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Posts posted by ThreeKingdoms

  1. Agree with the sentiment, but disagree on a couple points:


    1) Bioware needs to be more responsive to its community and actively discuss how it is addressing our most important concerns.


    2) While I am not level 50 yet, I can see why people gripe about end game content -- the leveling in the game is quite fast, and it does not take a massive time investment to hit max level. I have played, on average, 1-2 hours a day and I am well into my 30s.


    I do agree that they handled the launch well and that the game has been playable and stable for most people.

  2. I press a key and the ability fires... if it has an animation such as the OPs tiny HOT heal you have to wait for them to pull out the device.. that is from a roleplay point of view.. this isn't a POS fast paced insta death PVP game like WoW was.. its a slower paced I can counter you if I'm a better player type of combat..


    Id much rather have the animations than the crapfest that is WoW or Rift insta death PVP.


    Good players in SWTOR still perform amazingly.. bads still perform bad.. but the difference is teenage reaction times are less necessary because of the animations and cooldowns..


    This is way off base. I press a key and nothing happens -- I am not watching my character animation, I am watching the animation of the GCD which should reflect when I am allowed to use my skills. And while you may not like the mechanics of competitive PVP, I guarantee when you say you'd "rather have the animations than the crapfest that is WoW or Rift insta death PVP," you are in the minority. Pacing of combat is one issue, having fluid gameplay is another.

  3. With as many assumptions as you've thrown around, assume it's getting fixed.


    There - now you can move on with your life and stop moderating this thread 24/7


    How about they just come out with a statement of intent, rather than having us "assume" things. We can assume anything -- and until Bioware makes a statement other than "we are aware of the issue, the end", I will assume nothing more.

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