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Posts posted by Magiko

  1. so i'm redoing agent storyline, and one of the things was i was going to romance Kaliyo instead of raina... but on the 3rd conversation.. she was supposed to ask when i was going to buy her a drink.. instead she talked about her life on rattaki.. and when i pressed flirt option.. she didnt like it.. is there anyway to still romance her

    Kaliyo is a chaotic person, thats why she does not like all flirt options. :p


    I recall that one moment u described and yes you still can romance her after even after she deliked that one flirt ;).

  2. 8 Times, same results:


    Exarch Boss fight stays on Invulnerab form and does not leave the room even when after destroy last gen.


    Finding that I clear all the adds , use the console , but he does not leave the room bcuz no more adds to drop the absorb item.


    Same thing for VOSS and TATOOINE SF Heroics

  3. Hey folks,


    Let’s talk a little bit about our squelch system that is in the game. This system was implemented quite some time ago as a method for players to not only avoid filling up their /ignore list, but to also help in getting a lot of those pesky Credit Sellers out of chat. This has been very successful for us since its implementation as we have experienced a dramatic drop in this type of chat spam. Please continue to report Credit Sellers and any other spammers you encounter as it is helping!


    Lately, we’ve been receiving reports of this system being abused by players. Typically, the squelch abuse is in the form of Guild members targeting individual players or anyone in a rival Guild and deliberately impacting their game play. We take these type of abuses very seriously and as with any exploit, we will be taking appropriate action against anyone who participates. Depending on the severity of the abuse, action includes everything from warnings and suspension time to account closure. Please note, if this action is taken by a Guild, we will be particularly tough on Guild Masters and Guild Officers who coordinate, participate, or simply do not stop their Guild members from abusing the squelch system.


    If you have been on the receiving end, what you must not do is retaliate! If you do, you have added yourself to the list of participants and you are putting your account at risk. If someone, or a group of users, has used squelch in an abusive way against you please file a detailed report with Customer Support. They will investigate and take the necessary action(s).


    With all of this in mind, we are constantly looking at ways to improve this functionality. In the meantime, please use it wisely against spammers and advertisers/credit sellers, but please don’t ruin the game play of legitimate players.




    Be in mind what they often do is to create a new email/F2P-account with the solo purpuse to abuse the system.


    Ideia: I belive that to use a custom filter text file where we can type and share lines with things like:









    To make the game autofilter/ban any chat with lines like:



    w w w DOT c r e d i t s e l l e r dot com


    W W-W+C´°R~E¬D*I^T<S¹²E¹²L¹²³L,E.....R.C°O°°M


    And with an "append and share" option so the more players create lines with info to share the faster we can filter/ban all those spammers ;)


    BTW a custom filter like that also could be used for in-game emails :p:D

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