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Posts posted by Carnunsas

  1. Let's not pay attention to people who want to screw over those who already have these sub rewards by bringing back old sub rewards and not giving anything to people who already have them - like they did last time when they re-released Shae and Nico.


    See? Other people can be insulting and negative too, it's not just you!


    Why does it have to be a loss for either side, give players without them a chance to get them as a sub reward and any that have them can receive something else like another boosted character or +100 cartel points etc. There doesn't have to be a loser here; all the variables are within Bioware's control here.

  2. I don't see why we can't have a simple interface to select any companion onto the ship with limited designated spots for them. It's not as if the comps pre-kotfe ever moved outside of cutscenes anyway. With this it becomes irrelevant who you killed or rejected as you can only pick from those that are there. they all already have idle animations and dialogue if you click them.
  3. Translation:


    "I gots it furst! No one else can haz it!! Itz mine!!! My ownz!!!! MY............PPPREEECIOUSSSSSSSssssssssssss!!!!!"


    And then, the pot called the kettle black.


    This is an idiotic response. I agree with the OP. I spent a lot of money on the CE and was told at the time that these items would not be available to others. How can they justify the price tag if everything is up for grabs for next to nothing.


    I'm not going to stop playing as it is an okay game that is fun to play occasionally but I will certainly not be purchasing bioware products with the same level of confidence and trust as I once did. :(

  4. Just opened a new thread to cover a specific perspective on the F2P announcement and it got closed in 1 min. :(

    Confirms all worries I had.


    Really did not want to quit this game, really like it but I am very concerned about what the game will become

  5. Title.


    Really looked forward to the game played avidly since day 1 and did not listen to the moaners....... until yesterday.


    I don't want this thread to be about moaning. I just want to know if there are others like me who think that this may turn the game into something different from what we initially signed up for.


    i hold out hope I won't leave and still enjoy the game but F2P worries me. :confused:

  6. Im imagining you played from day one similar to me, i had a lifetime and didnt really need to spend my points either. In the store you used tokens to upgrade virtues, stats, level legendary tiers quicker and all this cost tokens. To seasoned players it was not really noticeable, Ie: players that had been around for 4 years prior to F2P.


    Lets not forget SWTOR has been here for 9 months. It is still basics, and does not have features that LOTRO or WOW has to this day.


    How do you think these will be added to the game. LOTRO wasnt probably the best example i could give of a bad F2P simply because of the length of game-time the Subscribers had prior to it going F2P. Most seasoned players did not notice it because they had there banks, characters, had acquired most the end game gear and grinded their virtues and deeds.


    That is not the case here.


    And I will give another example of EA and their need to take your money. As i said they do not care about LORE.


    So August comes round, Most of us will pick up our 2000 odd tokens and go buy our new cool gear or what ever other trinkets are for sale, then the money making starts.


    September 1st comes, you are awarded 1000 tokens for being a paying subscriber and they have added +10 stat boosts to the store, so you spend 500 on these, and another 500 on other items, 3rd week, Store exclusive. Get +10 stat items Half price...???


    Ow man i just spent all my tokens, that's a good deal, how much are tokens, ow they got a deal on, get 1000 tokens for £10. Cool i can get all my stuff cheap....But wait, you just paid £25 for a months game time.


    Do you see where this is going, and LOTOR is no different. As i said, to a seasoned player it was not so noticeable, I maybe spent £5-£7 on the odd month in store and was a Lifetime subscriber so got a lot of tokens free.


    That does not exist here and the game is relatively tiny compared to what they can add via this store. SWTOR has none of the basic features WOW and LOTRO have, Guild buildings, Interior design etc etc etc. How do you think that will be implemented.


    Trust me EA will give you tokens but they will make sure there are way for you to spend them the day you get them, then make 100s of offers over the following weeks to get you to spend EXTRA money.


    This is a bad thing because.....???


    I'd be more concerned if they didn't provide things to spend on like say, oh I don't know ... the collector's edition store.

    I understand it won't work but honestly my concern is nothing to do with being spoiled for choice. More worried about the players the game will attract.


    I will keep my sub and hope the game works. Honestly though in all likelihood I will, unfortunately, be gone after a couple of months. I don't like the idea of having to spend money additional to a sub to get what I want (I will need a sub to do ops).


    Sad day for me when they made the announcement, it was like swtor told me they talked to the doctor and found out it is terminally ill. I will enjoy what little time it has left before the inevitable. I'm sure they will make money, though I fear it won't be my money.

  7. Just sounds like a bnp thread. These foreigners are coming into our server and taking all our loots!!

    Lol just thought that was funny. I do understand the complaint is valid to an extent but an mmo works better with larger communities and you can't expect bioware to stop ppl going into a server with free transfers.


    Think how many more pissed off ppl there would be if 1/2 a guild moved to a server and the other half was told they couldn't change because more people would cause queues. They were damned either way, I think they made the best decision given the circumstances.

  8. I have a 25 Jedi Shadow is all modable gear. I debated between Cybertech and Artifice for a while. The girly side of me wanted to be able to make pretty new crystals whenever I wanted, but the reasonable side of me says that all Artifice makes it mods for lightsabers and enhancements (along with relics later on), which are 1/3 of a modable piece of gear. Whereas, cybertech makes Armor and Mods, which are 2/3 of a piece of gear. And seeing as everything except my belt and bracers are modable at this point, it seemed the best choice. Plus grenades and earpieces are nifty. But I noticed as I quested that you can get mods and armor for gear from commendations, which are practically thrown at you during questing, There not as good as mine, but they almost are. But the only place you can get color crystal is through the GTN, and they can get pricey. I'm a new player, with a new player bank. I don't have monies to buy 'spensive crystals every few levels. Are there pro's and cons that I'm missing?


    Think you're confused. Cybertech only makes armor for droids. Form the sounds of it you are after Armormech.

  9. I don't understand what everybody is moaning about. Either park at a spawn point and find one or do some dailies and buy one. Money is not hard to come by.


    Why does everything new in this game come accompanied with a huge pack of moaners. It is a vanity pet in a game, do you honestly care that much?

  10. were not geting a free day , we paid for that day!! there not giving us anything free .giving us a day to play that was lost cuz of server problems ,that's not free,that's a joke . i paid for that day soo jeez(and weekends have been free of late and we acount holders still had to pay for those too) ,... thanks ive got 150 bucks invested in this game .. i get a tauntaun


    if your gona give free days to play it shuld be for every acount holder. we are all valued players. i hope?


    They didn't have to give you anything, trust me I have had much much worst customer service. Just stop finding things to moaning about. What did you expect a personal apology.


    What gets me about people like you is that you have a chip on your shoulder about what to expect from life. In general life is pretty crappy with every1 out to make as much as they can. This includes Bioware but at least they aren't taking things away. Stop being so naive and just play the game instead of moaning about it.

  11. I have no life? Interesting. How did you come to that conclusion? I have no lvl 50 and dont know anyone other than my brother in game who started at same time as I did.


    I am in the military, 31 yrs old, a wife, 3 kids, and plenty of time away from games. I am not sure how you decided I had no life, but as you can see, I certainly do. If not the military, then with 3 kids and a wife.


    Your rudeness isnt needed, friend. If you cant do constuctive criticism, then keep your words to yourself.


    Wow, you need to calm down.


    Firstly there was no rudeness.


    Secondly it was meant as a joke.


    Thirdly it was phrased as a question .... go on read it again I can wait..... see.


    No offense but I honestly don't care about your personal details I was making a joke about your rash generalisation that people that leveled to 50 in under a week had no life. The rudeness you saw was actually from your post refelcted in mine. I did not say anything rude to you, as I said reread it.

  12. Disagree 100%. Anyone can get a character to lvl 50 in a week. So how is it that they are more valuable than a player playing since opening? Simple. It doesnt. Time paying for the game is what makes people valuable. Not lvl of a virtual character. Basically you are saying this:


    Take a player playing since the game went live:


    He/she loves the story line and just enjoys playing, but has no lvl 50. This person gets no 30 days.


    Take a new player with no life:


    He/she get a lvl 50 in a week because he/she has friends to help him/her lvl. He/she has been playing 7 days and now gets 30 days for free?


    No, your comment is null and void and sounded a lot like trolling.


    So the player with "no-life" has friends to help them. Does that mean that you, presumably a player with a life, has no friends?


    I have friends, a girlfriend and all the trimmings and I still can level in under a week.

  13. Once again, great post, but we still fail to see eye to eye. I'll give it one last try:


    5 monthly payments and lvl x character = loyal

    1 monthly payment and lvl 50 character = more loyal? more deserving?


    It just doesn't make sense. The reason they gave the time to lvl 50s is to keep them in the game until they can offer them something worth staying for. They KNOW lvl 50's are likely to leave, not that they are inherently more loyal.


    We are debating semantics. Your issue seems to be the word "loyal" and fine that was not the best word they could have used.


    The point I am making is simply that they are targeting a section of players that they want to keep a hold of because they have played everything and are still here, regardless of if they are likely to leave (though obviously this would also factor in their decision making).


    They call it loyalty, sure it's not the right word. Regardless of what they call it i can see the logic of their decision, even if the execution was not the best they could have done.


    Hundreds of pages over them not using a thesaurus is a bit much though :cool:

  14. The rudeness of my post was intended(wrongfully, I do apologize) to respond to your insulting tone. The reason the community is fracturing is that some hardcore players like yourself can't understand that others value playing the game before max level. If the game was all about lvl 50 characters it would start at lvl 50. I hope you can understand that, despite that it's different than you feel.


    I understand your credit analogy and think it was eloquently put. I do not think it can be used to explain their decision to offer a reward to a group they deem more loyal than those who pay every month.


    I am happy you are happy to pay for this and I hope they don't lose you as a customer. I also hope Bioware apologizes for offending it's subscribers. That's all.


    I understand the value of lower level play. I recently started on another server and am re-leveling my chars just because I enjoy the story so much. The point I was making is that regardless of how much you enjoy the lower level play, it inevitably leads to max level play.


    I actually enjoy pvp a lot more pre-50 as it doesn't require premades to win. The fact I prefer it does not mean I don't have a level 50. After all if I did not have a 50 already I wouldn't be able to know that I prefered it before level 50.


    I just think that from Bioware's perspective it makes sense that they want to reward those that they know are sticking with the game. You may love playing low level but in the end you will have a level 50 and may hate it. In this case they will be much happier having had your last months payment.


    The above is true in all cases other than cartman power levelling (somehow) killing boars. In this case you don't need to be high level :p

  15. Please remove your head from your buttocks and re-post. There are many reasons why people don't have lvl 50's. Among the 30-40 reasons I have seen posted, some of us don't consider this their primary game. We still subscribe(me since beta/pre-order) and were loyal.


    You're use of the word "valid" is worse than the repetitive use of "entitled" here.


    A little rude but I will respond to you.


    The game has been out for months, I leveled my first level 50 inside of a week whilst also playing other games, working and spending time with my girlfriend. (Admittedly not that much time on other games initially :p)


    Now If you had taken a month to get to 50 that would be fine. My only point was that if you aren't even getting to the bulk of the game (if you have ever played MMO's you will know that end-game is what decides if people keep playing or quit) then why should they reward you.


    The fact that you have a sub is not in question. Think of it this way IRL it is very hard to get a credit card if you have not got a credit history. Similarly they will not reward you for loyalty until they know that you have seen all they offer and said "yes I will continue to pay you for this game"


    The use of the word "valid" was an opinion and as such is subjective. You can disagree with me but that does not change my opinions validity.


    If you don't feel entitled why are you still complaining about this?

  16. Thanks Bio and Lucas for my little pet, question can i gear him up with Battle gear and have him bite off the legs of sith while PVP? Please let be yes. And thanks for the 30 days for free. Awsome greatly appreciated.




    Thank you for being a normal well adjusted human being.

  17. Listen pal, maybe I should rob your wallet of 15 bucks and say, "QQ, QQQ, QQQQ. **** happens get over it and move on."


    This server down during peak hours nonsense happened earlier this year. Did they learn their lesson? No. Did they offer compensation? No.


    Let me borrow 30 bucks.


    What lesson?


    This happens with programming you change one thing and it affects another. We just got given a big *** content update FOR FREE and 30 days free play time and you are moaning because something went wrong and they are trying to fix it lol.


    They have not robbed you of anything. I don't know how many MMO's you have played but a lot of the time when this happens, and it always happens with large updates, there is no apology and certainly no free play time so really you should be grateful.


    To those moaning about not having a level 50, just stop. There is no valid reason why you wouldn't have one other than being new to the game. If that is the case then you haven't even played a full month and don't really deserve to have a free month for simply being present

  18. It really punishes two specific playstyles.

    - Altoholics, who might have say, six characters that are all between level 20 & 35, I'm pretty sure that in between those six they've gathered enough exp to have two level 50s, but since they spread their efforts across several characters they're being denied a free month, which for Europeans is worth €13/$17, not a world of money, but still worth money.


    - Heavy RPers, I know people who basically have been on every night since launch but never made it to level 50 because they've been role playing most of the time. PvE is something they do when there's no one to RP with.


    I really don't see how some people find that the Tauntaun, a bunch of useless pixels should be seen as equal in value to something that costs genuine money that could've been used elsewhere.


    I have 50's and several other characters 25+, it benefits people that are active. MMO's don't really come into their own until max level.


    If you aren't there yet then you may not understand but it is the same in all MMO's. It takes longer to get fully geared then it does to level then theres all the other content that comes out.


    As long as this gets fixed it is really not that bad just stick it out and see.

  19. QQ, QQQ, QQQQ


    All I can see on the forums since the little faux pas with the update.


    **** happens get over it and move on. To those threatening to leave, please do maybe it will speed up server merges for those that don't leave.


    For those wanting compensation. You just got 30 days free what are you moaning about. If you didn't get the 30 days then you may possibly have a valid complaint depending on how long it takes to fix SO WRITE A TICKET.


    These things happen with content updates please stop complaining about it, it's the nature of the beast.

  20. Well as long as they don't take 30 days to fix it I'm still ahead!


    Just sad I can't log into the game I want to play.


    To all those whining, we get it you wanna play but somebody took away your toys. Don't worry somebody will bring you the toys again later.


    Seriously though this kind of stuff happens. Get over it, just play something else for a little while then come back later. Not ideal but not unexpected, still been a smoother ride than most MMO's.

  21. Title says it all. I'm a little bothered that one of the abilities I paid for whilst leveling is now available to everybody.


    Furthermore this means that regardless of paying for it I now am missing an ability my character should have as there has been no replacement for what I paid for.


    I don't want the money back but I do feel that we should be given a replacement ability now that everybody can get sacrifice.

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