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Posts posted by SithApreantace

  1. Hey guys,


    Just wanted to let you know I am passing this on to the combat folks to look into. I will let you know once I have an update. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!





    Thanks Eric, but we never got an update from the last time you said this. You never told us anything was being fixed until the patch notes. We went 3 weeks without knowing anything. How long will this one be?

  2. Matrix cubes weren't BiS. BW tried to "fix"/change their PvP relics. Of course, they broke stuff (reference relic slot bug), so Matrix cubes are now just "Least Screwed-up in Slot." But by all means, ask them to break more stuff, they're on a roll after all. At the rate their going, the only viable gear to wear in PvP will be the white gear your character was born with. Sounds awesome, right? lmao. :mad:


    So it's not BiS, it's LSuiS now. I like it! Let's all wear white gear. I haven't tried it but I bet there's and good new exploit in there.

  3. 3 months is not an acceptable time frame for fixing this exploit bioware.

    While the devs have been sitting around, pvp has had a number of people stop playing until bolster is fixed.


    The problem is lack of transparency, they acknowledge it but tell us absolutely nothing.


    you ever feel like a mushroom? in the dark and fed, well you know.

  4. Hey everyone,


    I just wanted to let you know that I have passed this on the PvP/Combat folks. They are aware of the issue and are actively working on a solution. I will pass on more information as I have it!




    Eric, It's been two weeks since you posted this. This is obviously a major concern for your PvP community. You mean to tell me in two weeks they can't give you a straight answer about this?


    There is a huge issue now. PvP is broken and people are exploiting the PVE gear and making a mockery of the whole bolster and the reasons why it was done. You have no update in two weeks time? Nothing??


    Really man?

  5. well, (puts arm around bioware's shoulder), ya know ya made a good attempt kid. It was a tough game and you gave it your best. But ya know, it's ok to admit defeat.


    Go ahead, try it, it'll make ya feel better. Bolster simply doesn't work. It's ok, you can admit it. go ahead, we all know it anyways. :rolleyes:


    Trust me you'll feel better. (hands bioware a tissue):confused: Now there, doesn't that feel better? (bioware begins to sob):(


    See I told ya, ya feel better now? (bioware nods):o


    Ok, now go ahead and scrap level 55 bolster, remove the expertise system and make a small valor rank buff instead.


    You'll get em next time, tiger. :)


    Maybe you can spend some of the extra time you'll save making some new content for all your friends. huh, would you like that? ;)

  6. Why do we keep having issues with the PVP development? Bolster, Bugs, No Content, Hacks and Exploits?


    The reality is BW's PVP Team is actually just one guy. He' kept in their basement. They only turn the power on down there for 2 hours out of the day to save money. The rest of the time he works with a slide rule and a candle. And, there's a leaky pipe dripping on him, so when the power comes on, his hand drawn spread sheets are impossible to read because the ink ran.


    Sad but True.

  7. Wouldn;t it be cool if they let you Que up as a Heal, Tank or DPS? Like the GF. ?


    Then you could use a classic pattern, 4 dps, 2 heal 2 tank or a slight variation of that.


    you could still heal if you Que'd as DPS but you're heals would be cut in half. Same for Tank, far too many tank specs out dpsing the dps. If you're a tank then be a tank, if you're heals then be heals.


    You would think that would be doable.


    Or you could select a free for all group. But you would have to define you're role ahead of time with the same rules as above.

  8. Hello,


    Can anyone tell me if there is any information on this? It is the buff that is applied to you when you enter a wz. It's at the very right top of your meter bars.


    I know what it does in below 50 pvp, it's a balancing mechanism but what is it doing in level 50?


    The tool tip says it adjusts your stats to level 49. Why is this nessicary in level 50 pvp?


    Thank you

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