't get how this is hard to understand for anyone.


    Companions are considered non-canon when they, at this point in the overall story of KotFE, have not yet returned to your character in the story. That means:


    You can still use a non-canon companion like you did before. However, he will not be heavily involved in the story of KotFE until the point comes when he or she is actually needed for story purposes. See it kind of like this:


    You can keep your companion to run FP's, do dailies and all the stuff you are used to. Him or her running next to you, that's basically it. However, do not expect a non-canon companion to be heavily involved into your overall story in KotFE until the time comes. As long as they are labeled non-canon they are merely a gameplay asset, without any involvement in story whatsoever.


    Honestly, I agree with this guy. Pretty simple concept, hopefully we can move on.

  3. will there be any interaction between HK-51 and HK-55?


    Hk-51 barely speaks less than 10 lines as it is throughout the game man. He's just a skin they threw in there mostly. I doubt it. We will need to get our hands on HK-55 to get some of that good old HK-47 banter we desperately wanted.

  4. Eric said he knew there was alot more questions and would answer some more on the forums.


    Then why bother with a live stream. 8000 people just wasted an hour and twenty minutes of their lives, and learned information you can fit in bullet points. If you're going to share information then just post it on the front page of your product. This is insane.

  5. The technical issue was no problem, it happens. But, the only new thing i learned is that all companions can fulfill all 3 roles, and that they won't have items with stats to equip, just visual changes now.


    Besides that, in total, there was maybe 3-5 minutes of uninterrupted and continuous game-play shown (without pausing and talking about the choices, talking to chat, etc).


    We already knew Lana Beniko was going to be a companion. Oh and we saw T7 and Kira. That's it. That was the big first reveal.


    I am only disappointed because my love for this game is extremely big. But I have never in my entire life seen an up-coming content, dlc, or expansion lacking this much information to its customers. The expansion is releasing in less than a month, and if my friend asked me right now what it will be about, i could maybe talk to him for a minute or two.


    If you don't feel this way, I honestly envy you. This is not a good feeling. I don't want it. But all we are seeing is stuff like Zakuul Knight armor, Dropship, etc on the cartel market. People don't even know what a damn Zakuul knight is. We don't know anything.


    Help us Obi-Wan. You're our only hope.:rak_frown:

  6. We're not watching it for cartel coins, we're watching it for desperately needed information on the up-coming expansion. Stop being so thirsty. Everytime something happens mmo players are always asking for some sort of currency compensation. If you need cartel coins, feel free to buy them, earn them in game, or refer your friends.
  7. Hello, I have romance Elara Dorne. but when she brough marriage, i said i am not interested. She gave me about -600 affection but later on I maxed it again. In the final dialogue/mission, she asked me about kids and although I suspected something was off since i said no to the marriage and it looked like it was over. I told her i was not interested in kids twice, and she said, one day i will change my mind, and i will be a good father as i am a husband and commander.


    So yeah, there's that bug.


    I never submitted a bug report before, is there anything else you guys need?

  8. Sith-jugguernaut lose rage and the worst dps


    Recently I am finding that when I have "X" points of rage to use some skill and watch the rage bar, I see as the climb, I go down some, taking much more in order to use some skill .. .

    Esi is not a bug or some other kind that makes you some debuff but not too'm going to like that ...

    I also wanted to mention that now the class is jugguernaut more pathetic in terms of DPS, not damage, but so little to hold if you want to be dps. While other classes have jugguer escudito every minute every 3 minutes the unfortunate, while other classes have a CD of laughter jugguernaut skills the only thing you can do is go be dps estuneen him and killing him laugh at the in no time since has neither spring nor superescudo camouflage or as imperial agents forexample ... All you have is a kick with a 1 min CD only if you're tanking you can download.

    bioware, if you wanted to just outside tank, not to lack in being able to put you molestaseis Since DPS is for the only thing that could potentially serve as of today and not too well because hardly any agro and paste as strong as a girl ...

    Conclusion: Jugguernaut is a real **** in the vernacular for PVP and PVE


    Que :rak_02:

  9. Hey guys. I have a level 27 Twi'lek sentinel, and just made a Miraluka sentinel (level 12). Not sure which one to stick with. Granted most robes look like bathrobes on Twi'leks since they were designed to have the hood and thus missing appropriate shoulder paddings, I wear the Aspiring Knight's Chest item so this isn't really an issue. The lekku sometimes annoy me, but since I don't see many Twi'leks around, I'm not sure if i like him or not.


    Of course the Miraluka looks pretty good but at the same time generic.



    TL;DR Which race do you think looks the best with sentinels? Which one did you pick? How do you feel about it?

  10. Hello fellow swtorians, I have just concluded my sith warrior story yesterday night and I believe my darth is at level 48 right now, as I was getting closer to level 50 and unlocking the sith pureblood race, a question popped in my mind...


    I really like the class, therefore I was thinking about making a Jedi Guardian, but as my new unlocked Sith Pureblood race..


    Judging from the Jedi Knight story, will this be ridiculous? Even though I like the race, I don't want to break my immersion when i am playing my character. As you can guess, I'd be rp'ing him as a person who defected to the Republic, not because he loves the jedi and the republic but because he wants to stop the Emperor.




    Is a Sith Pureblood in the jedi knight story do-able?:hope_02:

  11. I play on Juung Ma so I can't speak for all the servers, but after playing all the toons to around level 30 (some higher), I finally tried a trooper and I have to say, I haven't seen camaraderie at this level with any other class.


    It certainly adds a unique touch to it.


    For the Republic! :cool:

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