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Posts posted by Shallis

  1. Just looking for a specifics here:


    What (if any) Legacy features will ONLY be available to newly-generated characters?


    I know there will be lots and lots of great wonderful awesome stuff, but I'm really not wanting to start a new character if it means missing out on some of the really fun stuff that has been hinted at with the legacy system.


    Example: I roll a new Human Smuggler... level to 28, new legacy features come out, and all of a sudden Nautolans are available, so I will be deleting this character to start over again.


    I'd love to start Alting it up, but every time I level, I feel like "Don't get too far, don't want to lose out if Legacy stuff gives you some really cool new options, this character could have been something else if you would have waited."


    Will stop being repetitive now. I am mostly happy otherwise!

  2. I am pleased with the fact 1.2 will be full of goodies. I had wished for more (don't we all?) but I am looking forward to the upcoming improvements.


    However I will continue to wait on rolling any alts, and will continue to avoid Ilum. I will probably continue War Zones, but only for *GASP* enjoyment, not for any expectation about loot or faction population balance.


    Thank you for the responses Bioware! Hope this is the start of something awesome.

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