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Posts posted by jankiel

  1. It really sounds like a cry-baby issue to me.

    We all know that the development team is limited, feed-back or not it is hard for them to rework or cancel something on the fly. They have to deliver.

    this Ui frame rework has no impact at all on the gameplay and its size is ridiculously small tho it might help player keeping track on their main story (Wich is really confusing past level 55). i don't mind the other 2 panels, i won't be opening them anyway and i'm sure none of these players complaining here won't either.


    There are other issue in this game deserving much more attention. Don't make this tiny change such a big deal.


    Thanks for your explaination, i was indeed not understanding the issue (not from this point of view) but i still can't agree with it.

    If the team is small why would they waste time on such a pointless "feature" no one ever wanted?


    Would be just better if they let us rever to previous UI and be done with this crap.

  2. Is there any way to still get these ? Other than the insanely low drop rate slot machine thing that would require hours of mindless clicking on the slot machine?



    Some time ago I farmed enough reputation with the cartel vendors but I am now unable to get the items from the vendors because I can't get any more cartel certificates. Are there any other sources of these?

  3. Is it just me or is this a bad design choice? I have no problem farming LS tokens for the vendor since LS always wins on my server, but how am I supposed to get DS ones? I hoped to buy those ds shells but seems I will need to pass since I can't get any of these on my DS toons. And farming random spawns in an hour is out of the question, before the group forms ,before we get there it's almost over.


    Is there some way of getting these that I am missing?

  4. Hey folks,

    But, I do want to make sure you know when we will begin really talking about Eternal Throne. That date is October 7th. The day/night of our New York Comic-con Cantina is when you can expect details about Eternal Throne. Once we have crossed the 7th (and through launch), I will be able to address questions in the forum more directly, we will be posting developer blogs related to the expansion, and more.


    I know this post is an announcement of an announcement but were almost there, only a few more weeks.


    Thanks everyone.





    FFS. If you don't want to post any new news then better not post anything at all. A announcement of an announcement ffs :rak_01:

  5. So this event was supposed to keep me subbed during the break between Season 1 and season 2 of KotFE right? I don't think it will work this way.


    I MIGHT have tried to do it if the rewards were retroactive but paying for server slots and going trough 8 classes again is just distasteful

  6. Either spend lots of $$$ on lottery boxes and maybe get it or spend over 15,000,000 credits to get it. This thing is not for the average player and that is why I think it's a big miss. What's the point of hyping this new cool feature if 95% of the players won't even have a chance to use it?
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