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Posts posted by Shadinaxx

  1. Regarding the guild summit addressing the least played classes (Snipers and Gunslingers), could a possible tweak to avoid making them overpowered be giving them a higher defense to AOE effects while in cover, since that seems to be their achilles heel?


    Also, in regards to smarter tab targetting, is there a plan for a quick assist? Many incarnations I have seen are a hotkey to call for an assist, where a target icon pops up next to your raid frame that people can click on to assist you on your target.

  2. a few points:


    1) you are talking BiS (Best in Slot), that does not mean "effective", that means "best". I understand you are using the top tier as a baseline, but let me go deeper.


    2) All this gear (since you admit that skill doesnt really matter much, except losing that "honed edge") can be attained through attrition, it only takes time, especially with pvp.


    3) You are addressing purely hardcore tendancies, again, I understand you are setting a baseline, but there are alot of differant factors that come into play that makes the "Do both" viable, as well as mixing and matching pvp with pve gear (high accuracy is still gonna be good for dropping tanks)


    4) Only the leet of the hardcore groups are gonna fall into your catagory of a pve wearing pvper going into a ranked wz, and a ranked pvper going into NiM operations. As a raid leader myself, I like to see people who diversify themselves in PvP, that step into PvE content. I dont take a fully BM geared War Hero into NiM progression, but PvPers tend to be more situationally aware of bad things happening.


    Everything you described was out of balance, and not from the devolpers standpoint. IMO, your entire arguement was either purposelly viewed out of balance, or accidently.


    FYI: I'm a do both, and do it on a budgetted time frame just fine. I have three sets of gear: (pvp)tank, (pve)tank and (pve)dps. I'm working on a (pvp)dps set

  3. Pure and simple:


    From an RP standpoint: in the army or any other job market (but since we are talking combat, let's go with army) you get "parsed" with your dmg, aka "accuracy" at firing a weapon you are trained in, if you cant hit the target, they tell you to practice more, but they wont take you on special missions that require a 99% hit rate.


    From a min/maxer standpoint: Combat logs help you to tell whether or not the mod that has +5 to your main stats is performing better than a mod with a +5 to power when you are a) above 2k main stat, or b) above 1500 power to answer the question "is there a mark to which diminishing returns kicks in?"


    From a casual gamer standpoint: I wanna go get a dessler turbo mount, but I dont know if anyone will take me. (With combat logs)= I can do a sustained a 2300 dps on a stationary target. (without combat logs)= uhhh, I do good


    Dueling for skill is the worst idea and funniest idea I have ever heard, there are too many variables to factor in for that to be accurate, and god help your people if that's something you actually do, lol


    Privacy of your performance only tells me that you have something to hide. If you suck, that's "OK", you just have to wait your turn unless you can improve. If you cant do either, then dont join a guild, for the love of god. Save your credits an "BUY" a slot when guilds start offering that.


    All in all, I do have to commend bioware for listening to the masses crying about no combat logs. Now, they have given the crybabies their time, and I think this is a good step towards a happy medium. We get our logs, the tinfoil hats get their privacy, but now the tinfoil hats arent invisable, so we can see them an avoid them :p

  4. 24k hp unbuffed, 52% dmg reduction, 43% shield chance, and 51% Shield absorb. "sin tanking is about debuffing (crippling for the non lingo savvy) the targets around them, and mitigating (not getting hit) any incoming attacks. That to me sounds pretty "asassin-y" because unless you are stuck with the thought of what asassin's creed or john wilkes booth perform, an asassin is meant to be able to close the distance and prevent action on their targets.


    If you're looking for a class that can deal enourmous amounts of dmg from the shadows, go play asassin's creed or that new batman game. I never saw darth maul vanish or go invisable, but he did take on two well skilled jedis like a boss (or tank, lol). Pity his healer musta d/c'd, lulz

  5. There is already a system i =n place to browse another player's schematics for crafting, and a method of delivery (when you craft an item when your inventory is full, your crew will mail you the item using the mail system). Is there any talk of being able to use another player's schematics and companions to craft an item for you, using your own materials? Perhaps a trade window pops up to the player that will be performing the crafting, where they could paid a nominal fee for the use of their schematic and crew member?


    I feel that this would limit the number of people that feel they must crew skill hop (go synth weaving for bracer and belt critical craft, then goto cybertech, and end at biochem, etc) to get the most out of their charactor, and promote a community for those focused heavily on the crafting aspect of the game.


    Also, are there plans to allow buy orders on the GTN, so we can put up a captial fee to cover purchasing certain items we choose to purchase, and others selling to make a quick sale based on our pricing? (see eve's market, altho I dont think we need anything so complex, just buy/sell orders)




  6. Optional...fine. "Game mandatory" no.




    Nothing more I'm going to say on it. OPTIONAL is good. MANDATORY is bad (unless on a per guild/raid basis) but the post I initially replied to sounded to me like "MANDATORY" period. And that...no.


    I'm not disputing your claims, it's also "optional" to be on the progression team, just have to "optionally" use voice. atm tho, we are on farm status with all content, so yea, atm voice is pretty much optional unless you've never been there before.


    I'm not gonna force you to listen to our semantics if you dont want to, but often, those semantics spill out into guild chat anyways, lol. (Also, fyi, we have player's children that pop on vent every once in a while, so it's not a ton of "f-bombs" if that's the unspoken concern behind this)

  7. I'm the autonomous one and I would counter that having to be "spoon fed" directions to play one's class is probably a negative sign. To know what you are doing, situationally is going to be better as I see it than waiting for someone to howl at you to do whatever. Yes, there are oddball situation, yes there are "emergencies" but to me, those are learning experiences. Live and learn (or croak and learn as the case may be...isn't the end of the world if a group wipes).


    Again, I see absolute benefits but I do not see it being MANDATORY. That's what I take exception to...MANDATORY.


    well, then let me clarify MY role as a raid leader: I can, yes, type out on the fly instructions, who to give a battle rez to, remind people to get out of teh conveyor on the fabricator prior to the jets activating, etc. HOWEVER, why should I be forced to type 80wpm in a game, while mashing my own keybinds, when I could simplify my job 10 fold by telling someone to "get on voice" until this is all on farm?


    I think The point I am making is what alot of people are looking at for the pros of voice. A player can be autonomous with little issues, but leading a raid is an entireally differant story if the content is not on farm status, and THAT is when voice gets sloppy and silly (aka annoying).

  8. And how do you account for:


    1. Those for whom English is not a first language.

    If english is the server of choice, and there not being a translator implemented in chat, I dont see how typing english is gonna be any differant than spoken english (in a raid, you have not got time to google translate). I would not expect a french server to cater to my bad french in a raid.


    2. Those who are deaf.

    Exceptions are made, if they clearly declare to an officer that they have problems hearing, but dont expect a guild to know or assume anyone is deaf without the deaf person letting them know.


    3. Those whose gaming takes place in a shared space where others may not care to hear the ongoing noise (gamer uses headphones)

    I expect such a person to wait to join operations when they are not on the progression list where they need to have good communication. Several in my guild fall under this catagory and they understand and are fine with this request.


    I'm pretty much deaf. I have played MMOs since UO and I do just fine without TS/Vent etc.


    Mandatory is nonsense. Having TS/Vent doesn't necessarily promote "social". I can be perfectly "social" without it and have been for over a decade.


    Commendable, you sir, are prolly a great player. Some people are good, or not so good, and need voice direction, or rather, I should say "REAL TIME" direction (dont get on me about 70-120ms ping being not real time) to become as great of a player.


    Some people can be autonomous, most of the time, they are experianced players in a dps role, rarely a healer, and rarer still, a tank. A GREAT tank will communicate when and where they are moving the boss, they direct the encounter so the raid can adjust accordingly. A feat that doesnt have much room to shine at the game's current level of content required skill, but I have faith that we will see the degree of difficulty rise as more content is released (specifically, nightmare modes).

  9. Think whatever you want.

    MMORPG players did 90+ man raids way before TS even was available. (raid groups in EQ were 12 groups of 6 chars = 72, and some guilds brought extra groups)

    My guild on EQ, Saviours on Bertoxx, did those raids with half of that manpower and without voicechat and kept up with progression just fine.



    If have done OPs in SWTOR already, without voicechat. Worked just fine, too.


    biggest key with these games you speak of (aside from the obvious that this is swtor, not EQ, FFXI, wow or any other), is macroed comands and communication. The reversed arguement that those of us that do use voice communication can argue: we shouldnt have to macro our actions to communicate.


    There are people that do communicate only pertenent info in raids (case in point would be SOA HM, when there are multiple ball lightnings and you have 3-4 people running to their ball, but two people are opposing sides and have to communicate which direction to go, to avoid dying to double splash dmg). Or a healer that is stunned or knocked, or delayed on casting a needed heal and communicates to the tank to use a cooldown.


    Point is, not all the videos that you have watched are a bunch of people yokeling it up and cracking "your mom" jokes in the middle of raid

  10. Our guild did soa HM tonight as well, was some fun glitches, mostly us killing teh pylons too fast and they not removing his orb effects. Had teh tank mind trapped, and he did not reset, but then, our dps is on the ball there an break the mind traps in under 3 seconds.


    On the ball lightning, if you dont charge into the ball fast enough, you will take 3 ticks of dmg (two ticks of proximity and one for the explosion), has always been that way, perhaps you have hesistated too long, or there was a minor change in how fast the balls will tick their proximity dmg.


    We weent in and cleared KP hm (16m of course), and we did notice that the turret gunners were lvl 0 with 7.6k hp. Not gonna complain, those turrest require a sacraficial marauder every pull, lol. However, was a fun glitch.


    Every patch that tweaks encounters, will have a period of people thinking something is broken because their previous strat/rotation is no longer valid/optimal. The thing I love about the swtor encounters is that they are not "scripted" fights in that you can predict where to move to, and when (soa doesnt count, those are phase transitions, not scripts).


    For the tanks getting mind trapped: guard your strongest healer, when we dont do this, soa resets, when we DO guard our healers, he doesnt.

  11. I think Atsoka Tano gets an honerable mention, when she has her bout with going dark side for a time, she takes on anakin and Obi wan at the same time (granted anakin and obi wan arent trying to kill her, but they are still pushed to their limits)


    Also, I like her style of the reversed offhand, something I wish I could do for my marauder, lol

  12. Well, I've been shot down defending the sith, with nothing but resonding "no's" and it's been said that a light sided sith is an abomination and the result of bad writers, so as such, my light sided sith that seeks a better empire is a failed and lost cause, and I wash my hands of this discussion.


    Have fun all, I will RP my sith the way I want to in game and to hell with your lore, lol

  13. Well, we can all agree that extremes to either side are silly. Light sided jedi that are pure light sided become sterile, and eventually lose track of their entire existance by becoming pacifists. Dark Sided sith lose control of themselves and become like a rabid dog that bites anything for any reason.


    I would classify both as enherently evil. To ignore a plea for help because it would violate your "peace" is to allow evil to happen, making you just as guilty if you commited it, and well, dark sided would be the one committing the evil anyways.


    It is writeen and spoken of in movies, lore and books (and on the all powerful, unargueable wiki) that the jedi that have fallen, and redeemed themselves are more powerful in the force than they ever could have been without falling. In conrast, the dark sided sith that finds redemption in the light, has a better understanding of the force than they could hoped to accomplish by adhering to the sith ways.


    It was posted that we are prolly argueing the wrong points, and should really decide what we are argueing. Sith has not always been evil, as reven has been pointed out. Jedi are not always good, as Anakin and Luke as well as many others have been pointed out.


    I would ask, can everyone agree, that extremes, on either side are the cuplrits of imbalance that causes the downfall of both societies/doctrines?

  14. We understand that in normal operations, the loot is handled on an internal random assignment, altho there are instances when a marauder is assigned a tanking weapon, and a jugg tank is assigned a dps weapon (from the same drop), will there be a smarter loot assignment system in the future or is that just the RNG boss as intended?


    Also, there have been cases where on hard and nightmare mode, the master looter assigns an item to player A, but player B is the one that recives the item, and when a ticket is submitted, it takes 3-4 weeks to get this straightened out, by which case is a big waste of everyone's time. Are there plans to implement a temprary trade of bound items to fellow members of the same raid elligable for the item?

  15. The sith do not operate off of positive emotions - True


    The dark side is inherently evil and negative - True


    The dark side powers are fueled by negative emotions - True


    Star Wars has clearly defined good and evil - True


    The jedi don't seek to become emotionless - True


    The jedi still experience positive emotions - True


    Dark jedi and light sith - the product of bad writers who don't understand the very basic concepts that Star Wars and the force are built upon.


    Dark Jedi are not neccessarillay the result of bad writers, I think Mace Windu's story is very well written, and in my eyes, a more balanced jedi than most.


    Light Sith may have been otherwise taught the jedi ways were it not for the sith getting them first,. or the jedi refusing to teach them because they burned ants as a child.


    The Dark Side Powers are fueled by negative emotions , true, I'll give you that, but the balanced sith also uses those negative emotions for good, ie, rage one feels when a loved one is hurt or made to suffer.


    I dissagree that the dark side is inherantly evil. I would agree that the unrestrained access and use of these powers that are fueled by such emotions/passions (most powerful ones being negative in most cases) being a breeeding ground for bullies, but that is in EVERY society. If we did not have police, we would have fuedalistic societies.


    Otherwise, you have the right idea on the other points, altho I would clarify that the jedi are warned away from experiancing most of the positive emotions, strongest being love that leadds to attachment, most likely due to that fine line of people losing control when trust is broken. A master to padawan relationship is still by definition, an attachment.

  16. can your guild farm enough Exotech mats to keep you and everyone buffed every 3 minutes for 15-20 seconds?


    In the long run, who is going to have better DPS, the person that constantly using their Rakata every 3 minutes or the person only using their Exotech on bosses?


    well, now you're comparing adrenals vs the stims, and that is a sure win arguement, that the rakata adrenals are far better due to their reuse abilities. The argument this other guy is making about stims is valid, using the exotech stims in place of the rakata stim is NOT too far fetched of an idea

  17. Crafters can create critical gear which has things like more power, crit, etc. If more people crafted and focused on getting purple schematics, things like this would be more readily available. We would not need orange gear.


    orange gear and purple gear (the high end ones) have mods in them both, thing is, the orange gear has no base stats, but have all the mod slots opened up. Perhaps with this patch, where they have opened up the armoring on raid gear, the crafted purple gear will have their armoring opened up as well, making your entire arguement moot.

  18. How about we get rid of orange gear altogether?


    No, seriously... Just toss slotted gear and add an appearance tab. How many problems would this solve?


    Because the moddable gear is great for stat priority selection. For instance, an annihilation marauder wants to have more power than crit, and more surge than crit, but a Carnage marauder wants more surge than power and more power than crit. So the slottable gear makes for being able to tailor for the individual specs.

  19. The LS SI knows two things, that the Jedi have a false sence of hope, in that they lack the conviction to commit the things needed to win a war, the SI will not convert to Jedi for this reason.


    Secondly, the LS SI also knows that the Sith council is full of themselves, wrapped up in petty power squabbles, and that true order cannot be attained with such acts. So he/she seeks to use their own wits and freedom to deal with situations as they need to be handled, where the jedi would repress the feelings needed to temper the outcome of a tough decision.


    IMO, the LS Sith (warrior or inq) is more balanced than a DS Jedi can ever be.

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