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Posts posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. There is a great function for new players, it's called the search box, it demands a bit of thinking regarding what keywords you write but it's pretty simple to use. Furthermore, your idea of having three threads where you ask what the best class for each particular role and people give you answers and for these threads to help people? Nah that illustrates a clear misunderstanding of the game, so many factors influence dps, dtps and ehps, sure in specific cases raw numbers are helpful, but these change over time and maybe in a month or two, your threads will be worthless as they are filled with old information.


    Man, this guy is a dick....lol. Just couldn't come up with a decent answer. Instead he says "you're an idiot, don't come here and ask questions noobz, look it up properly!!".....lmfao. :D

  2. I don't understand why people can't comprehend the actual problem here.


    West Coast only has









    Population is an issue because of that.


    Please don't ask for more servers. This is the first time in years we've had a FULL server, and that is a good thing. I don't mind waiting in queue for 5 mins or having the server crash once in a blue moon due to server overload. This a new expansion and we should expect them to be super busy for the next few weeks. But it's temporary.


    If they add more servers they will become deserted wastelands again as people move on and stop playing.


    Don't encourage them to make the same mistake after launch by adding more servers.

  3. Totally free to get in! We have people show up a few hours early but I don't suspect we will run out of space :) Get there when you can and there will be space for you at the event. Make sure to track me down and say hi!




    Thanks Eric!


    My wife and I had a great time. It was really cool to meet some of you guys in person (developers & fans alike). Looking forward to your next stop in the Vancouver area whenever that may be. We will be there!


    P.S. I still wanna see more Huttball maps..... sooner than later. Cheers! :p

  4. The answer is basically yes to all of them. We have a bit of a Q&A and then break out into just mingling with food and drink. This gives everyone a chance to mingle and a chat in a more personal way with developers, community folks, etc.




    That is so awesome! I'm trying to convince my wife we should head down there next weekend. We only live about an hour outside Vancouver. Is there any cost to get in or is it just a free admission "first come first serve" kinda thing? Also, how early should we plan on being there to get in? Do you usually have fairly long lines for admittance.


    Thanks! :D

  5. I've gotta admit I haven't been paying as much attention to SWTOR news this summer as usual, but has anyone else seen this drastic drop in price for SWTOR? Under 15 bucks for the game @ WalMart (this is not a sale price either) which includes a free month means they're basically giving it away. That plus the F2P conversion leaves no barriers to new players.


    By the way, personally I still love SWTOR just the way it is and just wondering if this has been noticed already. :)

  6. These are all great changes and stuff you guys still don't want to realize what truly wrong with the game. We don't want new content. We want things that are already in the game fix. Can we get a Social Update, Like sitting in Chairs (How do you make a MMORPG like Star Wars mostly like the biggest Role-play Universe and not have the most basic concept to a MMORPG games like Sitting in Chairs, A detail Character Customization. Chat bubbles.


    When you think of Star War you don't think of Human, You think of all the different Alien Races it has that is what caught our imagination.


    I'd take new content over "sitting in chairs" anyday, honestly. Chat bubbles would be nice, but still not as important as content IMO. :)

  7. 1st... you don't know what "well above" is for an EA lawyer or PR, It could be a number as low as 10K.

    2nd... hide the real number under a vague sentence that put said number between X and 2 times X only means that that number is closer to X than to 2 times X.

    3rd... they can't publicly admit that are near X because that's really bad so they try fool people with such wiiiiide range to minimize the damage to the shares value.

    4th... we had a concrete number in previous quarter: 1.3M subs. The only reason to not give a concrete number this time is that that number is so bad that they can't plublish it.

    5th... with 800K-900K subs the game wouldn't go f2p ever.

    6th... cows doesn't have wings and can't fly, however you are free to believe they can fly.


    It's all a matter of perspective. Some people interpret "well above 500k" and "just slipped below 1 million" to mean it's closer to 500k. Others interpret that to mean it's closer to the million mark.


    All depends on whether you're an optimist or pessimist really. But they never said they were barely over 500k which is the way some people choose to look at it. ;)

  8. If they are 800K-900K why hey didn't say "we're well above 800K". Sounds way better than "we're well above 500K", specially to investors and press who are not fanboys than want to believe that cows has wings and can fly. They are smart people and they know what "under 1M but well above 500K" means: Subs between 500K-600K and dropping.


    Because 800-900k isn't "well above 800k" as you say. But it is "well above" 500k and just under 1 million as they said in the earnings call.

  9. 600,000 to 700,000 active accounts with ~500,000 or less paying and playing accounts IMO. If they'd had 800,000+ active acounts they'd have said "almost 1 million" I think rather than "above 500,000 and under 1m".


    I can't see why they'd go F2P with almost 1,000,000 active accounts, the only way F2P makes sense is if they are terrorfied about not breaking even with 500,000 active accounts.


    "Although it launched well, subscriptions have been on a declining trajectory and have now slipped below 1 million. Last year we announced that the breakeven point was roughly 500,000 subscribers. While we are well above that today, that is not good enough."


    To me that appears to be in the 800-900k subscription range since they they've only recently "slipped below" 1 million and still "well above" 500k. I could be wrong though. ;)

  10. This isn't a "LOL I HATE TOR" Thread, just a general area for people to say what annoyed them or what was disapointing in TOR to them, not a hate thread. We're all disapointed in one way or another about any game, none are perfect. For the record i still play TOR and am enjoying every bit of it, and frankly i don't see why people constantly moan about how crap it is.


    But, what disapointed me was:


    1) the inclusion of black colour crystals, these things are ugly as sin, and really should be removed from the game.


    2) Flashpoints - after Black Talon and Esseles (or however you spell it) They don't have much in terms of story, which i found a little disapointing.


    3) No group finder at launch - i expected this to be a common thing, aparently i was wrong.


    4) poor warzone matching, premades being put against pubs isn't the fairest system in the world.


    5) Money sinks - too many of them


    so, what disapointed you, from even a little bit, to quite alot, about TOR?


    Only thing that ever disappointed me about SWTOR was the player community. It's a great game, but the incessant whining and complaints has only damaged the game IMHO.

  11. This like when the House passes another bill that is almost like a previous bill.


    Everything about SWTOR breeds antisocial behaviour. Whether it's the lack of communication from Bioware or just the fact that the game itself really never was themed on "working together".


    Just trying to serve as a "reminder".


    I know this though, this "community" has been splintered and ruined from day 1. Now you want to fix it?


    You expect everyone to be constructive while posting? That's like people expecting you and your team to answer questions properly and sincerely engage into the community other than a few comments a week.


    It's just not going to happen.


    Infact, the reason the forums look like this to begin with is due to Biowares lack of communication.


    You remember? All the "We can't answer this." ..."Soon" ... Etc etc. You left the community to bicker amongst themselves.


    I suppose you will also be doing more than using "copy and paste" responses when closing threads.


    Oh wait, you don't have to give any warning so I suppose that saves you the energy.


    Empty promises of communication mean very little anymore. Your ideas of communication were to have users go to your Twitter and Facebook for answers.


    I don't believe that your staff know the difference between rude and insulting as people have been warned for "QUOTING" someone being rude or just engaging in conversation.


    "Legitimate". ...What's "legitimate criticism"? Are those the post that people usually post and then get attacked by the "positive" fanboys? You expect "legitimate criticism" when it's quite apparent Bioware doesn't listen to it anyways.


    Infact, before you decided to wipe the old forums, there was plenty of "constructive criticism". I remember I had some post that were locked because they were in relation of another topic. Only problem was my topic wasn't in relation with the other topic, was just assumed to be.




    We are trying to ban everyone who has anything negative to say. Everyone make post about how much you love Bioware not listening and acting like they care about their own product! Everyone praise Bioware for empty promises!


    Note: You do realise there are huge communities outside of this forum that do more damage to this games image than this forum? Namely places like Reddit, Massively, 4chan and Forbes and series of blogs.


    And I advise you brush up on what real communication is. Because going from not communicating at all to ,


    "We are now going to enforce our rules...Now with more spite!" Won't fix anything.


    Only thing you are doing is digging a deeper hole and showing just how out of touch with this community you really are.


    Why....this sounds like something a user on this forum would post.


    This is probably the MOST laughable thing I have seen.


    "If you don't agree with someone IGNORE THEM."


    Yes. That surely is the first step to communication and a better community.


    No comment.


    You sound very upset with this new policy. I, on the other hand see these new changes as only being benificial to the forums. The only people who would may have a problem would be the ones who continually troll, insult others, or bash BioWare and the game to make themselves feel better.


    I think this community team has been doing an excellent job since Day 1. You may not agree with me and that's fine, but I am extremely pleased that they are going start putting a stop to the incessant whining on the forums. Very happy. :D

  12. Then at least they put a little bit of effort into trying to allow people to keep some of their character names, rather than deciding someone is entitled to it simply because they lucked out and picked the right server to start on.


    Hundreds of thousands of people VOLUNTARILY transferred. When doing so, yes, you’re likely to lose some of your character names… same goes for any other MMO out there. If they are going to start merging servers… like they should have done in the first place… then naming rights should be given based on active accounts, creation date, and time played on character.


    As far as holding things up… as I said, server merges should have been done in the first place and naming rights given accordingly... not this so called “choice” where you can opt out of moving to a different server and then get forced to that server regardless. Don’t blame us because Bioware completely botched this entire thing.


    Naming rights based on active accounts, creation date or time played are all well and good because they suit your needs. But that kind of system will never fly. It always has been and always will be first come, first serve for names. It's the most fair system at the end of the day.


    I personally lost a bunch of my names after I transferred. I loved those names, but playing the game on a bigger server is waay more important. You can always put a ticket in and request a name change after things have settled down and they release "old names" that aren't being used anymore.


  13. But not before free, choice-based transfers, right? That's what you said a month or so ago... right? ;) ;)


    yes, two ;) 's because most people seem to miss that the one ;) is meant to imply the comment is light-hearted. LOL


    Edit: Amazingly, I found the conversation (and it only took a few moments). Amusingly enough, it was literally a month ago. Good guess. ;)


    Lol.... Yepper. :D

  14. What does clearing out the Origin servers have absolutely anything to do with allowing PAID transfers between Destination servers?


    All I want to do is consolidate my characters to a single Destination server.


    It's very simple and yes logically sound.


    Because clearing out the Origin servers is what's filling up the Destination servers. If they allowed PAID transfers to anywhere you want right now the designated Destination servers would stop filling. People would spread out and we'd be right back to where we were 2 months ago.


    Give it time. PAID transfers are coming eventually. No need to rush it. :)

  15. I normally don't really care about what is going on in WZ's, i'm here to play and to do my daily PvP quest and after they are done maybe some PvE or log out. Thanks to BW i can now do my daily faster coz it updates on lost game as well which wasn't the case when i had to play all evening for 3 wins and not get update even if you won -.-


    Right there with ya. I really couldn't care less if I win or lose. I'm just there to have fun and get my rewards and if we win that's just a bonus. You can tell within the first 60 seconds how the match is going to go.


    If I'm on a talented team that's playing well effectively then I'm going to step up my game and give it my all. On the other hand if my team is all over the place and were getting destroyed you'll find me dancing in a corner somewhere while the clock runs down. Sure, I'll get yelled at but it really doesn't bother me. I'd rather chill in a corner than stress out over a losing situation.


    Players seem to really hate it when I do that. ;)

  16. While slightly jealous, yeah, I agree, most people don't have that kind of flexibility.


    While it may seem perfectly acceptable given the amount of time you can find to spend within the game, I think that a lot of other players with different styles of play/amount of play time, would benefit a lot from reduced prices.


    True. I sure wouldn't complain if they started giving us some discounts. ;)

  17. Seriously, I know - I have no life. I play the game, I enjoy the game. I remember when legacies were first announced it was said "Oh hey! You'll be able to unlock them with either credits or legacy experience!" That's fine, and there's a whole what... maybe 3 or so legacy perks that are essentially useless that fall under that category?


    1.3 comes along, and again, more legacy fluff comes along, and again I'd have to shell out a bazillion credits if I want to tinker with the legacy perks. Except this time, it's even worse because they're per character.


    I know credits aren't terribly hard to come by in the game, but come on! The legacy perks cap out at level 25. I'm sure more will be added later. I'm LL30 and the XP just keeps on piling up as I keep throwing my cash at Bioware - and yet you guys keep putting credit sink barriers with ridiculous numbers up? Really?


    At least start giving legacy unlocks after LL25 to give a discount on legacy perk prices for us losers with no life that support your game!


    I'm only a few bars away from Legacy Level 50 and I agree there should be more perks or unlocks that only someone with max Legacy like myself should be able to get. Like a cool mount or title or something....lol.


    But as far as the credit costs?..... meh. It's kind of a pain, but not that big a deal really. I can easily afford all the perks and unlocks on multiple alts. Credits are easy to come by when you have 6 level 50's. :)

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