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Posts posted by cjmarsh

  1. It's always been about the setting and story for SWTOR but there's only so many times the typical player will go through the story content before they move on. As a result the game is on life support and considered a niche title unlike the major MMOs that are still earning quite a bit in revenue. I'm not sure there's any chance of a revival for the game but maintenance mode is fine with me as the story is fun to revisit every so often.

  2. 41 minutes ago, meddani said:

    people are unable to do the most basic thing : reading chat.

    best example someone calls out the target in a arena or inc on a pylon and they do nothing, thus loosing the game. happens too many times.

    since the sh!tty deserter buff exists i'll just sit it out ...if people can't even bother to read, why waste time trying to win? 

    Some people turn off chat entirely. I dont even blame them considering how toxic it can get in a pvp environment.

    But just sitting out the match is like a child crossing their arms, pouting, and standing still in the middle of a sports field during a game because they think their team is bad.

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  3. Minor bug where some kind of passive is showing in the ship window but it doesn't have any info on it and only says "undefined". Not super urgent but thought I'd report it anyways.


  4. Should just let everyone post, people who are f2p still contribute to the community and are a part of making this game feel like it has an active population. I don't see a reason why their opinions and comments aren't also valid. The concern with spam and moderation is a legitimate one but is also something that other forums manage to deal with just fine and I don't think these forums would be any different.

  5. Maybe calling all the players on your team "trash" because they aren't good is the reason the queue doesn't pop as often as it used to. Afking as if you don't have a choice is ridiculous, just play it through and maybe if everyone else has a little fun they'll queue up for another round. People dropping and afking because they think their team is bad are just being sore losers.

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  6. GSF is awesome, tons of fun pew pewing all over. It would be nice if the matchups were a little more balanced. I really like that the weeklies give good rewards and that there are incentives for people to play the game mode. Even more would be great, I'd love to see the queue pop in off hours too although that's not really a problem exclusive to GSF.

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  7. On 12/19/2023 at 3:45 PM, SoyElSenado said:

    The PvP gameplay is great in this game, which is why we all care about it. The systems around it suck big time. Most of the problems it has now would be solved if they added a simple rating system and eliminated full group premades.

    How is the population in pvp lately? Are queue pops happening in off hours? A rating system would be nice but only if it doesn't make pvp unapproachable for new players.

  8. It's been some time since I last played and I was surprised and enthused to learn that the game was taken over by a new dev team. I saw the letter published about the last year and it looks good to me. What are your impressions about how they're doing? What are some of the major changes that have happened in the last few years?

  9. Whether throwing the match by suicide or AFK the problem is a serious one for GSF. Usually the motivation for such behavior is the rewards it provides in other areas of the game. However, I don't see the solution to this problem to be getting rid of the rewards. Instead, more work needs to go into detection algorithms that determine whether or not a player is contributing and penalizing those who don't contribute.


    The trick is separating those who aren't contributing from those who are just struggling. A penalty that might work is forcing the player who doesn't contribute in a match to do a "remedial" set of matches against bots to learn the material and practice. After 2 or 3 of these matches they would then be able to queue again as usual.

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