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Posts posted by Oshimo

  1. #1 Dwindling player population, prevents us from building guilds to accomplish the things only teams can accomplish in a game architecture built almost entirely on the need for MULTIPLE players.


    #2 Free to play is too restrictive to address the most critical of needs for a multiplayer game - namely building guilds and groups that can do multiplayer content. Free to play players cannot help guilds build Operations teams to take down the toughest content in the game. Biowware really needs to figure out a better way to separate the free to play from the paying subscribers than restrict or limit access to mutiplayer content - free to play needs to save our guilds, not further harm them.


    #3 World PVP is non-existent. It was held in such high regard in the early phases and beta discussions ... Ilum was killed in 1 patch and never resurrected in another form. There are no publicly revealed plans to resolve this most critical of all issues.


    #4 The game is linear and highly restrictive. There is ONE SINGLE path to level your character via questing, these planets in this order, doing these exact quests over and over. The last 10 MMOs provided some variety, so what the heck happened? You can't explore 90% of the landscape, deviate a few feet off the beaten path and you hit a glass wall, or exhaustion zone, some amount of this is to be expected, but this game takes it to an extreme.


    #5 no epic quests, no all encompassing epic adventures that take weeks or months to accomplish.


    #6 bugs, there are so many many bugs, bad show stopper, crash to desktop, locked on the loading screen, unable to advance the quest, or extremely costly bugs.


    Also side note, your spell checker in the forums doesn't even contain a single variant on the term multiplayer (multi-player) there's irony in here somewhere I can feel it, but really?

  2. I'm so frustrated with this canned response. I got the same bs from a cs rep. I called them out on it. All of my guild mates got the title except me. I disarmed 2 bombs, still no title, healers and dps and the other tank who was in the tower got it.


    Also shadow tanks can't do the tower, it's a known bug because our self healing from dps'ing draws aggro from all the turrets and we get destroyed.


    Again EC needs bug fix help big time. When will they give this the attention it deserves.

  3. Hi everyone,

    1. How do you think your Mercenary spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Thank you!



    1. Tracer Missile spammer. Has no defenses. Can't kite you.

    2. Broken. When you lookup how to play merc, the ONLY spec offered is heals. Both of the other trees are no where to be found, because they are broken and useless.

  4. Hi everyone,

    1. How do you think your Sorcerer spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Thank you!



    1. Overpowered unkillable unless you have 3+ interrupts with short cooldowns. Best Raid and all purpose healer.

    2. Limited force pool, once you are out very difficult to recover. Only ranged healer who must melee to recover force (the tap hp for force is nearly unusable). In contrast BH and Agents can maintain a nearly full bar and finish long fights at full.

  5. Hi everyone,

    1. How do you think your Shadow spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Thank you!



    1. It won't damage me, I can ignore it. In huttball it can't be brought down or slowed. If it has the ball and is healed it's going to score. Is OP in damage gear (not an intended design, most likely).

    2. Weak. 2nd class citizen in Ops, 3rd out of 3 choices for tanking. Utility only in PvP.

  6. Hi everyone,

    1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Thank you!


    Vangaurd Shield (Tank)

    1. Best most versatile tank in the game. Unique and ORIGINAL ranged/heavy MT design vs other MMOs, with all melee tanks. 'unkillable' hits 'too' hard for a tank.

    2. Unique class, special, well designed, highly versatile. Can tank anything, sturdy meat shield, decent mitigation. The only tank design in the game that can maintain aggro on 5 targets with no one in the group taking damage.

  7. Hi everyone,


    1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Thank you!



    1. Utility and distant last choice for Ops or Rated WZs, inferior PvE healer.

    2. If you can work all the stuns, bleeds, self heals, vanish, etc ... you can fight 1v1 and last a long time. It will take you a very long time to bring down a well geared player in PvP. No burst damage to speak of.

  8. I love how they close every thread attempting to get any real answers, and redirect it to this useless thread, by closing our threads, then they don't post a single response in this thread explaining why they are shutting down servers ON THE US HOLIDAY for 2 hours ... clearly they wish to declare their Independence from our subscription money.
  9. OMG i'm so happy with my new Warcraft cataclysm mouse ... couldn't wait to uninstall the NAGA and that stupid synapse software. This big manly mouse is heavy and every single button is a unique shape that you can feel under your fingertips and instantly recognize without looking. On the NAGA my thumb covered the entire field of buttons on and no amount of 'trainer stickers' could help me avoid mashing 5 buttons at one time especially when I tried the 'roll' technique they recommend - it's there cop out for a horrible design. I always got a random skill executing due to multiple mashes simultaneously. Naga 'may' work for 4 inch hands, But if you are a normal sized adult human being go with the steelseries it absolutely rocks.


    And a special thanks to the OP for the very easy to follow setup instructions ...works like a charm.

  10. There were rewards of a free month of service and a pet connected with leveling to 50 along with a letter saying thanks for sticking with us. But I agree with the rest of the sentiment OP, there is no doubt the vast majority of us have been playing a single player game not a multiplayer game for most if not all of 2 months now. That's $14.95 x 2, for not delivering on their promise of Massively Multiplayer (not just multiplayer). I am like many of us very frustrated with this. It is interesting you pointed out the little thing like getting buffed by another player so unusual after weeks of soloing and seeing no one that you are forced to stop and take note. We can look back and complain about all that SHOULD have happened. They should have offered transfers early, and not feared some reprisal from the larger MMO community that a game is in demise when it starts offering transfers. If I'm ever in charge of an MMO project the first feature at the top of the list will be server transfers paid or otherwise, it won't require a CSR at all it will be a built in architected from day 1 feature of the game ... go where in the heck you want to play and it will be a marketing bullet on the top of the feature list in trailers and on the home page FROM LAUNCH. We saw this diminishing pop issue 3 months ago ... and begged then for a solution ... seriously 3 months to add a transfer capability - to copy some records from a bunch of tables to a bunch of tables in another database ... this is how corporations run every day this is DB 101 transact SQL. I'm bitter. I looked forward to this game for 4 years ... was ready to leave any other hobby or leisure activity no matter what it was when the game finally launched ... and this is way too soon into the experience to be dealing with the sunset discussion ... this game should have coasted 6 months on Lucas IP alone ... it's a terrible state of affairs where we find ourselves ... those of us who really want this game to succeed, really terrible.
  11. Completely agree. I had so much faith that Bioware would turn things around, but this just shows they aren't even listening. How does a non-cross server group finder help you find a group on a server where no one is online?


    And to the "OH BUT TRANSFERS WILL FIX THAT" crowd, no, they will not. They will make it worse for anyone who isn't on one of the 5 or 6 servers that will become the "go to" servers for transfers. No one is their right mind is going to transfer to my server, but people are going to leave it.


    Bioware; You can fix every single problem in your game with two things; cross server group finders and cross server warzones. You're not giving me this to respect the community on my server? Well the 15 or so people who play on my server do not consider ourselves a community, and absolve you of that concern. You want to "respect" community? Make it so the communities stop dying.


    Omg I know right, i've probably spent the last 30 primetime nights staring at this list I've not seen it like this in months. They used code to misrepresent that list or it's video from the past.

  12. anything less than a queue time for logging in in order to seriously sustain long term play is short-sighted. They already said on the podcast last week that they've doubled the capacity of servers since launch. I'm thinking anything less than 10k per server is wasting our time. And in months we'll be back to the same issue. Also en lieu of allowing anyone to remain behind on a light population server transfers of 200 or fewer concurrent (both factions added together) is a mandatory transfer ... the in game 'form' right when you log on should indicate where your guild mates have gone, where the guild is reforming, and if your legacy is available. I mean this better not be anything less than a magic system given the wait we have endured at our own cost to fund their development while this MULTIPLAYER game has been unplayable.
  13. Yes, I know that. Do you think they added the LFG tool to TERA just for Americans? No, they didn't. They did it because the population of the game had risen to the point of actually making one as useful as possible. There simply was no reason to waste resources on it, when other things need it. The US is just lucky enough to benefit from a tool that was provided for an existing population.


    If TERA would have launched here first, guess what? It'd be WITHOUT an LFG tool!


    It will be interesting to see how many people rush to 50 then QQ that the tool isn't working, though. I'll even post the QQ here for you to see.




    What the...:confused: I never said it drives people off!!! I said it causes people who wait in it for hours for an endgame pop when there's no one else at 50! Would you please stop reading into my posts things I didn't say, please?


    This is my point: an LFG tool generally isn't needed for leveling because there's enough people during the launch rush to get a group quite easily. An LFG tool is primarily used for endgame hardmodes and raids, which takes a month or two (or more) for enough of the population to even be ready to PuG it. Then I mentioned that the QQ that happens when people sit in it where there is no one else at 50 is only bad publicity, anyway.


    Thus, it's usually pointless to waste resources on providing it when pre-launch devs typically work lots of overtime as it is.


    This is an example of the ignorance that abounds. You really have no idea the demographic, target audience, purpose, effect, or benefits of such a tool. It's one of the most brilliant innovations of 3rd generation MMOs for a dozen valid, PROVEN, and legitimate reasons. Had LFG been in place for a short list of great games they'd still be around. Better late than never BIOWARE.

  14. Uhm ... no?


    A timer = a timer = a timer. No predictions. No guesses. No algorithms. No math. Just a timer, kthxbai.

    Ok a digital timer requires SOME math ... but you hopefully now know what I mean.

  15. Our world is filled with real and terrible disasters. Unlike BP who couldn't plug a hole in the sand or ExxonMobil who couldn’t screen a drunk sea captain, or the most informed military in the world that failed to protect its own domestic interests in 2001, or all the countries who sat idly by while millions of humans were gassed to death nearly 70 years ago - YOU BioWare are in the leisure entertainment industry. You make software. You arrange and order a flexible set of 1s and 0s. In your world the Deepwater Horizon oil platform and Exxon Valdez can be CTRL + U. You could issue a /stuck command for the planes on that fateful September morning and saved 100,000 lives over the last 11 years. You could scramble the UNICODE message of Mein Kampf with a bit shift operator or /revive all those men women and children. You have the power.


    In the virtual world you create for us, we escape the real life problems that have no quick fix. There is literally nothing you cannot create, remove, or change in your galaxy far away. Millions clung to a childhood fantasy sufficient enough to carry us through another delay in release of SWTOR and we were convinced to spend 50-150 dollars each to fund your development project in receipt of a +4 endurance color crystal ... which in reality was a record of ASCII text in a not yet created database that we could neither hold nor see.


    Then a long, long time ago your community spoke clearly of the population troubles. We very publicly told you that you brought too many servers online too quickly and spread the population WAY too thin. You again told us to wait ... and wait ... and wait. Yet while we waited you had no trouble collecting our subscription dollars to have a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER experience, which I will add again we are paying for. You must surely understand that your architecture doesn’t permit the players to solo any of the ops, flashpoints, or Warzones. And since THAT IS the content, what do you expect us to play in exchange for our money? When I log in what are my options?


    It is within your power, finances, and talent to rush any manner of emergency solutions to this overwhelming problem, to work overtime, nights and weekends, to do anything necessary to save OUR galaxy and your multi-million dollar business. So type and test some code already and patch the servers. THEN go to work on a long term solution to create healthy populations. It is emergency crunch time in corporate America - there is no try ... there is only do. If you do not then that is why you fail.

  16. it's not like quests have only 1 reward. they give credits. they give experience, legacy experience. light and dark side points. companion affection. and so on.


    If you feel strongly about not showing the item reward then hide them. But reveal the rest of the "rewards" in the mission journal such as:


    2440 Credits

    5000 Experience

    1000 Legacy Experience

    200 potential light/dark points

    140 potential companion affection


    Also provide a 40/88 counter on quests on a planet ... so I have some clue how much progress I've made.

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