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Posts posted by Flinthoof

  1. Callsign: Bubbles

    Server: Red Eclipse (EU)


    When Galactic Starfighter came out, I was already highly anticipating it, but I wanted to give it a good go before I reserved judgement.


    I can say that ever since it came out, I haven't touched any of the other parts in the game. I find it that good and fun!


    In the past I played a lot of Tie fighter and X-wing (and followups). My favorite craft in those games was definately the A-wing. Fast, agile, manouverable and deadly when played right (or you died very fast if you didn't play it right). After looking at the pre-release posts on both the official website and dulfy from the beta, my eye immediately drew to the Flashfire. It looks just like an A-wing! Being still a bit aprehensive if Bioware would've been able to capture the fun I had with those old games, I started out in the Novadive and started to learn the game and controls. After about 3 games it all came back to me -> it flew almost exactly like those old games (yes i played them with a mouse back then). Slowly I started to contribute more and more to the team and often victories, racking up fleet req.


    Then the moment was there, I unlocked the Flashfire. Yay! Of course noticing the non-upgraded parts, I strove to still be able to perform well for the team and slowly but surely kitted out my ship.


    Fast forward to the present. I feel very comfortable flying the Flashfire, although I don't consider myself amongst the elite few of top aces.


    Now a few observations as a scout player:

    - you're flying a flymsy craft and die very fast under concentrated fire

    - Any ship that is flown better (or aimed better in regards to gunships) can take you down (Yes I particularry look at you Seruse, a very good Imperial Strike Fighter pilot on my server)

    - Any ship that you outfly can die to you

    - When defending or capping a node, don't chase after people that run off. Especially when you are solo or duo defending/capping. A chased off ship can either be taken care off by teammates or leaves room for you to go after someone else or cap.

    - Gunships are not overpowered. Yes they can oneshot me, slow me down, drain me, etc, but I can kill them just as well or at least chase them away

    - Strike Fighters in the hands of a skilled pilot can do some serious damage and kill me easilly, but they can also be killed under the right circumstances.


    Things I hope that are added to Galactic Starfighter in the future:

    - More ships

    - More gametypes

    - More maps

    - A key to quickly tab to enemies that are targeting me, not just lasering me.


    Here's a video I made of me flying today with some music. Hope you like it!

    (hd version)
  2. You guys seem to forget that a gunship (when specced and with right co-pilot) can one shot any scout from 15000 yards away. Note that i'm not complaining about that. That kind of firepower needs to come at a disadvantage imo.


    If you say: "but my gunship isn't specced like that", then please don't assume all flashfire's are specced into blaster overcharge. I'm not, as I'm specced into booster recharge to be able to get to endangered nodes faster.


    I just think in general that the better players who favor dogfighting favor the scout as that is THE dogfighter ingame atm. That's probably why you see them topping damage / kill / assists charts.

  3. Heya Charlotté,


    We (my callsign is Bubbles) may have flown together a couple of times and squashed some imps hehe.


    I'm in a guild called Anla'Shok and we often team up throughout the day (or play solo if we feel like it). We're a pretty social bunch and our main aim is to have fun. You can give me a whisper (Bubbles) and can see if there's someone to invite you.

  4. Ok, we've talked it over and we're considering creating a guild with the focus on Galactic Starfighter group play on the republic side. For those interested, please post in this this thread with your ingame names if possible.
  5. Me and several others just saw a Sith Sorceror on the Republic Fleet, killing guards. As you all know this shouldn't be possible and of course we reported him. Could be that it's a bug and he ended up on the wrong fleet after exiting a warzone or after teleporting to the fleet. It could also mean that he used a teleport hack or something similar.


    This was on Hydian Way (europe) btw.

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