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Posts posted by AmblinAlong

  1. Mama...someone online said something I didn't like.


    Hush now baby, baby don't you cry

    Mama's gonna check out all your guildmates for you

    Mama won't let anyone dirty get through

    Mama's gonna stay on till you get in

    Mama will always find out whom you cyb0red and when

    Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean


    Oh now come on!!! This guy get's like a bazillion up votes for getting the Floyd in here.


    After reading the OP, I was kinda thinking "In the Flesh" myself. The second time it appears in "The Wall" to boot. ;)

  2. Well I'm out.


    My reasons are manifold but mainly this. I do not know how much TOR cost BW and EA to make but I have read an awful lot of speculations. I can also perfom basic mathematic functions regarding Sales and Subs.


    At this point, I DO NOT NOT BELIEVE that EA or BW via SWTOR are setting a target of "profit". I believe at this point they are now looking at recovering to the baseline they spent on the game to BREAK EVEN. I have seen no-one discuss this as yet. Lots of "OMG EA want the money" posts, just none that seem understand quite why.


    It's my belief that this "requirement that breakeven be achieved" is the driving factor behind the move to F2P. This is not the "deal" I envisioned having with BW when I subbed. It's this "target of breakeven" that leads me to believe that anything and everything that can and may be sold in the game, will be, regardless of how long it has taken subbers to aquire the same or indeed how such items may break gameplay to non-spenders, including those who don't spend extra whilst subbing. I don't trust them anymore.


    I've done my time around alot of games over the years. I've seen alot of stuff. I've seen staunch defenders of BW and the F2P plan and right now I kinda want to sound like Morgan Freeman in that fabulous scene with the would be blackmailer in "The Dark Knight"


    "You believe a company with Stockholders, being many millions of $'s in the hole on a project, with a history of nickle and diming customers, with direct competitors doing the self-same thing and who recently stated about when and when-not you the gamer are price sensitive, won't P2W and nickle and dime you to recover break even point? OK. Good luck with that...."


    Seriously I loved the game, I had a tonne of fun since Christmas Day. I also swear I will never, ever purchase another EA or BW game again. 7 months lol? I want my money back.


    To those staying, I hope you have an absolute blast, it was fun while it lasted,



  3. Hey!


    I'm needing some help here. I have been playing my Lvl 50 PvE Sentinel lately in PvP as I've not done so in a long while, ever since those of us who got Champion gear were forced into the whole Recruit and restart stuff with 1.2.


    Anyhow, I sucked up, bought the recruit (and got my refund, TY Bioware!) and have ground my way into BM gear and augmented the lot with power, crit and surge augments on everything for the long haul to WH.


    So, last night I was getting critted, for an incoming ability (the name of which escapes me) and the number I have written down is 6868 (Yeah, I make notes!). So, I need some advice on mitigating that stuff out, because I can't get a crit out larger that about 3,500 and it's making these fights kinda short. I'm Combat specced, 3/33/5.


    The other problem I've got is being 4 shotted by what I think is Operatives with an electric blade in the chest then 3 sounds of a blade being drawn and then dead. How can I stop this? I'm dead before I can work out what I need to do.


    Yep, I'm using Rebuke, GbtF and the usual stuff. I need to put more damage out, but I'm capping out a 3.5k top hit.

    I'm consistently getting killed by "Insert ability here" for well in excess of 4k up to nearly 7k.


    That ain't just WH gear surely. Theres a 50% increase in damage out for WH over BM? Is that right?


    Help!! Please help!


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hey. I just unsubbed. I'm gutted at having to do that as well. But my server "Dune Bantha" has really died.


    Numbers logged in this weekend plumbed new depths with14-19 players on Fleet @ Primetime. There's no way I'm re-rolling. I have 3 x 50's and Legacy 30-something-or-other.


    Something I've not seen in this thread so far is regarding the PvP warzone gear grind. If no matches pop from the queue on my server, how do I and my guildies get gear for when cross-server "Ranked Warzones" arrive? :rolleyes:


    We are just gonna get steamrolled all over again, this time by the guys from the populated servers who were able to play and hence will be in augmented WH gear.


    I'm 5/5 EV 5/5 KP and 4/4 EC HM's. I've pretty much seen it all.


    I'll be back though. I loved this game, but I'm not paying a bean more until the population and PvP Wz queue issues are fixed.


    I'm sure those of you on the well populated servers are having a ball. For those of us stuck in the outlands, it's dead.


    Take care and MTFBWY all.

  5. Hi,


    OK. I recently got my long neglected Sage Alt to 50 as our Guild was in real need of Healers. So, anything that went on before 1.2 and the results of the nerf don't apply to me as I really won't be noticing the changes!


    I'm just wondering how as an out and out squishy healer in the Seer tree, how should I be stacking my epic enhancements in all my gear?


    So as the title says, should I be stacking "Crit and Surge" or "Power and Alacrity"?


    And what in your more experienced opinion should I load my sabre out with? +41 Crit or Power?


    All answers and advice appreciated.


    Thanks everyone.

  6. Hi.


    When I pause on Tatooine in the desert and take a moment to turn and gaze upon the twin suns *THEN * play the music from ANH when Luke gazed on the sunset.


    When I'm on a speeder taxi tearing over the surface of Tatooine or about to duel a Sith Lord *THEN* you play "Duel of the Fates".


    When I gaze upon the massed ranks of Droids I'm about to wade into with my Sabre drawn, *THEN* you play the Invasion theme from TPM...


    Etc, etc, etc ad-infinitum.


    Musical cues and the embedded sights tied to visual memory are an integral, and important part of SW.


    Much like Eric Morecambe, you are playing all the right notes, just not necessarily in the right order (places).


    Please fix it and you will improve immersion no end.:p


    Cheers! :D

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