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Posts posted by virtualmatrix

  1. ...and of course, BioWare takes the weekends off, even in cases of emergencies like this. This game is starting to wear very thin on my patience. I've never seen such a display of bugs get ignored before. I could kick myself for buying cartel coins.
  2. Lmao, thanks a lot BW, literally tried replaying a previous chapter to see if I can bypass this bug, but nope, it only counts the progress from first playthrough, very nice. So now I legit have to wait a week of my sub before you can fix it? Good joke, keep it up guys.


    I called SWTOR CS directly and told them, not asked them, told them to comp me the month. The Sith Assassin is the only toon I have left to gear and run the story through. I felt it was unprofessional to have to wait 20 days for this fix to be implemented. That's 20 days I paid for that I can't use. So, they comp'd me for next month. I was ready to just do a total stop-payment on the game.

  3. Note that we currently believe this workaround will only work if Koth is still present in the story. In the meantime, we have a fix in progress for this issue and are aiming to include it in patch 5.9.1, releasing May 22nd. Thanks damonskye for helping your fellow players out, and to everyone for helping us get to the root of the issue!


    So we won't be compensated for 20 days that this has taken? Maybe I need to call CS directly.

  4. Same problem as everyone else on my Assassin. Is BioWare going to address this or am I going to have to just abandon the character (and my sub at this point) that I spent over $100 on Cartel Coins on? I pay a lot of money and buy a lot of stuff and I know I'm not the only one. Could they for the love of god, hire a couple programmers? I'm sick to death of hearing about how small their budget is.
  5. So are we screwed here because we're no longer buddies with Koth? Because if that's true then, I hate to sound generic but I can't take these bugs anymore. I run into them on a weekly basis and I'm tired of waiting three days for support to tell me it's my fault. This is not cool.


    So, what do we have to do to fix this? Can we go back and redo Anarchy in Paradise and be all buddy buddy with Koth in order to proceed through the game I pay $14.99 a month for?

  6. talk about assumptions, I asked a serious question. to which you reply with some of the most obvious things about an MMO. Please do not insult my intelligence.


    Oh god...with this kind of attitude I really hope you're not on my server. "How dare he not let me play!"


    Pfft...barber college bro.

  7. It does damage...


    I couldn't care less about the animation. I don't have enough time in PvP to care about the aesthetics of my characters look like as I'm trying to end another players life for the time being.


    No offense, you kinda remind me of Mac users. If it's not simple and elegant than it's garbage, like when they got Steam and they all protested that it didn't look sleek enough for their taste.


    Bounty hunters are rugged guys who get the job done no matter the cost. Would it be better if his "backpack" as you call it was made by Louis Vuitton?

  8. Because I like death, destruction, watching NPC's being tortured by force choke or lightning. I like Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, Warriors and Agents. I like the G Chat trolls, and I like being bad. Although I'm quite neutral on my main (Bounty Hunter). I do what is necessary.
  9. SWTOR. Because it has a dedicated team that cares, and it's Star Wars... I'm sorry when I played wow all I could think of was Activision dollar signs and my soul slowly being sucked away into a dark abyss.


    But yeah this should be flagged.

  10. Hahaha I accidently did this exact thing to a guy yesterday morning, I did not see him, I think it may have been my connection, I'm not sure. Anyways, he apparently fought a mob and I didn't know, I go to this case and open it, loot it and go along my merry way.


    He then whispers an angry word at me and I felt so bad haha. I turned around and this dude is getting hammered by some 70k health monster so I help him kill it, trade, give him the 2119 credits and the green helm that was in the box. He's like, thanks man!

  11. You guys are really awful. Instead of maybe coercing him to stay or even really hearing him out you troll him, then call him a troll because he's having a hell of a time grinding. Or, you could've just ignored him completely and went on to do something else on the forums.


    You people really define logic.


    It's a forum, people can say what's on their minds. It's your attitudes that make people want to stay. Remember, more money for EA/Bioware = more future content.

  12. I didn't try to pin anything on you, but your backhanded tone and this extra information proves my suspicion correct.


    30 people don't just spontaneously organize to flame someone without provocation.


    What undertone? What suspicion? It's a video game, I stated my answer and YOU keep coming at me. Are you upset by this? Bored? I got my answers but you keep coming back to my thread trying to somehow unearth some kind of CSI mystery.


    I gave you my answer, now buh bye.

  13. I seriously doubt 30 people would start expending the energy to flame some random dude on general chat for asking where to buy ship upgrades. What are you not telling us?


    You're right. One of the guildees messaged me, they were being accosted by someone with a similar name than me. My name is Gumpfettish and someone had the name Gumpsfeet. So I'm still in the right, but thanks for trying to pin other people's issues on me :)

  14. I just got to 50 today, really digging the game and I'm going to be sticking around awhile. One thing though, I'm not used to MMO's and sometimes I have questions (for instance) I was wondering where I could get certain upgrades to my ship. I asked in general chat and some random dude just goes off on me, but doesn't stop, brings his whole guild in to try and insult me and I end up having to ignore 30+ people...insane!


    This wasn't the first time someone has insulted me in g chat, not complaining or crying about it but I was wondering since I'm kinda new to the MMO scene; is G chat usually this hostile? Or is it just because this game came out and new people will troll?


    Thanks in advance.

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