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Posts posted by Anathar

  1. solo ques for ranked content. i can see biowares thinking in not allowing this..because they say "itll just be another way to que for regular warzones".


    so i agree. just remove ranked warzones and leave it the way it was before.


    no premades...no groups...just solo


    let the ezmode premade chumps that cant think alone on their feet go back to wow arenas so they can button mash their little RNG hearts out.

  2. i have a better suggestion


    give us the option to add an additional first or last name so we can actually have names that make sense. along with FREE namechanges so we can get our original names back.


    i refuse to run around in a game with a name like "Lolimajedi". i want an actual name that makes sense for my class and faction.


    YOU caused this bioware, its time for YOU to fix this.


    i had perfectly fine names before these stupid server merges. since i reactivated my sub ive been trying to think of 6 names to replace the ones i already had that YOU caused me to lose. every name i try i get:


    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    ERROR name unavailable, please choose another.

    .....again, and again, and again, and again.....


    this is not a good way to treat the people that pay you. and no going free to play isnt a safe cover either..i still paid beforehand. and no its not something ill be paying extra for afterward either.


    to all the people that dont care about their names or that others do care: this topic isnt for you. go troll something about hello kitty or justin bieber if thats more your speed.

  3. Firstly I would make weekly polls on the front page, asking what players want. I would also make sure these polls are advertised in the log in screen so players who dont use the forum can see them too.


    When the players choose the most voted thing, I'd do that thing and make sure the players get it. The players themselves can also make polls in their own thread in which people can choose a question they want on the main poll ( that everyone would see).


    If I was working at Bioware from the start, I would have made this game worth $15 a month, I would have stood up to my promises of updates every 6 weeks, I would add new content to keep the paying customers happy, so they wont get bored of doing stuff over and over again.


    A free to play option would never have come into consideration, because I would know what the hell I was doing, because I know everything about MMORPGs and game design and I would communicate with the community on a daily basis.


    What would you do if you worked at Bioware? Note you have no permission to fire anyone or have the right to ask someone to fire someone. Also note this has nothing to do with the state of the game right now, its what I would have done/would do if I worked at Bioware.


    what would i do? this is pretty much it. the whole thing.


    Bioware seem too arrogant for their own good. they need to cut ties with EA, and go beg Disney to throw some money their way to save this game. its too late to say "before it goes ftp" though...that sinking Titanic failure has sailed and is already half under with the ethereal flutes from that Celine Dion song playing in the background. (My Heart Will Go On, btw)


    link btw

    ( not a rick roll i promise ) :D


    but since i have the song stuck in my head now

  4. i havent played this game in several months. im giving it one more shot to see if the devs have learned any lessons or have grown a collective conscience yet.


    1 - the reason i quit months ago was because of that travesty of forced server transfers that caused me to lose almost every one of my toons names. now that im here again, im noticing the devs still havent done anything to help the players with this situation. not even the most obvious which would be to allow players 2 names (first or last..players choice..and a free name change for everyone) so they can keep their original names and still remain different.


    2 - i tried to change the name of one toon to a name i was able to come up with that made sense. i typed the name in, agreed to the change, but the name was applied to a different toon than the one i assigned it to. now im stuck with a toon name meant for my juggernaut, on a gunslinger that doesnt fit the the class or faction its on. yes this matters bioware. whether it does to you or not. it matters.


    something ive noticed for a long time about bioware (from playing this game) is they seem to still not have come to grips with what it means to be developing content for a multiplayer game. with their single player star wars games they didnt have to take the players opinions into consideration. with an mmo thats the FIRST thing theyre supposed to take into consideration and theyre just not doing it. even after all this time. from simplest things like players losing their toon names, right up to content choices and lack thereof, and game engine problems the players tell them about. they just refuse to listen or publically (or privately for that matter) engage with the people paying them.


    if the cms are still doing what they were doing months ago i guess i should expect this topic to get deleted before anyone even has a chance to read it, for what they will no doubt label as "controversial subject matter".



    - make companion gear cosmetic only. keeping them all upgraded for their various requirements at certain stages of the class story has always been a problem. when you dont use one for a while then are forced to have it active at lvl 30/40 its quite useless. make companion gear cosmetic. just give them auto scaling stats as the player lvls. or maybe even base their stats off the players stats.


    - pvp is still in a horrible state. till lvl 40 its almost balanced. but when you que solo and are put in warzones against lvl 40+ toons with pvp stats that arent shared via the bolster effect you might as well not even try. share ALL stats at ALL lvls. its the only way regardless of the stink others may raise about it.


    - give players the addition of a second name so they can recover the names they lost that still matter to them after all this time. such as myself. the second name should be per toon, and player choice, and not linked at all to their legacy name.


    example of what i mean: 2 players with the name of "Dude". second name becomes available in an update. one chooses "Awesome Dude" as their name, other player chooses "Dude Awesome" as their name. both are happy. they keep their original names with the addition of a second name that keeps the servers happy. ezpz. all is good again. youre welcome.


    - do NOT go free to play. this is essentially a death sentence for every mmo. NO successful mmo ever goes FTP and stays successful. Blizzard never made WoW FTP and they never will because they know better. even DCUO. it had a lot of players then lost most of them when it went FTP and never recovered, and never will. mainly the only people left playing (and enjoying it completely) are the ones that are still paying, which renders the FTP option moot in the first place. its logical if you think about it. please think about it.


    all this is from a player (me btw) that has threatened to quit several times. has quit twice. and has returned twice. i want to see this game succeed, and i want to be able to keep playing it. if you go free to play ill lose interest. not only because of the over the top restrictions, but because an mmo just looses its feel when it goes FTP. theres no reason to log in anymore. it just becomes another SP game on my HD waiting to get deleted if i even ever think about it again.

  5. Suna:

    Many of us will emphasize with your plight. However, you do realize that, before TOO long, they'll be shutting down your server, right?


    if thats how bioware wants to handle this situation then thats up to them. just know that for people like me this will put an end to my ever playing games made by bioware ever again.


    you may wanna say "well youre just one person you dont matter" well look at it this way. neither do you. the next time you need something from them... theyll do the same thing to you. then you can apply all your apathy to yourself.

  6. personally:

    1 - i want my toons back on their original server with names intact

    2 - i want my toons back on their original server with names intact

    3 - i want my toons back on their original server with names intact

    4 - i want my toons back on their original server with names intact

    5 - i want my toons back on their original server with names intact



    ill fill this in if they give me the above..otherwise i wont play anymore

  7. bioware wont do anything that leads to them admitting they were wrong in the first place.


    every time i post about this they send me private messages warning me to shut up..as you can see i will not do that because im the one paying YOU bioware..not the other way around.


    i dont want a simple name change ..i want my toons put back on their original server...with their original names intact.


    the simple fact i have paid to play this game in the past should be reason enough for bioware to want to do what i ask.


    but the only thing they do is appologize for not doing what i want from them --indeed not doing what they get paid to do-- then continue not doing it. then thank me for my "understanding" about it.


    why does bioware even have customer service when they dont care about their customers nor do they offer service when the people paying them ask for it...?

  8. can't we get things into a single thread?








    start a topic on open transfers and state your reason for them. And there is a promised paid server move on the horizon.


    paid transfers doesnt apply to me (explaination in previous post above)..i will not be paying for something bioware made the mistake about. if they want me to pay and play they better fix THEIR mistake.


    a paid transfer will only end in 2 things...neither of which is appealing to me.


    1 - theyll expect me to pay for the transfer that should be free to me since it was their mistake to begin with.

    2 - theyll be expecting me to also pay for a name change..in hopes of recovering the original names i never would have lost to begin with if they hadnt made me think the transfer was mandatory in the first place.


    either way id be paying twice for a mistake they made..

  9. dont expect this topic to last very long. bioware doesnt like it when you talk about how they did transfers wrong.




    picture it:


    i had cancelled my account and uninstalled the game..recently read about the free transfers so i reinstalled the game and while reinstalling (couldnt access the game at all at this time by the way) read more about the transfers. the way the article was worded i was under the impression the transfer was mandatory. i transfered 7 of my toons.. (after doing the server check..which i was under the impression the "server check" was to check name availability among other things..how wrong i was apparently...) but it wouldnt let me transfer the 8th. when i was finally able to actually play the game i found out i had lost 4 of my toons names because of the transfer.


    so lets recap.


    1 - the transfer was NOT..i repeat NOT.. mandatory and bioware didnt tell me beforehand.

    2 - i lost 4 of my characters names needlessly because of the transfer that wasnt mandatory -- which, again, they didnt inform me of.

    3 - not only do i have 4 missing names from the needless transfer, but one of my toons is stuck on the original server as a reminder that i didnt have to transfer.



    but bioware seems to think its ok to tell me theyre "sorry for the misunderstanding" and that the transfers "cant be undone" even though i know thats a crock of sh*t. its as easy as..and indeed the same thing as..moving one bunch of data from one harddrive to another and back again. i do it all the time. STOP LIEING BIOWARE!


    [edit] oh and to top it all off..the server i transferred from --and want them to transfer my toons back to-- isnt even full..any time of day you check it says either "standard" or "light". PUT MY TOONS BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM BIOWARE! (with original names intact..yes it means that much to me)

  10. a lot in this game doesnt work the way it should..least of all customer service.


    be careful voicing your problems though..theyll either suspend you or delete every topic you make so nobody can read them.


    turns out the sith lords are real afterall..and theyre killing their own creation...GMs, customer service, and devs all do the same thing: silence you when you talk about problems..they silence you when youre angry over something they did..they "punish" you when you dont like service you recieve in the thing youre paying for. etc etc etc...


    good thing they dont have a death star, right?


    if i were george lucas id pull rights for this game away from bioware till they learn to respect the people that are paying them.

  11. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-06-21-stock-ticker-why-eas-market-valuation-has-crashed?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=us-daily




    EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


    their investors could have had the same run in with customer service that i had over character transfers.


    cancelling account...cancelling stock interest...not that far apart. they both save money and punish the arrogant at the same time.


    hey bioware..wanna change your stance on those transfers yet? or are you still happy with the way things are going for ya?

  12. as the title says this is in regard to the server transfers. and the problem it caused me ending in me cancelling my account.

    as i said ive already cancelled my account. why? because my toons lost their names, and because of the complete insensitivity the gms and customer support have shown me about it. but this suggestion is in the hopes that nobody else will have to go through what i did in dealing with Bioware.


    these quotes are from an email response i got from customer support to which ill make responses of my own here so everyone can see and hopefully it will help Bioware understand things a bit better:


    quote number one: "From time to time, based on a variety of factors such as player metrics and other forms of feedback, the development team will make adjustments in order to provide as much balance as possible. We would like to assure you that these changes are intended and are never introduced lightly."


    im aware why these changes were made and why the server transfers were made available. its because the playerbase was complaining they werent able to get pops for warzone ques or get groups for instances and other group content. nobody has a problem with this ..this is what we all asked for...and we thank you.


    quote number 2. same email: "The decisions to make these changes are only ever implemented to benefit the player base as a whole."


    while i understand you think what you did helped us. and mostly im sure it did. although i wouldnt know because i never got the chance to find out myself. the problem im having is the information that the server transfers were NOT mandatory was never made available to me before i made the server transfers. i was under the impression i was being forced to transfer servers so i did it. then when i lost my character names i got understandablly mad because i knew this was gonna happen and it was something i warned Bioware of months ago.


    now i find out the transfer was NOT mandatory and i lost my characters names needlessly, thus causing me to get mad needlessly aswell. this is Biowares fault and im being shown NO empathy, NO sympathy on the subject.


    the last half of the second quote "only ever implemented to benefit the player base as a whole" is laughable to me at this point. because "as a whole" included ME (while my account was still active, and quite frankly could include me again if this mistake would get corrected and reversed...looking directly at you, Bioware.) i voiced my opinions on the subject only to have my topic removed because i was upset at the time. im still upset by the way...but im attempting to remain calm this time around. and in that attempt i wont be reading this topic because im sure it will get trolled.


    im aware bioware is new to mmos and dealing with customers like this. so im explaining: its really a simple thing im hoping to clear up to Bioware so they wont end up doing this to any other potential returning customers or new customers in the future. when the mistake is YOURS dont ignore the problems its causing to the people that pay you.


    i would gladly resub to this game if Bioware would take it upon themselves to eat some crow, and correct the mistake they made. put my toons back where they should be with their names intact. thats all i want.


    on the off chance they DO. i thank you, publically, and apologize for being...(put it nicely) a jerk.


    but what ive been through so far im pretty sure they will just delete this topic before too many people even have the chance to read it.

  13. ive stuck with this game far longer than i probably should have.


    with the news there will be no solo ques for ranked warzone matches you --bioware-- have put the final nail in the coffin and burried my interest in this game 6 feet under.


    along with other things that have dashed my hopes for this game to grow into something that could rival the success of world of warcraft you have left me with knowledge that bioware just doesnt have the heart to give this game (nor its playerbase) the attention it deserves.


    ive already cancelled my account and im uninstalling the game as i type this message.


    im aware of how overly dramatic this message may read to some (or all) of you, but its a bit warranted after the time and money i put into waiting and waiting and waiting... only for it to end with such disappointment.


    flame away...or just delete it...doesnt matter, i wont be comming back either way.

  14. I know it's a bitter pill to swallow but you either transfer your character and enjoy the content with other players, or stay on a dead server and have a crap time.


    i know people like you think this is a choice but when its "do it because we say so" its not a choice.


    i do actually have a real choice though.. since they dont care to do what the people paying them want ill be taking my money elsewhere..atleast till they show me my presence matters to them. at this point it feels like even Blizzard cares more than Bioware does...and that says a lot believe me.

  15. grouping for pve doesnt mean anything to me because i dont do it.


    id would have liked a cross server warzone que though.


    im tired of waiting for these devs to do things as slow as they possibly can. then when they do decide to do something its not what we had been asking and waiting for.


    same server ques wont do anything to help anything and i have zero interest in being forced to transfer servers so my toons will lose the names i chose for them. i understand this is their first attempt at an mmo..but they should already know what cross server is for and why people expect it. not doing their research is not an excuse.


    if they are indeed working on these "super servers" they should have been working on them to begin with not halfassing a "same server que" or promising server transfers.


    bioware just doesnt seem to care about this game they want us to keep giving them money for. even when you read something they say about the game it reads like a business plan more than them having interest in what the players are thinking....yay capitalism though, right?


    chances are this post will get deleted too. im either getting warnings about my supposed "language" or my posts just get outright deleted.

  16. From the interview:




    That's actually an excellent idea imo. That's even better than merging the servers. I mean yeah, it is a server merge in a way but super servers with a much higher player cap? Hell Yes! But WHEN??


    dcuo has had this for a while..except for the game going f2p --and all the limits they added with it-- the mega servers are an awesome idea.


    imo bioware should be working on mega servers NOW before ppl stop caring.

  17. ill admit ive been playing diablo 3 instead of this game. but if there were cross server pvp ques for warzones id be playing this game right now.


    i dont think the devs have a full grasp of what players are talking about when we ask for cross server ques and why we need them. any dev that reads this go play on zez kai-ell...make yourself a lvl10 premade and que up for random warzones so you can see why we're begging for cross server ques.


    also -- the reason i said lvl 10 is so a dev can see first hand just how unbalanced their pvp system is and how much of a failure the "bolster" system is in its current state. (also so they can whitness firsthand the unscrupulous players that let their friends win..and the fact server merges will not fix anything.)

  18. the only people that require certain gearscores...yes its about gearscore regardless of how you want to spin it...are the elitists that want to get carried by people that have equal or better gear. (but funnily enough dont want others using them for the same thing)


    its a game..the instances are there to experience the storyline and perhaps get different gear appearences...you may wipe you may not...let it go and get over yourself and whether youre successful at playing a videogame or not.


    it always goes this way though..


    people want to be grouped with others that have the same gear so the game will be easier for them to play..then they come to that games forums and complain the game is too easy for them because the devs gave them what they wanted.... then we get an expansion like Cataclysm (for wow) that nobody likes...then more people complain and the devs overcompensate and make certain things too easy and end up diluting the whole game and try to save it later with pandas(or in this game theyll probably be adding tauntaun mounts).


    what devs and hardcores dont seem to understand is the people that arent playing instances now wont be playing them later no matter what you do or dont do. its best to just focus on what the majority of your games playerbase is doing. which in this game the devs should be focusing on giving people more things to complain about since you cant seem to stop doing it.

  19. i do have one of each on each side:


    -merc and commando

    -sorcerer and sage

    -gunslinger and sniper

    -sentinel and juggernaut


    i enjoy all their storylines. i dont skip through the dialogue.(not on class quests anyway)


    the main problem i have with pve is theres so much tedious repetitive stuff. dont get all self righteous about how "all mmos are repetitive" ive played enough mmos and rpgs to know thats true..but thats not what im talking about.


    theyve tried to rely on a LOT of cloned quests to make up for slow lvling speed outside of grouped content. "cloned" means exactly what its supposed to mean...there are a lot of quests that go the exact same way...along with the "BONUS" quests that are only there to keep you in certain areas for an extended period of time to makeup for the lack of decent XP gains..


    the class stories are fun but i find myself not wanting to do the other zone quests because theyre just filler around the class stories and theyre boring.


    i fill in spaces in xp gains by doing space battles and pvp, but thats problematic in itself, since pvp is not balanced at all while lvling... even though it easily could be with a few tweaks the devs are most likely unwilling to make.

  20. if they do theyre most likely the players that get extremely offended when someone says anything negative about the game and get the "dude ur just a troll" crap going.


    if any of them were to want to play on a live server to see how things really are i invite them to go play on zez-kai ell....if they arent already


    not only is this server poorly underpopulated at all times of day, but the guilds there are the real scum of the crop. its like every jerky, trolling, anti-social player from wow all went to the same server.


    the same people are guilded on both factions and they let eachother win warzones back and fourth. (i would out them to make them ashamed of their behaviour but some CM would probably threaten to ban me again) this is one reason why same server ques was never a good idea and why the 1.3 ques after transfers will be no better..all the jerks (they call eachother "friendly" though) will just find eachother.. join the same guild.. and do it again.. only on a larger scale. whereas if there had been cross server ques the jerk/friendly guilds would have ended up competing against eachother instead of joining forces to become super friends/mega jerks.

  21. Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.




    though this is interesting:

    1.The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
    why should i need 5 characters when one 2 letter word should suffice?




    also server merges and forced transfers always end in people losing toon names. this has caused me to quit several games already. looks like im adding another to the list.

  22. although i do understand this is biowares first attempt at an mmo (there are many things i do enjoy about it, but there are just as many things that aggravate me about it) -- while we wait for them to get better at it, we're still paying to play a stale game with no features that it should have had from day one. yes im referring to lfg and cross server warzone ques.


    fact is this game shouldnt have been released so soon. yes they wanted to release it to start making money, but it still had too many problems to be released for atleast another ~ 6 months or so...maybe even a year...


    believe me im being as patient and understanding as i can be about something im paying a monthly fee for.

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