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Posts posted by mtsr

  1. Ok first off staying still in space is dumb, and should be reserved for the Death Star and other space stations, but I digress....


    People just staying in one spot and being harder to hit than moving targets is ridiculous and by harder to hit I mean stuck under cover and you have to stop to get a good hit on them. I thought Star Wars was about dog fighting and not about a ship hiding under a satellite. It should be fast moving, and exciting not sitting and waiting. I think this is part of the reason this part of the game is already in decline. It is not as exciting as it should be and is in no way Star Wars like.


    Actually in Star Wars lore I will quote you instances of stopping and being still in space battles


    1.):csw_falcon: millenium falcon in the asteroid cavern (which turned out to be the belly of a beast) thanks space mynocks!

    2.) milllenium falcon stops on the backside of the :csw_destroyer:destroyer's bridge tower ( then releases and floats away with the space garbage before the destroyer jumps to hyperspace) thank you strict standard imperial procedures before initiating a hyperspace jump. *note boba fett is wise to this game :csw_fett:


    I will gently suggest you focus your anger towards adapting, improvising, and then overcoming those crafts using stopping behind or in cover to their advantage. Focus your anger and use it, give in to it and the darkside will make you strong :csw_vader:

  2. got diamond defense 10 minutes defending. 10 minutes! LOL I didn't even know there was one, I thought platinum was tops. Would have to check but I think I have all the achievements for defending


    sometimes I will notice everyone is dogfighting while a node is blinking (under attack) and I spam in CAPS the

    AAAAAAA, BBBBBBB, or CCCCCCC. If I have the opportunity to do so


    Yesterday I said Dogfighters never capture after someone asked how we lost lol, but yea it's actually the dogs that chase cars.


    We lost a game yesterday 999-1000 and had 2x cap for most of the game but at the end they 3x capped and we couldn't get one back lol it was too late. I accept some responsibilty there, left defending to go after some of the other teams top killers.


    It's too easy to get wrapped up in the exhilaration, its way funner than guarding, and vastly more intensive gobbling up all the attention resources, when there are dozens of birds of prey in the air all engaged in battle.


    Now the Devs if smart will take notice of this and release some pure dogfite maps that are devoid of any nodes/ capture points. The node objective maps are a crutch and handicap for the player that thinks he or she is a leet elite space PvP'er who has gotten fat on shooting tailpipes, headshots, bellies, backs, or broadsides that are pulled with a hook in their mouths, moths to a flame, to a node.


    That said I will confess that I don't believe I am an elite pure space pvp'er even though I sometimes I feel like I am.

    I got fat with ship req made by sitting on satellites, fast cap, squat, tucked in lol, timid space mouse mode noting the big killers and then worked on engagements.


    The after game leader board is based on kills maybe have the devs change that to medals, they will never list it as *gasp :eek: objectives lul.


    Waiting for Space Huttball hehehe or Fleet Assault. Or did they say they were gunna make GSF flashpoints?

  3. I think it would help with the frustration many are having with the controls if there was a way to practice solo without the constant pop-ups and time limitations of the current tutorial. Those who have already mastered the controls and other mechanics are often frustrated having unskilled pilots on their side. And those of us who aren't the best with this sort of game, but truly want to get better without screwing up others' enjoyment would certainly appreciate having a stress-free environment in which to improve before going toe-to-toe in PVP.


    Hey Devs! the tutorial has a click box to turn off the fracking pop-up hints. But it does not work!


    need the free run to loosen up each day before hitting the launch, (or in between ques) you know professional (or amatuer) competitors need to practice and warm up before the real thing. Work out the kinks and so on!

  4. I found the field map in the lower right to be too small on 17" laptop screen. Used the editor and resized it to maxx now a little better, can see what direction I am pointing a little better. Still it is a bit small for my liking. I would like to resize the Triangle that designates my ship.


    The center map is a circle with the three capture points A, B, and C, wheeling depending on your heading in relation to their fixed positions. On that circle which is center UI Map and the targeting reticules incoming fire flashes red arrows around its perimeter from the direction it is coming from. (LOL I have inc fire from multiple directions way too often)


    Pressing "M" pulls up a full screen version of the map in the lower right hand corner of the default GS UI.


    I play mainly as a capture, capping scout and usually inverted upside down. Too many times I am turning the wrong way, when disengaging to go to another point. I mouse right and the ship turns left! I am considering reversing the mouse in the preference editor lol.

  5. well, play a scout

    to find out.


    It does put a visual fluid shimmer like a space jellyfish around the scout

    distortion field +15 evasion -30 shield power capacity activates: 65% evasion for 3 seconds

    tier 2: +10% evasion

    tier 3: activation: 6 secs + no misslle lock

    haven't gotten tier 3 yet, maxxed out engines and weapons first on the sting.


    lightweight armor gives +10 evasion at tier 3

    but I went with extra health later I might switch to the LW.


    distortion field is default on scouts for shield category but isn't really shields at all, in fact, it lowers shields and better shields is another tree entirely.

  6. Yeah. You can't even pull them and stun them in the fire! What a bunch of crap!


    Other things that are crap and need to be changed for the integrity of the game:

    -Knights being able to leap with the ball.

    -Consulars being able to sprint with the ball.

    -Other people being able to pass the ball.

    -The ball.

    -This thread.


    ... lol ...

  7. dunno


    If premades are removed from pug warzones then I'll grant your request...

    but if not, honestly it is a befitting irony, one that gives me a sense of comfort.


    I should tho mourn, and lift up my voice with wailing, and cast my body in ash


    Oh, that premades would have their fun spoiled, when they never ceased to take advantage of pug warzones, it is fitting indeed, a sad sight to be sure, ill fortune, creepy crawly pestilence eating their stores. Hordes of locusts blotting out the skies, the seemingly upright stumbling at noon as though were the blackest night! no! not even one star twinkling.


    I am so sorry, sad for you premades when there is a separate pug warzone that is premade-free get back to me for tea and strumpets and we shall laugh and say it was but a frightful and bad dream. :sul_angel:

  8. Have played exactly One warzone since 2.0


    Saw the XP and haven't been back again.


    Had 4 toons in elite War Hero prior to 2.0


    Have played exactly One warzone since 2.0

  9. This. Couldnt agree more.


    The cape would be terrific as well as a real piece of chestplate or something on his torso, not just inquisitor gear thats been renamed and recoloured.


    yep I forgot we didn't really get a genuine Revan Gear set just a dumpster-dived, repurposed, recolored, repackaged,

    inquisitor reject set.... :(


    So my previous post was partially incomplete.

    This post will clear that up.

  10. With all do respect

    to the appropriate SW:TOR personal


    Fix the double hood!


    The only reason people preferred the "classic" in previous cases was because it looked better, yes butt-flaps and oversized shoulder pads are garish, hideous abominations unfit for even the most unchained sith.


    Appearance designers for avatars might want to reserve their cutting edge, overly imaginative, experimental imagery for art galleries, and other high brow fashionable venues.


    If this seems harsh, then you feel what players in-game have been subjected to.


    In short don't try to re-invent the hot-dog.


    I will say the commando war hero and elite war hero series was a Hit despite the but-flap being on 90% of trooper gear...


    Fix the double hood!


    and release a trooper war hero / elite war hero series without the half-skirt but-flap or at least convert it to a short shoulders cape.


    Fix the double hood!


  11. They used to call me Mr.PvP seriously... guildies would call to raid but PvP was the hot girl pre 2.0... but I haven't set foot in but one PvP match since 2.0 went live.



    1.) the XP for 15 minutes was too low compared to PvE which has the bonus of gathering mats. Oh yea and the Makeb storyline was nice too!


    2.) Too much fun PvE and crafting. 3-55's 1-51 1-50 every crafting skill but artifice @ 400 and 4 crafters @ 450. Augments are not a problem for me. No time for PvP at the moment.


    Obviously PvP regardless of the many pet peeves with it, kept me coming back. Hopefully I'll be getting back in there soon despite the 2.0 PvP gear having been lowered in Tier compared to 2.0 PvE.


    Maybe the top issues presently with 2.0 PvP will have been smoothed out a bit, I couldn't tell you what they are firsthand. Reading the PvP forum section though has made me glad to be away from it, and these pVp forums...


    As far as having to grind comms out again that is just part of it, I accept it, as it is interesting like building a new competition vehicle or something cause the old one got wrecked. :)


    Have fun miss ya a little atm but not too much. ;)

  12. The two Biochem DPS implant schems on the basic comm schematic vendor for warrior (strength)

    have the same exact stats but different names...


    [Artifact] Microfilament Combat D-Package and [Artifact] Microfilament Might D-Package.

    Both have:

    163 strength

    166 endurance

    79 power

    74 surge


    Is this an oversight or what is going on? Every other main stat has a choice and diversity.

    And all have tanking schems.

  13. yea "dot-tards" lol blast ya from 35meter then speed another 30 meters away if they go to 75% health

    sorcerors/ sages spam the force wave root too it's like paranoia.

    it's not uncommon to have 5-6 sorc in a wz but for some reason... not sages... must be the lightning fantasy fetish


    hmm do all dots from different attackers stack on a single target in pvp?

    maybe that should be nerfed like grav round

  14. Check out the expertise thread thats on this forum. Any low level toon with 0 expertise will be bolstered up to w/e the max level is on the highest level in the warzone. They are bolstering off of the player stats and not level anymore.


    here this look above



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