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Posts posted by daiominai

  1. the "Guard" ability doesn't appear to work on Khem Val in PVE (haven't tested in PVP). His hit points drop like a rock in water and I'm sitting at 100% health. This makes leveling difficult as Khem Val's survivability as a tank makes him seem like a deer in a wolves den. I have difficulty killing class story "bosses" when my bounty hunter would just bulldoze them.


    I have reported the issue via ingame /bug. Maybe I shall do so again to clarify my point.

  2. Yeah, too many times I press force speed and then I'm immediately rooted...again...Force Speed should grant you immunity to cc while it's active. It's only 2 second duration so it's not like it would be game breaking. I'm sure others would disagree though lol. As it stands, Force speed has helped me score many a huttball point (if you save it for when you need it most).
  3. As a low level character I never had problems going up against 50's in the wz's. I believe the change is causing more problems than it fixed. I'm glad it's working for some.
  4. I play a 50 mercenary and we have nothing in the way of pvp maneuverability. We have 2 stuns, one of which is useless in pvp because people attack everything in sight and break the cc almost instantly. Our healing and damage can't come close to the si/jc. I've never broken the 200k mark in healing or damage and I know for a fact that under geared jc are healing for over 300k a game....Now I'm not the best pvper but I am pretty good and experienced. Just thought I'd put in my two cents.



    Oh yeah, I do not support 1.1 pvp changes. Making drastic changes to a game based off of ill informed crybabies never in the history of mmo's has improved the game. You had it right the first time bioware.



    As for the OP, I have noticed that I've been getting beat up today a lot more quickly than usual. Does heavy armor count for nothing?

  5. as the game stands now I can't complete any of my dailies in the time I have to play. I managed to win one warzone yesterday, none today. I understand that the people I get pugged with, even at level 50, have barely any sense as to how to pvp and this is not bioware's fault.


    Ilum, I've managed one kill in two hours of play.


    Unless bioware starts offering free character transfers....now....I'm not going to resub and it's a shame because I really liked this game, but if I can't advance my character at 50 then what is the point? If I do continue I'm just going to level to 49, delete and create anew.

  6. epic fail


    pvp wasn't broken


    i'll say it again


    my level 12 consistently did over 100k damage in warzones....broken?....no....



    instead of pointing fingers at level 50's you should have been asking yourself how you could improve your pvp game.

  7. it already takes up to 10+ minutes sometimes to get in a wz. I've been dreading the 50 bracket change ever since beta.



    When my level 12 consistently does over 100k damage in a warzone, is it really broken? No it's working as intended.



    This change has been made because of people ignorant of why they are really losing and instead of blaming themselves and trying to better their game, they point at a level 50 and cry, "that's the problem!".....

  8. level 50 only brackets = 30 minutes to an hour wait time between warzones.


    When people complain about level 50's in the warzone, they don't fully understand what they're complaining about.


    1: You're getting owned because of focus fire, opposition healing each other, and all around just better players than you are.


    2: You're getting owned because the opposition is better organized than you.




    I'm a decently good pvp player, I understand kiting, strafing, proper manipulation of stuns, knock-backs and the various game mechanics as a whole. As a level 50 heal spec mercenary with a few 50 pvp gear pieces I am still able to be killed (quite fast in a lot cases) by lower level players if they take the time to focus fire me. Most of the time my level 15 assassin feels like it has more survive-ability than my level 50 wearing heavy armor with healing abilities.


    Level 50's do have an advantage over lower level players but it is hardly as game breaking as people think. Most of that advantage comes from experience and familiarity of their characters. I will be very happy to continue to play my lower level characters against level 50's any day of the week.


    Game companies that make changes to their games based off of ill informed customers' complaints usually destroy that particular aspect of the game. I am truly sorry that the warzone population can't see that things are well balanced as they now stand.

  9. Let us choose our pvp arena as huttball is making me puke it is so lame


    no, Huttball doesn't suck. It requires coordination, knowledge, skill usage and balls. If you're looking for an easy mode you're not going to find it in Huttball.

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