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Posts posted by sebbulba

  1. DCUO already did the whole 'action oriented combat' thing.


    Yeah, and it still has lots of subscriptions because it offers action-oriented gameplay.


    Oh wait...




    Action-oriented gameplay will kick people used to mmos in the face. Because MMO players love to blame abilities, procs etc. when they suck at pvp. In an action-oriented combat system, reaction and control will play a huge role. And no one can fix that "ability" in a patch.


    People will run back to WoW screaming for their newest gladiator set.

  2. Seriously.


    Han Solo and Chewbacca were a TEAM. C3-PO and R2-D2 were a TEAM. Obi-Wan and Anakin were a TEAM. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader were a TEAM. I think you'll find in Star Wars that the "solo" operators generally died! Darth Maul, Count Dooku and Mace Windu all refused to use their companions and where are they?


    Dabih hits thread critically!


    Thread dies!

  3. Hi Drakos


    I'm sorry you feel this way about this game. As you can see by my join date i've been here almost as much as you.


    Since your posting why you don't like this game. I would like to post why i don't agree with you.


    Let me take all you points in order.


    Imperial fleet LFG


    I have not had a problem finding a group for Hardmordes, PVP or even Heroics.

    World of Warcraft had no LFG system when it launched. I assume your one of those people who want a dungeon finder. I've played mmos for over 12 years and i have seen various implementations of LFG however i find you concern interesting atm considering how new the game is. There are plenty of people out there LFG in chat cos they are all still leveling. Most people aren't level 50 yet or are rolling alts. So there are plenty of bodies around.


    Still on the topic of LFG. I think it's more efficient having all your dungeons in one place where people can easily access them. I like this feature very much and have no wish to see it go. It makes grouping quick and easy while preventing the lifeless Dungeon finder you all seem to want. Dungeon finder ruined WoW big time. Let me give you an example of what i mean


    The other day i was partying with a group i found in chat and we were in a hardmode


    We were doing well and then proceeded to wipe a couple of times.


    In wow with dungeon finder. The minute you wipe that's it. excuse for tank or healer to leave or someone else to leave. You lose the sense of partying with a group of comrades trying again and again to defeat a boss. Dungeon finder was full of rude ninjaing quiters.


    YEs i played wow for 4 years i know what i'm talking about with this.


    Maybe in a few years time when this game has matured a bit they should add one in but at the moment i think there is no need at all and your frutrating yourself. AGain like others have said i think you "WoW" veterans are just burnt out.






    When i first used the GTN i didn't know how to activate search. However from reading compliants like yours i learnt how to. And i'm amazed at how little it takes for you to call thing failures.


    Ladies and gentlemen the reason people like Drakos call the GTN a failure amount to less than 2 secs of play time.


    Let me explain.


    TO activate search all you have to do is select the catergory you want to search. This is different from wow in the fact that in wow you could just search the entire AH instantly.


    So in this you have to select a catergory which takes 2 secs and then you can search.


    Due to this the GTN is a fail. Over reacting much :rolleyes:


    The GTN is excatly the same as WoW expect for the fact i just mentioned and you can put stuff up for as long as 2 days instead of one.


    The 2 days thing i think was a good move giving me more time to sell items.


    When talking about end game economy i laugh. All you people saying that Wow is 7 years old you can't compare this to wow because it's too old but you compare everything else to wow when it suits you.


    Let me explain why your not making sense. Wow's economy is 7 years old and you expect an economy that's 3 weeks old to be just as mature. :rolleyes: your not making sense and no one can make you see cos i believe you don't want to see.



    Crafting is a Joke and loses you money


    Incorrect on many fronts and seems to be an issue with many of you nay sayers. I have bought crafted gear many times and not just for my companions. Sure epic pvp gear is better atm but it really should be. The same was true for wow crafted gear. Epic gear that is droped or earned is better. This needs to happen to prevent gold buyers from accessing the lots of power for no work


    Plus i am a crafter. No i'm not Biochem. I'm a pure mission crafter. No i don't have slicing nether did i have it to start. I've made more than 2mill+ credits through crafting and playing the AH. your sweeping statments are just false and that's all they are.





    No i don't want the silly looking Weapons of WoW. Where a weapon was bigger than your body. I like light sabers. Plus the fact not all classes use lightsabers and there is plenty of varation with that. Sabers have different hilts but do you seriously expect bioware to break the lore of the sabers and create a new melee weapon for the force users who have been known to use only sabers since the first star wars was realeased.


    Really. Plus i do like sabers. They look much better than anything you have in wow .


    With regards to gear looks. Bioware is working on allowing us use orange gear with our epic stuff but more to the point i kind of agree with you. THere needs to be more variation in the looks of each class ( there is alot out there atm ) but there needs to be more so i agree with you on this point.


    Can't change ACs


    Of all the complinats i've heard this imo is the most hypocritcal coming from the "WoW" Veterans. Allow me to explain


    When i rolled a Warlock in WoW was i allowed to change class when i got to level 20 and realised i hated warlock?


    Answer : no you had to reroll


    And WoW actually had no explaination of the class. You couldn't inspect the tree before you choose it.


    What your not understanding is that each AC is a Class in it's own right. Not being able to switch what is effectively a main class has been standard for every mmo created barring the Final fantasy mmos. And yet for SWTOR this is an issue. It seems you guys are just making up issues just for this game and don't seem to have applied these phantom rules to your precious wow but you seem to be crazy about them here.


    Why don't you go on the wow forums and tell blizzard to allow you to swap from a warlock to a priest or you will quit. I don't understand why you want this feature. I don't want it. You are clearly told you cannot change. You are given a description of each AC before you choose it. you are given their trees and yet you still complain. This particular compliant of yours i see as completely invalid.


    Respec cost has no upward limits


    Simple answer to this. It resets once a week.



    No diminshing returns in PVP


    Go to the PVP forums and read the sticky on how resolve works


    Travel Frusration


    Amazing. You just want to be teleported where ever you want don't you. Cos in wow you had to fly everywhere. And watch the flying as it occured. Actually i remember when WoW launched. You couldn't even just fly to any point you wanted you had to stop of at each intermediate point and refly. Sometimes i took and still takes 15 mins to get to where i want to be.


    In star wars all zones of the galaxy are instant access. Yet your complaining it's too slow.


    i Don't believe your making sense here.



    No Day and night cycle


    How does this make the game better. Oh it gets dark and now it's light. It's the game that matters. Yes this would have been nice but it's really not an issue. People who split hairs of this are just causing themselves grieft. They are causing others grief by forcing us to have to listen to them.


    Choices not affecting anything


    If you play the sith warrior you get sent by baras to retreve some shards. When you come back you have to fight krumrel. You can choose to kill him or not or give him your shards.


    If you kill him that's it you never see him again


    If you don't kill him baras does


    If you give him your shards you have to go back to the tomb and get another set. you then see him in your scene with vermin and get to decide what he becomes next

    He then turns up in your next tomb and tries to help you fight Vemrin.


    Ofc your choices don't have an affect.


    Ofc they don't.


    Just plain lies.



    I think that is my response to you.


    I wish you luck in the future i'm sorry you don't like this game but in truth i doubt your going to find any other mmo that pleases you cos if minor issues and your misunderstanding can make you quit then the problem lies with you not others.


    The fact is alot of you have played mmos for too long continously and you looking for happyness. That's what i comes down too. Unforunatly you just not happy in yourselves and take it out on the game. That's what i think is happening


    icecoldone out


    That sounds a bit shrink-ish, but honestly, I think its true.

  4. So I have to lol at people who bought it thinking it was some grand thing, or bought it for the story or some other stupid reason.


    This is quite insulting. I did buy the game and subscribed because there is a lot of story-based elements. Does this make me stupid?


    I wasn't disappointed so far. And I enjoy the game, even after having played WoW for 4 years.


    I really look forward to playing with the stupid people who are staying, they seem more reasonable than the smart people like you are.


    Good day to you.

  5. I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

    Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


    Deal with it.


    Who are the best five rappers in the game? DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN and DYLAN.



    No, really, nice troll dude.

  6. Guess what... That was in game during beta but too many players complained when they realized they needed them for Crew Skills etc... The choice was thus taken out because too many players didn't think through what they were doing and did something stupid and wanted it reversed. Maybe if there weren't so many people in this world who didn't think things through we could have nice things. However, there are far more of these people than there are people who think things through and thus we cannot have nice things.




    SWTOR is a linear game. But its actually enjoyable anyways. When did anybody decide that MMOs shouldnt or can't be linear until end game level?


    I think it's much more enjoyable to follow the flow of my quests on one planet then switching regions not caring about any quest what so ever.


    I'm not saying TOR has no poor questlines. But at least, out of three questlines there's actually one which is quite good and you get to decide some of the outcome of the quests, and yes, I'm in my 40s now and I still enjoy the voice acting. I think it was worth it. It made me really follow the quest story lines, reading up things in the codex, and actually caring for the world in TOR.


    And I totally look forward to the rest of my trooper storyline, and the many story arcs they will add.

  7. I really took my time reading all those LFG and LFD - threads without ever replying.


    I'm bored now.


    Anyways, I think an LFG / LFD tool is alright as long as they don't server-cross it.Server-crossing strenghtens anonymity. And where anonymity grows, social aspects suffer IMO. I want to get to know the people who are on my server. I want to have a reputation. I want them to have one. Thats what makes an MMO an MMO, I think.


    SWTOR should develop the tool they have. You should be able to flag yourself for several quests or instances, and you should be visible to anybody on your server who looks for a group too. Thats enough.


    I don't think a WoW-esque LFD-tool is necessary. As many of those convenient fast-food concepts of WoW aren't necessary (Nothing against fast food btw :-D). People act as if many of WoWs features are "must haves" and "core MMO features" but they are simply desing decisions. Nothing more.


    I hope Bioware decides otherwise, it's just that simple.

  8. Why? Why do they have to be on the other end? She's a pre-written NPC, she could be pre-written to reply to you telling her to go f*ck herself. Instead, you're given the 3 choices of "Grrr im so mad welcome back" "Welcome back" and "I missed ya welcome back"


    Why no "Go away"?


    I'd love to see the dozens of thousands of threads people QQing about wanting back the companions which they sent away.


    I see the OP's point, I'm not too eager to make an alt on the same faction too soon, because I have to do the same planets in the same order.


    They could have added some smaller planets without class quests, just to fill the gap between the class quests on the different planets so if you're not in to nar shadaa, you just go through your class quest and can enjoy a planet storyline on dantooine for instance.



    You really think you are "pro-elite-hardcore" ?





    Holy crap ... funniest thing I've read on these forums in a week.




    If you can't take the time to get to know people then don't plan an MMO.


    Your ignorant attitude is what ruins games.




    That guy is 35. Imagine, he could have kids. They must be popular.

  10. Isn't it like morning there during patch time? Get a job.


    Maybe he's working shifts. Or he's rich. Or retired? I live in central europe, (Paris time), so the maintenance reallly is during the day (until 4pm I guess.)


    Since I work office times (around my place that means 7am to 4-5pm) I never had any problems with the maintenance windows.


    Daily patching shows me that bioware is taking the customer feedback seriously. Guess we all have to go through this.

  11. I'm playing on a european server and so far, I can't share your impression on anti-social behaviour what so ever.


    People I group up with (mostly random, people with mutual quests etc.) are normally quite cool. Flashpoint groups were not only able to clear given flashpoint in a useful time without rushing through mindlessly, most of the people were good for a chat, too.


    Though I'm building up prejudices against sentinels. I have the impression that the very least part of them knows what they're doing, and they're have a very high resistance to constructive imputs when it comes to their playstyle : / .


    Just an impression though.

  12. Perhaps many people mix things up.


    The MMO in SWTOR isn't missing. It's just that it is not forced. Group up if you like, and if you want to do groupquests and flashpoints. I never felt like the game is holding me back from that in any way. Plus the groupcontent so far IS fun in my opinion. An LFG tool would probably help a bit, but the existing tools to group up are sufficient in my eyes.


    I think what SWTOR does is leaving you a real choice whether you want to group up or not. Yeah this is an MMO, but its actually the first one where I enjoy soloing as much as grouping up at the same time.


    Warning! This is subjective opinion. Do not try to make an arguement out of this!

  13. My opinion on some of these features:


    LFG/LFD/LFR-Tool: Would be an improvement unless they walk the cross-realm path which killed the other game for me.


    Dual-Specc: Within AC, yes please. I'd like to have a PvE/ PvP specc in endgame.


    Appearence tab: I don't care about changing the actual look / shape of my gear. I would like an option to change the color scheme of my stuff though. Yes I'm a trooper. And yes I look like a douchebag because everything apart from my effing swamp-green chestplate is white.

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