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Posts posted by Rulak

  1. Thinking about using this for solo play and PVP.

    Might be a bit weak as a tank in groups, but I expect it to be capable as an offtank.







    -Energise and cheap shock helps to build up harnessed darkness quick


    -Cheap armorpiercing maul


    -Out of stealth spike


    -Force pull




    -Selfheal from energize + overcharge


    -Shorter CD on Unbreakable Will and Jolt





    -Lack of AoE


    -No insta cast whirlwind


    -No low slash


    -No wither


    -perhaps lacking in dps


    -No Raze







    0. Darkward (precombat on CD)

    1. saber slash if low on force

    2. Trash 2x

    3. Shock if energised + Induction

    4. Discharge on CD

    5. Spike/electrocute if exploit weakness

    6. Maul if Exploit Weakness + CC'd

    7. Jolt if opponent is healing

    8. Reclessness at 3x harnessed darkness followed by Force lightning followed by shock

    9. Assassinate if opponent > 30% HP

  2. People are too obsessed with being on top of the charts instead of working as a team.


    I am a full darkness specced sin. I dont expect to be ontop of the charts, I dont -have- to be ontop of the charts. I do my job.

    I use my CC's to interrupt enemies and protect fellow players. I try to be as annoying for my opponent as possible, but I dont delude myself thinking that as a sin my only role is OMGLOLDPS!


    My opinion is that sith sins are jacks of all trades.


    -Burst DPS (LOLstab!)

    -Sustained DPS (LOLdot)

    -Tanking (LOLtroll)


    They can do all 3 of those, but not as good as classes that are focussed on it.


    Sure, I sucked major donkey balls when I first started pvp as a sin. Then I started to L2P.

    Read guides, study the skills. Try and find a play style that suits you. Sins are flexible, powerfull and hard to kill. You just need to know what you are doing.


    -Sith sin tank

  3. So far I'm hybriding towards 23/0/18. Wither is getting changed in patch 1.1

    It gets a damage buff + snare. So I am going to give 31/0/10 a try, or maybe 31/10/0.


    Darkness/Madness 23/0/23 is beast. You'll roflstomp other players if you play it smart.

    31/0/10 gives you a little more survivability, in the form of selfhealing by harnessed darkness + force lightning.



    Mind you, I'm only lvl 39 myself and 14/0/16 so I am hardly an expert, but this is what I have gleaned from reading the forums. That and with 14/0/16 I did maintank and it worked out somehow. I got the important migation skills buffed. Dark ward and Darkcharge. You can keep aggro on groups by using Death Field + Dark discharge on CD and by weaving Lacerate into the rotation. A bit force consuming but it keeps aggro.


    So far hybrid Darkness/Madness has been a hoot for me, as I have been dropping Reps of lvl 39-42 in world pvp with relative ease.

    Not to mention that yesterday I solo'd a lvl 40 silver and a lvl 41 gold at the same time.

  4. You're not even 50, you can't even properly judge yet. Don't act like everything is fine because the class has a double bladed saber, the class isn't terrible but deception sucks compared to marauders and operatives and darkness sucks compared to powertechs.


    I can solo'd a gold and a silver at the same time yesterday. Both were lvl 40 while I was lvl 38.


    I'm hybrid specced into 13/0/16 Darkness/Madness. I have little to no trouble at pvp.


    Assassins are awesome.


    Sure some changes would be nice. Like making DF a targetted Aoe attack so its less clunky, but my point is that Sins are awesome.


    They arent underpowered, they arent broken.

    If anything, if your sin is failing its either because your gear sucks, or you.


    You need to L2P before screaming "OMG BROKEN!!1!!!11!"

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