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Posts posted by Grabsi

  1. So, simply put, since we don't believe the same as you we aren't entitled to an opinion. Well, tough for you, I got one and I say this move is about as bright as a dead light bulb.


    This is NOT a win for this game, this is a tuck tail and run maneuver because they released a buggy game before it was ready and can't seem to fix it.


    They spent all this money on voice overs instead of creating actual content when the majority of us, once we hear it the first time, space bar though the damn things to not have to listen to them again. they add absolutely nothing to the game but processing overhead. I do not feel more immersed because I hear the same voices and soundbites over and over again. I do not feel more immersed because I have three choices that completely take RP out of my hands and predetermine my responses, often differently than the choice bubbles suggest.


    F2P doesn't fix any of this, it will just bring in a bunch of people who have no investment in the game, increase the issues with the network errors this game already experiences during the supposedly heavy population cycles and will introduce us to a cash shop in our faces (whether we subscribe or not).


    I've watched this happen to two games already, I already know how it will end. I only hope I can get another 6-9 months of enjoyment out of the game before they completely destroy it.


    100% agree on this , for me atleast, is the proof that SWTOR is the bigest flop in gaming history to this day, all thanks to the people who call themselves "game designers" and their "great" game breaking decisions (read VO)


    Never again im buying another game from Lucasarts, Bioware and EA , atleast if i dont see some of the people who are rensponcible for this debacle.


    Really sad day for gaming industry

  2. This is just perfect!!!


    Got kicked from a server and now i must wait for a bloody 2 hours in QUEUE???!!!!


    Bioware fix this damn thing and make transfers OFF the Tomb of Naga Sadow NOT TO


    Jesus i mean ppl get really great ideas sometimes for game "improvements"

  3. Tried to log in tonight and really give it another shot but i have to say its unplayable for me .


    Mind you , i use all keybinds on all my spells and it freaks me that i can't see when the spell is ready to be used cause of this UI change and GCD showing on all active and inactive spells.


    Please Bioware, i really would like to continue to play this game cause i love Star Wars etc , but im affraid if you want change this soon ( meaning till my subscription ends for 5 more days) you will loose not only one but a fair amount of players cause of this silly problem.


    So, i beg you, FIX IT ASAP for your own and players sake!

  4. I just wanted to show how horrible the new ability cool down system has become.


    For pure non-clickers it is a nightmare. When doing this video I used the mouse for easier illustration and then it somehow works.


    But if you are a competitive player, you don't want to spend your time fixating a few cool downs.


    With this 2 minute clip I want to illustrate what a pain it currently is - it's a freaking laser show and doesn't support smooth gameplay at all.


    Bioware - seriously, I could give you enough tips how to make it better - but just let your dev play the game using the mouse only to turn and target* and maybe he will understand.



    Kriemhild, V65 Vanguard


    * don't even get me started with the targeting system




    Bioware please change back the way it used to be OR atleast give us an option to change it back in ingame properties!

  5. I agree with OP completely!




    One of the few things that didn't need change and they change it... i would say fire the guy who got that idea in the first place BW


    Only people who are not complaining about it are clickers and keyboard turners who can't even play mmos properly!!!!!

  6. Ok lets get something clear first cause i see lot of kids don't understand it properly!


    SWToR IS story-driven PVE oriented game with focus on end game PVE content, which BW said in almost every dev trailer prior to the game launch. (see the trailer link at main SWToR site).


    James Ohlen said in one interview they will focus on PVP merely for the reason because PVE was main focus so far and pvp , as it is now is bad, so they wish to cater both player base, pve and pvp.


    There are MMOs out there with the focus on PVP like DAOC or WAR, and there are those who are focused on PVE like Rift, Swtor etc...


    What i dont understand is why people whine about something thats not games main focus ,so if you want pvp endgame this is hardly game for you.

    I would suggest WAR, or maybe even e-sport pvp like WoWs arena, DAOC but definately not SWToR.


    In case you want to pvp in SWTOR,be my guest ,but don't fricking whine here on forums about it telling the game sucks because it didnt bring your concept of mmo!

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