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Posts posted by Selven

  1. Dude, what about the joke, i wont to hear the joke, whats the punch line? Dont leave us all hanging.....


    HOW RUDE!!!! :eek::mad::(


    I know, I know! Totally unacceptable! Here's one:


    An Assassin, a Juggernaut and a Jedi Knight went into a bar and started dancing.


    Suddenly the Juggernaut decided the dance floor wasn't big enough for them all and started fighting the Jedi Knight for the space. The Assassin got mildly annoyed and that was excuse enough to jump in.

    After a quick brawl they got hawled in to a very nervous Peace Officer that had the unfortunate job to decide what punishment to give them. Fearing for his life he said to the looming Juggernaut:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    - Bah!


    growles the Juggernaut,


    - If I'd been fighting, you woulda needed body bags!


    The Peace Officer says with a relieved exhale:


    - Makes sense. You can go.


    Then he turns to the Jedi Knight and says:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    The Jedi Knight replies:


    - If I'd been in an unfortunate fight, you must realize the three of us would not all have been standing here.


    The Peace Officer says with a nod:


    - Makes sense. You can go.


    With only the Assassin left in front of him, he turns to her and says:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    The Assassin looks around, turns to him with a slightly amused grin, and asks:


    - Fighting? With whom?



  2. ... a cantina on Nar Shaddaa. Wait, no. They were already in the cantina .. dancing .. or was it on a ship? No, hang on, it was in an elevator! Actually, any elevator in this galaxy that shall forever be nameless.


    But if you want to see their dance moves or just relax while enjoying some Let's Playing on Youtube, you are welcome to do so. So yes, this is me shamelessly letting you know I'd love to see you checking out my channel and especially all things Star Wars - and in particular all things SWTOR.


    There will be dancing. You've been warned! :)



    The0ldBat on YouTube



    And for those of you who wanted to hear the joke:


    An Assassin, a Juggernaut and a Jedi Knight went into a bar and started dancing.


    Suddenly the Juggernaut decided the dance floor wasn't big enough for them all and started fighting the Jedi Knight for the space. The Assassin got mildly annoyed and that was excuse enough to jump in.

    After a quick brawl they got hauled in to a very nervous Peace Officer that had the unfortunate job to decide what punishment to give them. Fearing for his life he said to the looming Juggernaut:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    - Bah!


    growles the Juggernaut,


    - If I'd been fighting, you woulda needed body bags!


    The Peace Officer says with a relieved exhale:


    - Makes sense. You can go.


    Then he turns to the Jedi Knight and says:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    The Jedi Knight replies:


    - If I'd been in an unfortunate fight, you must realize the three of us would not all have been standing here.


    The Peace Officer says with a nod:


    - Makes sense. You can go.


    With only the Assassin left in front of him, he turns to her and says:


    - Look, tell me you weren't fighting and I'll let you go.


    The Assassin looks around, turns to him with a slightly amused grin, and asks:


    - Fighting? With whom?


  3. I can't wait for level syncing. This may be the single greatest improvement to the game since it launched.


    As a completionist, it was such a nauseating bore to get a set of quests with this epic story behind it, only to go out and obliterate everything in your path with little to no effort. And this was while leveling up!


    My only gripe is that I don't have the option to be further synced down to a level that's at best, equal to the mobs I'm fighting. I think the game will still be too easy as a leveling experience for someone who doesn't want to skip content along the way. To be fair though, being synced during the leveling process may feel much more balanced than the level 60 syncing we had the privilege of seeing in the twitch stream.


    I couldn't be happier. It's gonna be a blast playing with groups again.


    I'm looking forward to some of the "new old" content myself. I'm still not seeing any good reasons for it not being optional. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the old thread about wanting appearance gear. People were against it for various reasons, but not one could come up with an argument against an _optional_ appearance tab. Bioware got the idea eventually. I think options are good.

  4. When I first heard about it, I was all for it. Thinking back to my time in Everquest II and how I loved "mentoring down" as we called it to help out friends. We even had NPCs we could go talk to and "relive our past" as a mentored down version of ourselves. Often, being max level and not very raid-happy, going back to old dungeons was both challenging and fun.


    But I honestly didn't imagine this was not to be optional. It needs to be. Not for the "I have mats to gather" or "I can't spend all day getting kicked off of my mount" or even "I'm a powerful sith that refuse to get slapped around by low life slaves". But for the fun! For the fun in having options. For the fun of having choices when reaching lvl cap. For the fun of helping friends or guildies the way we choose to.


    Please, fun is not having someone tell us "you're gonna enjoy it whether you like it or not". Because that's what it's all about. Right, Bioware?

  5. Vector's customizations work fine if there is one you like. Sadly I prefer his original one :(

    Exactly! I really like the original myself.


    I think you will also find you picked the glitchiest chest piece too. :mad:


    Of course I did! I'm a master at falling in love with the worst pieces :(

  6. I feel the need to revive this thread as it seems Vector still need some love.


    I finally found an outfit that I think fits his jedi-ish fighting style. I spent 200k on a black/brown dye thinking the preview had a bug. To my disappointment, it did not turn out as well as I hoped.




    His right shoulder and upper arm should have been showing, but it doesn't. It's covered in something gray - can't even call it cloth. There's no texture, just .. gray. I hope they some day will get around to fixing him. *sadface*

  7. I love to mix and match various collection pieces to create a new outfit. I'm very happy with how my new Togruta gunslinger turned out.


    Here's a pic from behind: http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u324/solrik/swtor/swtor%202015-09-15%2002-14-17-25_zpsvixgddqg.png

    And close-up: http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u324/solrik/swtor/swtor%202015-09-15%2002-14-38-46_zpss2itwvaq.png


    And this awesome moment (SoR Spoiler! If you haven't played Shadow of Revan, you might wanna not click on this even if it is just a picture. You've been warned): http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u324/solrik/swtor/swtor%202015-09-15%2002-14-56-38_zpstdm7yf5k.png



    Chest; Carth Onasi's Jacket - black/light gray dye

    Hands; Darth Sion's Vambrace

    Wrists; Vintage Brawler Bracers

    Belt; Canderous' Belt

    Legs; Calo Nord's Pants

    Feet; Vintage Brawler Boots


    Except the chestpiece, they all kept their original colors for the leather look.


    I would like more flirt dialogues sometimes- even if they don't actually lead anywhere. People do occasionally flirt *not* to get into other people's armour. It would be amusing for the Jedi Knight or Consular, say, to get to stop Darth Marr on Yavin and say "So- when all this is over want to go count trees in the jungle together?"


    I totally agree! It's too bad we can't have more fun and innocent flirts without it turning into a quickie in the back room. Nothing wrong with that, of course. Just ask my smuggler :D

  9. If I were a guy; Dorian.


    Oh ... never mind.


    Seriously, if they had made companions interesting like in the Dragon Age series and Mass Effect (Looking at you, Garrus!) I'd be more interested in romancing just about any of the no-romancable ones. But the romances feels too cheap and the lines are often cheesy and stereotypical. And that's too bad because Bioware can make great indepth characters with some good, fun dialogues.

  10. First group I can understand, second group was for Dreadtooth 1 stack, A LVL 50 WORLDBOSS! I was 55, had more then 27k HP, which in my experience is more then enough. Just *********** ridiculous, and they make some lame excuse that a guildie wanted to join, while none was invited or joined.


    I don't think Bioware can do something about people. In reality you're mad about people, not Bioware - but I can understand your frustration.


    For me it was the other way around. I had just hit lvl 28 when going for the second day in the tunnels. I noticed in /general someone looking for more people for the world boss. I wanted the achievement and didn't think about what lvl he might be, I just saw the name "Shellshock" and asked for an invite.

    The ops leader sent me an invite and I quickly ran up to the group. Imagine my surprise when I targetted the WB and saw his lvl. The ops was full of players lvl 55. I apologized for my ignorance and told them to kick me if they wanted the spot for another lvl 55. The answer; "First come, first serve". And so they carried me (obviously) and I got my achievement way ahead of time.


    My point is, it really comes down to who you meet. I was lucky - you were not. I met awesome people, you did not. Just for the record, I don't blame anyone for not taking a lvl 28 with them for a lvl 55 WB. On the flip side, I think, if your story is how it really happened, then you met some real jerks.


    Happy hunting! Hopefully you'll meet people like I have on The Ebon Hawk.

  11. As I understand it, the green or red indicator tells you if an object is near you, not the area you deployed your seeker droid. This means you have to move in the indicated direction each time you get a green result. Standing still and dropping your droid at random seems to do nothing anymore since the patch. This is a good thing, in my opinion, because now it makes more sense to move with the green results rather than just stand in one place and get lots of trash/green mods like you could do before the patch.


    Allthough it was nice to get some credits out of it, I never got the desired items, but now I do.


    Good luck :)



    Added for clarity; I drop the seeker droid, if the result is green I have my char take 5-6 steps in the guestimated direction and drop it again. Then I run to the drop site and literally stand in the bullseye of it and wait for the next green indicator.

  12. To this day, I don't understand why people turn off the profanity filter and then complain when they see a vulgarity. :confused:


    EDIT: Oh wait, I vaguely remember it being connected to the situation of somebody playing on a PVP server and then getting ganked in some threads. There's levels of swearing, and some people think they're only going to see butt and fart, not **** and ***********.


    As long as Bioware thinks Saturday is a four letter word, there are reasons to turn off the profanity filter. Oh, and if you're let's say .. Norwegian .. sometimes words typed out in chat are being treated as profanity. I'm guessing this will likely be the case for other languages as well.


    Personally I would never get upset over a "nasty word" in a chat. But I know and accept that some people do and still they have valid reasons for turning it off.

  13. I've never been one for organized PvP (arena and so on) or PvP at all really, but this was a blast! I watched the fight for a couple of minutes with no intention of joining, but then I thought "what the heck" and just got sucked into it! I can't remember last time I laughed so much while dying and lagging :D


    I'm probably making a very uneducated guess here, but I think perhaps us Reps had a tad more chaotic counter-attacks, but all in good fun! And oh, yeah, Dreadtoooth really got us good a couple of times. I'm pretty sure he's an Imp at heart!


    So, thank you for making it happen!

  14. It's probably because of "turd". I never had profanity on, but checked it out just now.


    Silly thing is, they're censoring the whole word. At least back in SWG they only censored the letters making up the "bad word". We had a town/city named Nightwatch which would look like this on the planet map; Nigh****ch - not that it made much sense, though :) I remember it annoying me so much I changed the name to Night Watch.

  15. 1) Which Community team member has a Jawa bobblehead on their desk? Amber

    2) Which Community team member has the most level 55 characters? Courtney

    3) Which Community team member plays primarily healers? Amber

    4) Which Community team member has the highest valor level? Eric

    5) Which Community team member has the messiest desk, but is obsessively organised? Courtney

  16. Oops!

    And, yes...I admit that folks may have a point in that MMO play is not the game for me, as I vastly prefer problem-solving and actual skill styled games to the "Click-to-Win" MMO format. I was merely hoping, what with this being a newer game based off of Star Wars, and made by Bio-Ware, to boot, that it would have been something superb.


    Quick question; did you try the seeker droid or the macrobinocular quest series? Or even the HK quest line? I know many people say parts of those quests are boring, but I love them!


    You get to do some very nice "dungeons" with puzzles and if you don't run to dulfy's for help, it's so much fun solving a problem on your own and not having to constantly fight your way through hordes of enemies. (Not saying there's none there). And I think that's the future of SWTOR. If they're to still stand out from other MMOs, they need to keep adding quests like theese.

  17. WOW. Huge fan of this - mind telling me which pieces these are?


    Thank you!


    The chest piece and boots are from the Makeb Assault set (rep. vendor).

    Legs are Athiss Informant Pants.

    Belt and gloves from the Relaxed Jumpsuit set


    and then the wrists are just green gear, like the Corellian/Sleheyron Raider's Wristguard. Havent found any copy of them in orange gear, but I've not spent much time looking for them either. Outleveled and changed her wardrobe atleast twice since then.


    Hope it helps. :)

  18. I got logged out for being 'idle'...while in the gosh darn character creator, trying to decide which options I liked best!


    Dear Dev team; THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Dear GOD! This is bloody elementary :mad:


    Yeah, this is just about the most frustrating I've come across in this game!


    I like to take my time while creating a new character, so I found a solution. I go to the appearance kiosk and play around with the options there. Pick my race, hair and so on - then I take a screenie of the choices before logging out to actually making my new char.


    It's silly I have to do it like this not to be logged out, but for now it's the only way to be fast enough.

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