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Posts posted by necroticjon

  1. Hello,


    I have been away from the game for a couple years and decided to jump back in. When I was playing it did not matter which class you played, you were able to solo the storyline pretty easily with your companion. I was wondering is this still the case with all the new expansions? Because I kept reading on the forms about classes that are in different Tiers and being better then others. Is this generally just for group content, flash points, etc?

  2. Between an Assassin or a Sorcerer PVE wise which would be the ideal class for doing all the heroic's and other harder content? I love Treek so will mostly be lvling up with her. Also I am a very casual player and was told playing an assassin would just frustrate me because I play casually. Just wondering if there is any truth to that statement? I am not 100% familiar with the new discipline's or which class excels at which one so any help or tips regarding the disciplines would be really appreciated. :)
  3. I just started playing a Marauder and I love the dual light sabers but I have heard a lot of people commenting on how difficult some specs are. My question is I love the fact of playing a melee oriented light saber class that is not a jug. but I only play casually and I had a problem with trying to play an assassin and getting over the learning curve but because I played sometimes only twice a week if I was very busy I never could get very good with him. Is this the case with a Marauder or is there at least 1 spec that could suit me.



    (Sorry For Bad English) :)

  4. I just started up playing again after being away for about a year, and I am sure tons of things have changed since then so I was hoping to get some help. I am looking a range character who can solo well and at the same time be decent at pvp. I am mostly going to be playing on my own so being able to solo pve content easier then some classes is a priority to me. And I would like to do wz's when I can, so hopefully a class that is not COMPLETELY horrible at pvp. When I left Merc's were terrible in pvp.. is that still the case?? Thanks for any advice.
  5. Gunslinger and Sniper have the same tree's so that is personal preference... people have told me to stay clear of a Commando so the same I guess could be said about a Merc... I dunno about the rest
  6. All I see is people talking about how a Commando is terrible in PvP (even extremely well played ones).. Are they actually THAT bad.. because I really would like to make an assault spec Commando, I have no interested in an assault Vanguard.. if I play him smart will I be able to atleast do decent dps and not get killed every 2 minutes. Also Merc's always talk that they are the worst class in the game, so would that apply to Commando's as well since they are mirrior classes?


    *sorry about my english*

  7. I enjoyed this game, played it quite a bit. 4 lvl 50's a 45, and a 25 I was working on. Despite all the nerfs you have done to my operative class I have found ways to stay relevant as far as 1v1s or annoying healers in warzones to help my team win but with every change you make the game doesn't even feel like player vs player its devolved into who has the most smash warrior/jugs.


    You nerfed the operative class due to "teams of operatives" which I still find the most ridiculous explanation from a group of people whom are supposed to be intelligent and seasoned in the gaming front. As an operative I have never been apart of, nor seen, a "team of operatives". But I have seen teams of tankasins and flavor of the month smashers.


    I have a hidden strike, which requires stealth to get behind my enemy. The stealth system is broken or if it "works as intended" you know nothing about rogue classes. With 3 points into improved stealth I can be seen up to 15 meters away from an enemy. Myself and my guild have tested the range of detection with or without improved detection/stealth 15 seems to be the average. This makes it hard to navigate through a warzone and get behind a target, let alone dodging all the random aoe's attacks/stuns/knockbacks I open up on my target and it hits like a wet noodle. My backstab does almost double damage. I have hit a 5.8k backstab on a pve specked inquisitor but I never get anywhere close to 5k on pvp geared classes. I still do well though. But a warrior can leap and get a smash crit on multiple targets and hit up to 6k and you don't have any variables that the operative has to avoid to get that main attack off.


    How is it justified that a burst class with all the variables involved does half the damage as another classes aoe? It is evident that you are tuning the game to keep as many subscribers as possible and not for actual balance. I don't want to be over powered, I don't need to be. Just be CONSISTENT.


    Your company needs to change the helm of whoever is in charge of your pvp changes before its too late. You have many games coming out in which the pvp is much more enticing. I have no desire to do rated warzones now. It was exciting but hows my operative going to help my team actually win? I'm not a healer I dont want to grind that gear. I am loyal to my guild and would rather them win by taking another warrior/assassin/anything than myself.


    When rated warzones come out folks are going to use more strategy and team makeup. In hutt-ball for instance. I have no gap closers, middle of the pack burst dps, and no utility to help win the objectives. Sorcs/assassins pull friend/enemy, Bounty hunters have knockbacks pull/charge, warriors charge. They have ways to score, to keep from scoring, to be effective. All I can do is try to kill the ball carrier until I am knocked off the ramp and by the time I get back up balls scored.


    Go ahead and tell me to "re roll" for me to fix the problem you created. How about you just remove the rogue class?


    There is no enjoyment in Juggernaut hopscotch which is basically all pvp is now. I'm unsubscribing. Best of luck to all my fellow star wars fans many hails and great blessings.

  8. My proprietary systems indicated that Operative DPS is 20 ~ 30% behind Anni Marauders. In addition, the Marauders provide a raid heal, can spec a short CD interrupt, have better movement, better survival, and provide a bloodlust.


    We have removed all DPS Operatives from raiding, and the only thing that saved the Snipers was the raid wall. There's no point in having fragile, low DPS classes. My Operative, my first toon, leveled ONLY FOR PVE, is sitting on the shelf where it will remain, I wish it were otherwise, but I can't possibly sit here as a progression raid leader and ask my raiders to maximize their performance (max your companions, get all datacrons, do your dailies every day on your main and alts, etc) and then sit there on the weakest class in the game asking them to carry me.


    All a non-healing Operative does is get carried. If you believe otherwise ("I'm super skilled but somehow magically wouldn't be super skilled at a better class") you're lying to yourself to avoid the reroll.


    Sadly your mostly right but it doesn't mean it is the correct way to handle it. Bioware needs to fix this. I am not abandoning my favorite class and rolling a more raid friendly one because the company fails at game balance.

  9. We have been steadily getting worse and worse every patch. I have managed to find ways to stay on top of most people tweaking my rotation and utilizing orbital strike in creative ways but its to get to the point that its mathematically worse and there isn't much use in bringing this class to any pve/rated warzones when they come out. I'll keep going with my op since I have put so much damn work into it but it pisses me off that no matter how good I get my rotations down or how much gear I get as the current balances stand I cannot keep up with the crowd.
  10. warzones I am doing just as well no complaints. Only complaints I have is that I am useless as far as dps goes in raids. I just recently started to try pve out but now im so far behind everyone I feel like im holding my team back if I join.
  11. Yeah. I have 4 50s 3 human 1 cyborg. If I had known about this earlier I would have made a different race every time for the legacy unlock. The idea of a miraluka sniper would make me want to do the grind a 5th time. I don't have 1.5 million credits I am pretty fail at making money in mmos. Any chance you could let people that leveled the same race multiple times to get a "token" to buy a new race to create a new alt? I feel that would only make people like myself who are alt junkies want to do the grind again.
  12. I love my op and I will find a way to become efficient no matter how much they nerf me. The only gripe I have is with the 12 second backstab it takes away the fluidity of the rotation and feels less like an operative. These changes will only make us less viable in warzones let alone rated warzones. Who would take a crippled OP on their team over the many other useful choices such as classes that can pull/push/speed burst etc. I always try to take out the healers but with these changes I fear that I may be hurting my team by playing the operative class over my other 50's. That being said I still love my operative and I will adapt and overcome.
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