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Posts posted by Sumire

  1. Do people who bought the Digital Deluxe version get anything above those who bought the standard edition in terms of these cartel commendations?


    Not too bothered about the free to play thing, I will continue to subscribe as long as though I get a load of freebies each month, otherwise I will no doubt go and play a panda :p

  2. I think "free" to play is just a way for casual people who don't play the game a lot to only pay for content they actually want to use. If they only can play a few nights a week it may be better to go free to play for them as otherwise they would be paying for a ton of content they wouldn't actually be using.


    In the long, if you really like the game and play a lot, a subscription is better and a whole lot less hassle and will no doubt give you additional perks.

  3. I went dark all the way, and found it tame, you never really ever feel truly "evil" the choices are always somehow possibly justified, were as if you play as a sith and go dark the choices are a lot more mindless evil and more fun in my opinion.
  4. Ok, so maybe have the better gear as the "carrot" for winning/playing as normal, but reduce the gear advantage, enough for it not make that big a difference. Just always make sure the higher tier gear looks better, then people can just concentrate on complaining about class inbalances.


    When some new gear comes out, make it so the lower tier is buyable for fresh 50s or people new to pvp. Maybe make it so no one is ever less than one tier from the top.

  5. there was pvp gear, buyable with faction currency but the stats on it were worse than crafted gear (stormtrooper for imps and rebel gear (pic here)) so not a lot of people wore it.


    that's how it should be done though, make faction selection a dynamic in game choice rather than a character creation screen choice and the server population will manage itself.


    and making pvp flag optional, but making any faction related actions auto flag you is better than having separate server rulesets.


    I don't even remember that gear when I played. I do remember buying a ATST to be fair, so that must have been faction gear. I think you are right though, there must have been some but no one wore is as the crafters made better gear. The crafting in SWG was pretty epic though.

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