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Posts posted by tolaez

  1. Please add a new section to the operations achievements simply for 'cleared in 6.0' achievements.


    This is something the raiding community will love. Most raiders are already making sure they've cleared everything in the current iteration of the game, it'd be great if we actually got cheevos that counted them for us.


    You could even add this in live for 5.0, even this late in the game plenty of raiders would eat this up I'm sure :)


    edit : they could even be zero point achievements really.

  2. My biggest concern is that this is done right the first time. No doubt this will be iterated upon as time goes to improve it but there's one thing I think absolutely needs to be well thought out for the initial implementation - no inventory space taken!


    Please we don't need actual items taking up space in our inventories for this. Please make a tab that we can access them all from or even just attach it to an already existing tab like our utilities screen. Absolute worst case make them items that are consumed so they can be eliminated from our inventories quickly and added to this tab.


    Or just make them function like actual abilities, accessed through our ability interface. Just swap them in and out there.

  3. My biggest concern is that this is done right the first time. No doubt this will be iterated upon as time goes to improve it but there's one thing I think absolutely needs to be well thought out for the initial implementation - no inventory space taken!


    Please we don't need actual items taking up space in our inventories for this. Please make a tab that we can access them all from or even just attach it to an already existing tab like our utilities screen. Absolute worst case make them items that are consumed so they can be eliminated from our inventories quickly.

  4. Hey Tux, that's actually how I took it and was poking fun at myself, too. I do plan to tell everyone about what we are planning, how we want to deliver updates, and also discuss our expansion plans for SWTOR. I'll post up some insight when I'm ready to start those discussions (but, it's definitely not for at least another month).




    E3 is coming. Great way to announce and get some publicity. You guys have any plans for E3 this year?

    (great time to manage expectations if not)

  5. Just get rid of the hook system altogether to be honest. We understand why it was implemented but really, no one wants it. Sure, there could be some silly stuff created as a result. And even some situations where game performance is negatively impacted. Despite these problems the benefits far outweigh the problems. Decorating will become a real feature of this game that will draw a lot of players in and some amazing stuff will result. It's time to get rid of the hook system.
  6. My feedback is this - two main things


    First - New augments again already? This is a little unexpected. Can we get some insight as to why we're getting these again so soon?


    Second and more importantly - This roadmap is just for the next couple months. It's so short I almost don't even really care. Two months will go by in a blink. Is this all the filler content before something more substantial comes?

  7. I've noticed the global characters count is bugged. It used to be max 380 characters allowed but it's not counting our characters correctly. I know someone that has around 150 characters but for them it says they're at over 400 global characters. This prevents them from creating another character even though they're not at the max for either server or global technically. I wonder how this impacts the ability to character transfer also.
  8. Noticed today there is apparently a bug with the amount of global characters people can have. It's showing as having way more characters than I actually do and I'm not the only one apparently. Some people are showing being well over the max allowed of 380 global which prevents them from creating new characters even if they only actually have say around 100 characters. This may also impact peoples ability to transfer characters.
  9. The whole 'GTN accidents' argument is frankly pretty weak. Nothing prevents that now aside from steps taken personally by every player. That will not change. I don't buy that. Taking out an optional toggle for people that want more convenient functionality because some people don't want it is completely illogical. Those people can simply decline to turn these toggles on.


    To reiterate my intent, since there's been no real argument that goes against it yet -


    Two optional toggles

    One toggle to auto deposit every looted credit directly to the legacy credit bank.

    Second toggle to auto withdraw from the legacy credit bank for every purchase.


    I don't care how it functions by default outside of these options personally. But this system will be useless and cumbersome without these options.

  10. I would like to request the ability to auto deposit every looted credit directly to my legacy credit bank. And also the ability to auto withdraw directly from the credits in my legacy bank as well once this feature comes out for repairs or any purchase. If I have to do this manually then this feature will be more of a chore than the great feature it could be. Please make sure this is at least an option if not the default :)
  11. You're actually reading way too much into that part of my post as we all agree with the sentiment everyone has communicated. Overall, we concur with the comments about CXP rates, incentives, and having areas of the game with high CXP values is very motivational. We also fully understand the positive impact it has had for everyone.


    We know if Daily Areas are the only place to get great CXP, then rest of the content in the game gets ignored and eventually everyone will burn out. Hence, we need to make sure you can benefit from all areas of the game. We're reviewing when we can get that effort done.




    Why not just use the existing system (the activity for the day that gives bonus cxp) and just make that say 4X or 8X? Easier to implement I'm sure. And it would buff all activities, indirectly.

  12. After nearly six years, the loop hole has finally been closed. <laugh>


    I'm sorry but this needs to be reverted. No one wants this. It's not worth the nickels and dimes you'll get for this change. This is the kind of annoyance that people quit over and it leaves a bad taste that doesn't get forgotten.




    Also - legacy weapons are not just used to transfer mods. Most of the people I play with use it so they can transfer entire sets back and forth to alts of the same class typically. So it's not as 'every so often' as you might think. More 'multiple times a day' actually.



  13. Also - I'd like to offer some important criticism. These adjustments are not being presented very well. We're not getting a real picture of the destination when you're only showing us a small piece of what's going on at a time.


    Often times players will be comparing a class that's getting nerfs to another class that may also have nerfs incoming too. On top of that there doesn't seem to be any mention of utilities. How can we really gauge how a discipline could fare after these changes without also knowing what's going on with the utilities? For example it seems to me that most people were expecting survivability nerfs to mercs/mandos through their utilities.


    So you guys expect feedback but really mostly what you're going to get is knee jerk reactions based on an incomplete picture.


    Maybe these changes should be released all at once on the forums and include the utilities? Then we might have a chance to see how things might stack up. I realize the intent of posting your outline for targets beforehand, but this just isn't working too well imo.

  14. I know it's semi-normal for there to be backlash whenever there's nerfs. But I mean come on.


    Can we be real for a second? Isn't 99% of this about pvp? That's where sorc/sage heals are generally perceived to be be a tad on the OP side right? Some might argue they over perform in PVE too, but the margin there is not in line with these nerfs by a long shot.


    So why don't we just reduce healing accross the board in PVP? Isn't there a debuff that reduces it in a warzone/arena? Just make these adjustments there! You could even tailer it per class for crying out loud. Wouldn't that be both more effective and also simpler?

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