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Posts posted by pnuk

  1. I was gone for about 2 months, left a month before the launch of 1.2. When I came back I realized on my server (Terentatek) there were only 40 people on the IF. Now there were always A LOT more imps than reps on my server so I can only imagine how bad it must've hit em. There are two ways to fix this. The first would to merge a couple of low pop. servers like Terentatek and Anchorhead with another so that we would have a bigger server (ONLY SERVERS OF SAME TYPE AND LOCATION). The other option is that BioWare would release an expansion pack so that many of the ppl. who left would return. I find this would work better because TOR is mainly about story and the reason so many people left was because they finished the story and felt satisfied. Now end-game is great too, but usually your brain focuses on story and not end game so it isn't hooked on end game, rather on story. An expansion pack would expand the story and the brain will want more story.
  2. I must completely agree. I'm sorry BioWare, but a lot of people stopped playing, not because they thought it was a bad game (well some people thought that but they are confused what are good and bad games), but either it took too much time out of their everyday lives (WoW did that in excess) or they're just done with it. This guy is right and the best option would be to merge servers, , if swtor ever takes off again you can separate them. When I first started playing the IF usually had about 200 people now it barely has 100 and in the morning it can drop to 20 (now thats scary). It is very hard to find groups. Heroics and Flashpoints are amazing ideas (truly amazing) so what you could do is just merge the servers so that we can get that "Lots of people play this game" feeling.
  3. City Planets are epic in my opinion, but so are planets like hoth and tat cause their landscape is beautiful. So I would incorporate both some more. I didnt like Taris cause it was primitive and boring. There are a lot of planets in Star Wars that were not even mentioned in swtor. I would recommend you bring in Geonosis for ppl who liked Tat and Hoth, Naboo for people who like Alderaan, Kamino might work but it would be hard to incorporate it because its so small but in battefront I loved it, cloud city would be kinda cool, Felucia would be alright in the fact that it is look Kaas (which I didnt like), I wouldnt recommend Kashyyk cause its kinda primitive, for people who liked Nar Shadaa I would bring Mandalore planet of the mandalorians and Bastion (look it up on wookiepedia). Also they should have more raids and some more classes with races.
  4. Well I was made very sad how so many important characters were murdered by yourself. Darth Malgus, Revan etc. were all good people and they were just murdered. Like in the class quests you should have the option if you will murder them or let them live, because if it were up to me I would make Darth Malgus the new emperor and listen to Revan's preachings.
  5. Im sorry but I believe that the agent story is amazing. I see that all of you just dont like sneaking around planting bombs, playing double agent. I mean this is what a agent is being like. Do you really think that the C.I.A. would do it any differently. Seriously this is what it means to be a agent, go around pretend your an enemy, stab them in the back, walk away silently. If you guys would listen to Watcher X you would understand the idea of an AGENT.
  6. I want to know is this.


    Why does Agent healers have be the worst healers in game by a huge margin with a myriad of broken talents that never ever get fixed? And why do you slap us with massive nerfs every patch for no real good reason? For teh lolz?


    Sick and tired of you ignoring this class and nerfing it into oblivion.


    Whoops, this will get ignored. If it was a sorc or sage question, it would be answered 5 minutes ago. Must please those masses, right?


    buddy we agents (in my opinion) are the best class. Check out our spaceship, the best. We have the best cc. I dont know what your talking about our heals are amazing and if you would be dps we would own them all. The main problem with most agents is that they have the attitude of sith. They would love to go and kill instead of help people. Instead of sneaking their way past mobs they want to go and shoot them. If your having trouble with agents, blame yourself.

  7. Hey Star Wars the old republic is amazing, but as anything in life it still requires improving.

    My main concern is that I believe that the TOR universe is too small. I would suggest bringing out new planets (an extra planet for every level group) and/or simply creating more items. I would also recommend that you make an expansion pack where war finally breakes out. I would love to see some new classes and races. There should be a few more operations too. I believe that expansion comes with time and so far this is very very good. I also see that the main reason the TOR universe is so small is because BioWare put a lot of emphasis on the quality of the game (excellent job btw), and I respect that but to keep players attracted to mmos you guys gotta make this thing bigger. I see that TOR is slowly losing members. I would recommend to keep making comic books etc. to attract people of different groups. The more members would really make the game better because then a person wouldnt have to wait a millenium to finally get a group together for a flashpoint or op. PVP is great thanks.

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