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Posts posted by mwheel

  1. jumping puzzles need to stop if want to do difficult jumps for quest I will play tomb raider jump till heart is content.I can respect jumping for data cron's because there a added bonus.ps they need shae vizla used her in all promotions wallpaper and get you to try game want to at least see her.
  2. No I am not selling junk at all people are just cheap selling a speeder for 10.000 creeds that should sell for 100.000 creeds that I try selling for just fifty and does not sell until I try 10.000 or 5.00 sorry people are cheap only gifts seem to sell
  3. Been paying from start a founder the gtn is aj joke people are cheap skates they want everything for nothing and are not willing to pay just above gtn starting price I beleave it's cause of f2p .just had to get that off chest
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