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Posts posted by Piriste

  1. Yes, you are dead wrong if you think GW2 is only going to be PvP. Not going to go into it as this isn't the point of the thread but you should actually read up on it.


    Please point me to ANY raiding content for GW2. You can't go to details, because you dont have them.

  2. TERA/d3/gw2/secret worlds/etc certainly will make it worse, especially GW2 which had over 1 million applications for beta in 48 hours, which is unheard of.


    TERA = Korean grinder

    d3 = not really MMO

    gw2 = mostly just pvp

    secret worlds = oh god why?


    I've been moaning about SWTOR faults and errors since it was launched. But seriously, if you want both raid and pvp content SWTOR is the only game for you. The population is just going to rise when they make more content.


    (Atleast until EQNEXT, unless you rly want to play WoW)

  3. The overall population will still be there, not as much. The hardcore PvP population will probably be gone.


    Oh thank god. The self proclaimed "hardcore PvP"ers are welcome to leave

  4. What I don't understand is why people think they should be able to solo queue in a ranked TEAM GAME. Ranked warzones are not for your individual achievements or gearing, they are a fun way for a TEAM to finally queue with 8 people and use coordination and strategy to defeat the other team that are doing the same.


    It wouldnt change a thing to have 2 separate ranked queues.


    It's a whole different skill to work as a team with 8 people that don't know each other and only have a small window to organize vs. a premade of 8 people with their vent.

  5. How many think the game will live after it's release?


    Ehh.. Why would a release of another MMO kill off this one? Hello? Ultima Online, Nexon Darkages, Everquest. These are games from the 90s.


    And guess what!?


    They will still live after GW2 comes out.

  6. they are a bit uber in Huttball

    but seriously they are super squishy. I love it when one runs up and tries to go 1 vs 1 against my Commando. Me get all happy in pants.


    Sorcs are NOT squishy. The bubble gives them better mitigation than other classes, they have the best escape abilities. Saying Sorcs are squishy is just stupid / you've been playing against horrible sorcs that don't keep their bubble up.

  7. It's already working as intended. It's a mechanic in place to fix faction imbalance. You're playing an empire which is outnumbering the republic by 5:1 most likely. Reroll to republic and you'll get warzones evenly.
  8. Yep i agree, this is a huge step towards a better game.


    If you think back to december, they've already fixed most of the things i moaned about back then. The fixes are getting in pretty quickly. I hope they'll just continue improving the game at this pace.

  9. oh look im a noob i was useless to the team but i made the same valor as the ppl that carried me the whole game working there butts off.... fail 4 medals 500 valor per medal = complete joke. Makes me not want to be the hero every game now cuz im not gonna get rewarded for it


    The reward is actually winning the game.

  10. So all I want to say is that mac users don't deserve to be treated as computer dummies with weak little laptops. What we deserve is a Mac version of SWTOR :)


    - Even iMacs are considered weak laptops now (same hardware pretty much)

    - MacOs has a smaller barrier of entry but it's harder to master than windows. MacOs is a POSIX system and it's nowhere easy to use, sure.. it just "works" until it doesnt anymore.


    But yeah, i guess you'll get your swtor eventually.

  11. The reason is money.


    Porting the game costs money - the majority of the playerbase has windows. If the game becomes succesful they'll make a Mac port. At the moment their efforts are keeping the majority of their customers.


    Also, most people with macs are running windows on bootcamp. ( who are playing games )

  12. first bioware decides its a good idea to give away free champ gear to all the noobs. Now they decide with this new patch its a good idea to give them free BM gear. THX btw we get more medals then you cuz were better not cuz we farm now the noob that was useless to the team will get same valor as the pros... fail


    Yes you are TOTALLY RIGHT. the only way to become a PRO PVPer is to grind every night and day

  13. There's also other great threads proving that one wrong. I could go into detail but I sense it would be wasted on ignorant minds such as yours. You can spot a Sorc in denial huh? Too bad I play Sentinel :rolleyes:


    So you say.


    Also you asked for the facts, I provided them. Haven't seen a proper argument against them.


    The reason you wont go into detail, is that you don't really know anything about sorcs. You're just a troll.

  14. Provide some actual facts and not just your opinion. Your entire post is negated if I say Sorcs are not OP at all.


    Threads like this encourage people to play it. If enough bads cry nerf, it will start to spread and people will think that a balanced class is OP. In other words, the QQers are the reason we have so many Sorcs. Reap what you sow.


    It's also a much easier class to pick up than most except Merc


    Hurt much?

  15. Sorcs -ARE- overpowered. The feeling i have playing pvp with sorcs is equal to the feeling i had playing my scoundrel pre nerf.


    Sure, when the game started a significant portion chose sorcs cause they're the spell casting type and shoot lightning. But we're way past that. people rolling sorcs to pvp with.

  16. Looks like someone is in the Denial phase!


    Sure, call it what ever you want. I'm enjoying the game and waiting patiently for new content.


    Why i categorize threads like this whining: Because if you didn't care, you wouldn't come here and announce that you're quitting. Just close your game, log off the forums and go play something else.


    75-90% of the people posting a whine/rage quitpost on forums is going to resub at the end of the month. People actually quitting are not gonna post about it.

  17. yup. my point was that people are saying you shouldnt even lose to a 10. What was your point again?


    Just further emphasizing that gear matters alot on all levels.

  18. Level 10 in level 10 gear will hit a lot harder than a level 43 in 39 gear. Sometimes twice as hard


    yep. and a Level 43 in Level 43 gear will hit alot harder than a 10 in level 6 gear. Sometimes twice as hard.

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