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Posts posted by Scuzza

  1. I'll have to get some screenshots when I get home from work. I tried all 3 Marauder specs in 6 pieces of Rakata, 3 Columi and a Tionese MH :(


    Carnage: 5/31/5

    Test on Operation Dummy

    Time: 5 minutes

    DPS: 1250


    Annihilation: 31/3/7

    Dummy: Operation Test Dummy

    Time: 5 Minutes

    DPS: 1370


    Rage: 5/4/32

    Dummy: Operation Test Dummy

    Time: 5 minutes

    DPS: 1040


    I will probably have to try a different rotation on Rage, but it is definitely worst for PVE, but it does work well in PVP.

  2. Which one do people prefer in operations and why? I really like using Master Looter. It takes a bit longer, but you don't run into the issue of someone either running off to next boss and making people wait through the timer.


    It also lessens the chance of someone making a mistake, such as accidentally needed on both of those Rakata pieces because they are both for your class.


    Anyhow, I am interesting in what other people prefer in operations.

  3. Compared to what we came to expect from hm it is stupidly hard.


    That being said...its exactly what this game needs. We didn't get him down last night...i think closest was 33% but it was fun to not have instant sucess.


    I would have been very disapointed to have completed the instance with minor effort the first night.


    Ive missed figuring out a stratagy on the fly instead of reading it off some damn page.


    We need a better kite path, haha. I checked the Combat logs and I did like 150k of that damage, which is almost all of it. Tough being in there with someone with no columi!! :)


    Wait until you check out the new operation. 1 guild already cleared HM, but that is like the 1%.


    As for this boss, I love it. there is a ton of **** going on and you have to be on your toes. I love mechanics based fights. Now we have to figure out what we need to do to actually get past this!!


    Lastly, I am glad repair bills went down significantly!

  4. About the PVP XP stuff. You cannot be perma-49. Turning off XP only has an effect on XP from kills and not quests. You don't get XP from kills in PVP. After a while you will hit 50 regardless.


    At least that how it normally works.

  5. As a Marauder who has tried all three specs, they all work. Rage works really well when clearing trash on the way to a boss. It doesn't work as well as Carnage in boss fights, but the damage is definitely still there.


    I haven't tried Annihilation in a HM or OP since I hit 50, but I am willing to give it another go.


    Carnage is really ****** spec for boss fights. The damage is consistent and when you get Gore up and then use Force Scream, it hits pretty hard.


    All-in-all. As a marauder, I would feel comfortable in any spec in an operations group. You just have to be on your game when it comes to getting out from cleaves and AEs. Don't make it more difficult on the healer.


    Have you been able to do this in PVE too? Because I don't pvp at all.

    Mine never hits for more than 3k, and I'm full Columni with a couple of Rakata, using relics and adrenals.


    You are doing something wrong. I have 1 Rakata daily piece, and full Columi. I hit from 3.6-4.3k. Are you putting Force Crush or Force Choking the full 4 stacks of the buff before you use Smash? If not, that would explain the low amount of damage.

  6. I don't know why people have so much trouble with this boss. We did this the other night and cleared it on our first try.


    None of us even have any Tionese gear or anything. In fact the take and my self just have regular level 48-50 gear. The healer has some t1 PVP gear and other DPS has 5 or so pieces of t2 PVP gear.


    We hit the enrage timer on Jorland but we only had like 5% health left. None of us died.


    We didn't do the kiting method some people try, we just treated it like a tank and spank.. Burned down the healer, then the guy casting a shield on Jorland, then handled the boss. Was fairly easy.

  7. no, your posts are being read, they are merely incorrect. you dont have to be of that class to turn in the token, and he can equip the item to a companion without issue. perhaps he wanted the enhancement. honestly no matter the "reason" why, he is still just as entitled to it as you are. you both put forth the same amount of effort, and you both had the same chance on the roll.


    That is called Greed and not need. If you have a sniper companion, but have a sniper in the group and the boss drops a sniper rifle... then the sniper Needs that item. You companion is secondary.


    It is even MORE greed if you just plan selling it to a vendor. How do people not understand this concept?

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