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Posts posted by Skytripa

  1. Hmm.


    So I have decided to use orange chest, legs, and blaster. I am not 100% satisfied with my legs or blaster, and after 15 levels I'm getting tired of my chest piece. Unfortunately there are none available on the AH.


    If I am not allowed to roll on orange gear unless every single stat isn't dedicated to my class, how am I ever going to get different pieces?


    Seems to me, that someone who thinks he should be able to roll on every single class specific piece, plus every single orange piece (just because it randomly has some mod in it), is the one being a little greedy.


    Just go buy new mods on the AH

  2. Absolutely. No one really has a right to complain, as they can just pop in their mods to upgrade it.


    IMO of course. And I will be doing the same in-game regardless of what people think or react, considering all the oranges can be upgraded/changed.


    Anyone who really doesn't like it, is just trying to find excuses to limit their competition for an item. Their tears feed my dark-side. Which is good, keeps me neutral :D


    If you are just going to take the mods out and put your own mods in why don't you just put those mods in your current armor?


    The stats would be the same the only thing changing is the look.

  3. Oh brother... nobody is debating this^. I am talking about a situation where the armor is for ones spec and it is an upgrade in every way except it has say idk power instead of aim.


    You are actually the one debating this. Your taking all the mods out of an item and replacing them with what you want. So in essence you like the look of the armor and want to put your own mods in it.

  4. There is one thing about these items that alot of people dont know. The base stats with out mods is the same as other items. For example I got a chest piece at lvl 11 that had the same base stats as a chest piece I got at lvl 21.


    The main reason to roll on these items is the mods that are in the armor. Since the items with cunning on them look like a agent chest piece it will be easy to spot the force users that roll on other peoples gear.

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