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Posts posted by Johnnortiz

  1. The Thirteenth Order is still looking for players to join. We are currently running 4 man HM Flashpoints on Wed and Friday nights to gear folks up for future OPS.


    Healers, Tanks, and any other class styles are most welcome! Please message me if you are interested. Contact info can be found on the original post.

  2. "The Thirteenth Order", is a returning small casual guild that has been around in different games for over a decade. (Mostly swtor and lotro.)


    We have recently came back to swtor and are playing on Empire side as the, "Thirteenth Order". We also have a Republic guild as well, but are more focused on playing Empire side.


    Our goals in swtor are to work towards building an Ops Team. The Guild will also have social events, run flashpoints, heroics, pvp, starfighter mission, datacron hunting, pretty much all the game has to offer. We highly encourage new players to join as we have pretty much been away since the Revan expansion and are relearning the game with all its new features.


    The 13th welcomes all levels and classes to join! If you would like to be part of our ops team or just looking for solo gameplay, or social fun you are more than welcome to join us. We are on the Satele Shan server and usually game time is between 7pm - 12am cst. A Guild Bank, and Flagship are available for you to use which also provides perks such as an XP bonus.


    If you are interested in joining or have questions, please reach out to me here in the forums or discord Johno#2215.


    Active Players currently: 8 (Usually between 7pm - 12am during the week and later on weekends)

    Website: 13thgaming.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/HGZ85ZEF

    Future event dates: Weekly and currently doing event every Wed and Friday 8pm - 11 pm CT

    Time Zone: Central Time

    Server: Satele Shan

  3. I agree with this completely. Last time I came back to this game and saw that change I kind of already knew what the outcome was going to be once I reached the top.


    The Ops and FP's in this game are GREAT! If you are running the top difficulty level Ops or FP then you should have a chance at those super rare drops. That is why people run those. As far as solo players not being able to get top level gear, I am sorry but this is an MMO and if you want the best level gear then you should make more friends and run some Ops.


    I have once again come back and this time around I am trying to look at the endgame in a different way like running Ops for a chance at a drop for a slightly better mod for my gear but it is not the same. I started a thread about this last time I was here.




    My vote is please bring back rare loot in Higher difficulty Ops and FP's.

  4. I would first off like to say that this is a great game and one my favorite MMO's of all time. Its been about 10 years now and I always either come back to this game or lotro.


    I have recently returned a few months back but was a little disappointed with the end game gear system. Being able to barter end game set gear is fine and all but once you get to 306 all you are doing is min maxing. I miss the days where you ran that ops on hard mode and that super rare gear drop happened and the excitement you got hoping you would win the roll. If anything else I am just throwing a suggestion out there to bring some of that back or at least something gold and super rare to have a chance to drop from. completing a Master Mode Ops.


    Otherwise when you run the ops you are really only getting the satisfaction of beating it and not really seeing much drop from it. I know there is one raid that drops some different set pieces, but from what I hear its not the best stuff for every class. Anyways just thought I would throw that out there. Thanks for reading.

  5. Okay, i'd want to post here what i think about this.


    First, I am really happy that devs read players opinions and sometimes even care about it (rarely tho), but the problem now is not only this.


    The game raiding community is slowly dying, as there is no new end game PVE content, and even the hardest content we have at this moment gives you maybe a little bit more than nothing.


    You may ask why? - 224 gear is already farmed via Hard Mode operations with plenty of alts, just one week of EV as priority forced ppl to farm it like crazy, and the 224 gear reward for conent that people do in 186 yavin comms gear is kinda rediculous. Why run Nims then?


    The best solution for this problem in my opinion could be:


    Add 228 gear tier exclusive only to NIM raids - running them will make sense.


    Keep the 224 gear tier exclusive for PT operations - it will help players that cant get into good nim group (or not skilled enough yet) to get better gear than they have, as well as force them to improve their skill (if they try to run something other than EV/KP).

    Also it will help NIM progression groups if they lack some #numbers so they can get some better gear that can help them (not sure tho, as the difference between 220 is not that big)


    And the last thing is that if we dont have any actual PVE group content in near future - add at least ToS and Ravagers NiM modes + something in reward for completing them (exept those world first achievements - as they are actual only first few weeks).


    That may return some of the raiders back, and keep them subbing till we get a new operation at least (thats what everyone pretty much want now). It's really killing me when i see old hardcore guilds that used to be active and had like 4-5 prog teams in guild being dead.


    Sincerely yours,

    Mathcore and maybe some of the raiding community


    Great idea! Adding 228 gear or Legendary Gear with a rare drop rate will for sure make NIM raids worth doing!:D

  6. We do raid quite a bit, but we have many people in the Guild that are strictly into questing, solo content, ect. Most of our Folks are between the ages of 21 and 50. WE have a couple socials events coming up such as weekly datacron runs and our Stone Circle Death match where we do 1v1 matches at our Guildhouse and give out prizes and credits for participation. You should try it out and see what you think. You are welcome to join.
  7. I would just like to say that I brought my Guild over from another game called, The Lord of the Rings Online, and this was one of the reasons that we left that game. They failed to add any new raids or scale them so we were running the same 3 raids over and over again with the worst loot ever. At one point I loved the game for the lore and what I like to do most, Raid with me friends. We enjoy the challenge of progressing in the game and working as a team to complete the content even if it takes us all year to do it. I specifically picked this game because of the lore and it had many raids and instances available. I am an old school MMo player and enjoy working with Tanks, Healers, and Dps to take down a Raid. I come home every night after work and even though I sit in front of a computer all day long, I come home and do it again for 3 to 4 hours to RAID. It is what I do. We have only been back in this game a year now and we are not quite yet at the level of NIM mode and are still working on HM. I really appreciate that you guys scaled the raids so we are not running the same 2 raids over and over again. I would like to suggest though, Loot that drops from Nightmare should not be able to retrieve like it is in HM raids. If you are going to do it that way I would say only from the last boss and that is it. We already have several people that are more than halfway to all 224 and that is not right unless we are getting it from NIM Raids. Another suggestion that me and my Guild, " The Thirteenth Legion", on the Harbinger servers wanted to suggest was, why not bring Legendary gear as a super rare drop rate to NIM Raids? Like 228 Gear that has a very rare chance of dropping. That would make me want to run NIM, even if it took me all year to get 2 pieces of it. Please consider this, I feel that it would make Raiders happy and not want to leave the game.
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