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Posts posted by twinkiefatsack

  1. Roll back the servers and remove anything and everything. People will be pissed, but oh well. This is beyond game breaking. There isnt even a point to credits at this point. I'd even be fine with just removing credits all together and starting from scratch. There are only so many things that they can do to completely fix this issue.
  2. My problem with ranked is the insanely Toxic community. I find it hilarious that people spam all day begging for people to queue up ranked and then are just so toxic to people when they do. That and the fact that the warzones are stale as hell, its boring as hell getting into a WZ with 6/8 classes being the same. I wish after all these years they would add in more classes and move on from the 8v8 to something a little bit bigger.
  3. I am sure ever single person who plays the game would wish they'd update the engine. The game has been out this long and they have shown zero desire to change it. It will never happen. Yes they have EA, but EA isnt putting anything more into this game. I cant even imagine the time and man power it would take to rewrite this whole game.


    We all wish it would happen, but it wont. A new game will come out before they redo this.

  4. So I am still a bit confused.


    I only PvP. Since I dont run Ops and have little desire to, does this new system do absolutely nothing for me? I can get components from PvP, then run PvE for another piece of currency, then combine those 2 with a coin from the crate?


    So is my only gearing choice either crafted or get lucky with RNG Crates?


    WIsh they would just admit defeat and go back to the old gearing system. This new stuff is a convoluted mess.

  5. I am in the same boat. I recruited 2 RL friends who have never played before and used my link. Both of them subscribed and I have only received 1 1000cc grant. I have a ticket open, but we'll see if anything comes from it. More then likely they'll give me some mumbojumbo excuse as to why I dont have my 2nd referral grant.
  6. Your best bet is to just log into the game and play it. Reading a lot of the stuff on the forums here has the chance to turn you completely off of the game. There are so many complaint threads and everyone bashing the game.


    Just play it. If you enjoy it then continue to play it, if you dont, then quit. I get wanting to know what everyone's opinion is, but none of ours matter what so ever , so just fire up the game and enjoy it.



    It is still alive and fun.

  7. Oh yes it will. And then they'll shut down chat so they don't have to look at the scathing comments.


    That wouldnt surprise me at all, but my god would that open up a whole other level of crap.


    If I were them I would just leave chat alone and let them do what they are going to do. Silencing the complaints will only make things much much worse.


    Then again, how much worse can it get :rolleyes:

  8. I have played this game on and off since the Beta. I still don't have a max level character. My highest is level 40, which I just hit last night ( 4/13/15 ) I have subbed for a month at a time, got bored, stopped playing, played f2p, subbed, stopped playing ect. My play style is very weird. I hate leveling, questing, dailies, ect. I am lazy. I enjoy max level stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed the 12x xp even though I unfortunately did not take full advantage. I could have easily leveled a lot of characters to max, but with WoWs expansion out around the same time the xp bonus was active, I had to chose the game that I played more. I know this is a story based game, and there are times when I am playing that sure, I enjoy to listen to a cut scene or 2 and dont just spam space bar. I personally am all for getting to max level whatever way is the fasted. Some people enjoy taking in the LORE of the games, some people cant stand it. I dont see an issue if they implement 12xXP or something similar. I do think they should make it a toggle or something along those lines. You can turn off XP in WoW so I dont see why this should be any different.



    People compare MMOs to WoW because weather you like it or not, they set the bar for what games should be. The game came out at the fight time and sure some features should have been there from the start, but they've seemed to do a good job.


    I don't want to say this game failed, but I do firmly believe that it did not live up to the hype. I think this game could have been so much better if simple quality of life features were out when the game first launched. Granted WoW didnt have a lot of the stuff it did at launch, but any game that was put out after WoW should have seen and known that those features are what can make or break a game incredibly quickly. Its a little late now for this game to ever become any bigger, but I do believe there is still a fan base for this game.

  9. Been playin since official launch. Highest char is 25 that i dont play anymore. Next highest is 20 and pretty much done with him. Levelin is way to long. Travel way to long. Questing i dont enjoy. Very bored. But i gave it a try i guess.


    Maybe ill be back in 6 months if its better optimized and everything, that is if people are still playing.

  10. Since i cant open any other forum then this for some ungodly reason I have to make this in here with hopes it gets moved.


    Anytime i click on a forum it minimizes the entire section them takes me to a website is under maintenence. Now since i know its not currently under maintenence i havnt been able to post anything about this for almost a week.


    Its pretty annoying trying to browse the forums but with any attempt its all minimized and unavailable.


    Dont know if others have had this problem , but just wanted to bring it to someones attention.


    Ive cleared history and cache and all that stuff. Even logging into my account on the site works half the time.

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