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Stop Comparing This Game To WoW


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As I scroll through all of these threads about things which this game doesn't have, and things that this game needs I'm dumbfounded by the sheer amount of things which people are saying that WoW has.


Before listing off things I'm going to go ahead and say that this game is not perfect, and yes it has bugs which need to be smashed.


But, here are some of the things which I've seen people complain about:


-Not enough Raids

-Not enough Tiered Armor Sets

-No Flying Mounts

-No Dungeon/Raid Finder

-No Invite a Friend Program


Those are just to name a few.


But, really, WoW did not even get the majority of those listed above until the game had been out for 3+ years. If I remember correctly it was riding on only 2 or so Raids for the majority of it's first year. WoW's Raid Finder was not even added in until it's latest patch...


In my honest opinion those of you who came into this game expecting it to be everything that WoW was right off the bat:

A) Were not ready to experience an MMO at launch.

B) Need to go back to WoW, or whatever game they came from, until this one is ready to meet their "standards".


Threads on here about how the game has a lot of bugs, and things of different natures need to be fixed are perfectly justified - it's only been 12 days since launch. These things are expected.


But, threads about things that the game is missing such as those posted above have no place here. If you stop and think about it, they will most likely be added later, as well as probably even more cool features which WoW does not even have.


The Developers need to be focusing on things that they have the power to fix and improve upon that are already in the game. They don't need to be bogged down with requests from the Community about things which the game does not "need" right now, and just give the Devs time to implement them on their own time, when they can focus more on things like that instead of bugs and what not.

Edited by LrdStryfe
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heres the thing.


WoW is alot of peoples first MMO. It had like 12 MILLION subscribers. I'm pretty sure thats more then any other 'successful" MMOs subs COMBINED!


So, WoW is the only real reference they have. You compare things to things you know, its human nature.


Am i saying they're right? No, most of wows features are very -standard- for MMOs, wow did almost nothing original. All i'm saying is, is LIGHTEN UP!. You can't compare an apple to an orange when all you've had are grapefruit.

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Short answer: No.


Less short answer: No and it's perfectly okay to compare two similar products so stop being illogical. If EA/Bioware wants my money they better show me they're doing a good job.

Edited by FerrusPA
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WoW is the most successful MMO in history, it has more active subscribers than all western MMOs combined, it has set the standard for what an MMO should play like and follow.


A good majority of people on these forums has played WoW at some point. This means it is an easy reference and something we can hold a candle too. Why do people compare BF3 to MW3? Why do people compare games at all? Why not just only talk about their game and nothing else? Should we never speak of any other game again? Of course not.

Edited by engrey
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Why is comparing it to a game which has over 10mil subs a bad thing? This game needs some sort of goal in order to improve itself. It must be compared to games that have been so successfull and take out the good things from them and put it into this game.


People who say go back to WoW are obviously a part of this anti-social trolling community and do not want this game to succeed, if you like this game why are you telling people to quit and go back to WoW?


By the way in comparing the 2 games from when they started is wrong, "oh wow didnt have raids when it started". I'm sorry but this is 2011 and this game has to compete with whats already out and in place in other games at this point in time.

Edited by gangbot
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Blah blah blah wall of text tl;dr but responding to your title id say just shut up.



WoW is like the main MMO out there, it has all the features and so games from now on will use MMO features (Which are already in WoW because its so successful because of those features) and people will go OMG COPIED WoW


We compare to WoW because WoW is the best MMO out there, and so comparing, and saying how it can be BETTER than WoW is good

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-Not enough Raids

-Not enough Tiered Armor Sets

-No Flying Mounts

-No Dungeon/Raid Finder

-No Invite a Friend Program



So you want every area of the videogame franchise to be available at launch so the developers won't have anything to expand into? Seriously, I really want to tell you how dumb your complaints are, but I'll just end up getting an infraction.

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There is nothing wrong with comparing the game to WoW, or any other game, in the sense that you are doing it for the feel of which one you like better, and which one fits your standards for a game you'll enjoy playing.


However, the thing which annoys me is people who get upset that this game is missing features that WoW did not have, and was still successful without, until years after it launched.


This game is not WoW, it's a completely different game. Sure, it has many of the features that WoW does - a testament to WoW's success in the MMO industry, but it is not going to have everything needed to be successful right off the bat.


Give the game some time, have time patience, and it will no doubt roll out great things.

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So you want every area of the videogame franchise to be available at launch so the developers won't have anything to expand into? Seriously, I really want to tell you how dumb your complaints are, but I'll just end up getting an infraction.


Haha, oh lawd.



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To be honest, people are always going to compare any MMO released that is a 3rd person RPG to WoW every hour of every day for a very long time. (Heck people even compare Fallen Earth a first person post-apocalyptic single world MMO to WoW!!)


Is it because WoW and all the games ever to be made are so similar? Personally I think not.


I think it's more people need base references when looking and discussing something and WoW is very much the easiest example to pick from the mind for translation reasons due to most people being at least generally aware of its features.


For example, people are still calling speeders/vehicles in ToR 'mounts'... they know they aren't mounts.. they know they're not called mounts... but they call them mounts anyway because mounts is much more familiar than 'speeders'.


Market.. same thing pretty much. People know that in ToR there isn't strictly a auction house but rather a galactic market.. but AH is the universal language term if you want to say "Place where I go to sell stuff over priced". :)



This mentality isn't just restricted to terms though, as references are used for recognising and reacting to everything you come across when playing the game... you hit level 10 and get told you now have access to some instanced PvP areas.... oh their battlegrounds then? Ok I gotcha, I know what Battlegrounds are about makes perfect sense.


I now have an advanced class? Oh it's where I select my trait trees... Ok I know trait trees already, makes perfect sense.



There are problems however that some people are so tied to their base references however that they are easily able to notice or register anything that doesn't fall within the area that can be direct translated.... this is when you get the people who insist that all games "Are exactly like WoW and don't do anything different." or "Don't have enough to do, because there are only 2 raids atm." and even "This game is boring because I skipped the content to get to the end game focus, but that's the whole point right?".


Had a few 'discussions' on general chat in the last week from people insisting that ToR offers nothing new comapred to WoW and all they list are things they can directly reference to WoW (and in the one rare example Rift), and then insist that noone can name anything ToR does new...


Mention the conversation system, alignment system, companions, Advanced classes, space combat, having a ship, class story arcs.... and often I've found there is a refusal to tie these things as something different to WoW, because they're not directly translatable to a feature that exists in another MMO they're very familiar with already... they're just features that exist but don't count as different.



Edited by Tikigit
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Two different developers with two different design visions. Two completely different player interaction models with two completely different progression systems. WoW's had 7 years and two months of post-beta play, 3 major expansions and 100+ major patches to get where it is. SWTOR has had less than two weeks of post-beta play, one big patch and one minor patch to get where it is today. There really is no comparison and won't be for half a decade. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Two different developers with two different design visions.


If my vision of a good bar of chocolate included glass splinters, I'd still get thrashed for it.


Just because BW claims to have a different vision -Which, by the way, isn't implemented very well in TOR either- doesn't mean it can't be compared to things that obviously work better.

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As I scroll through all of these threads about things which this game doesn't have, and things that this game needs I'm dumbfounded by the sheer amount of things which people are saying that WoW has.


Before listing off things I'm going to go ahead and say that this game is not perfect, and yes it has bugs which need to be smashed.


But, here are some of the things which I've seen people complain about:


-Not enough Raids

-Not enough Tiered Armor Sets

-No Flying Mounts

-No Dungeon/Raid Finder

-No Invite a Friend Program


Those are just to name a few.


But, really, WoW did not even get the majority of those listed above until the game had been out for 3+ years. If I remember correctly it was riding on only 2 or so Raids for the majority of it's first year. WoW's Raid Finder was not even added in until it's latest patch...


In my honest opinion those of you who came into this game expecting it to be everything that WoW was right off the bat:

A) Were not ready to experience an MMO at launch.

B) Need to go back to WoW, or whatever game they came from, until this one is ready to meet their "standards".


Threads on here about how the game has a lot of bugs, and things of different natures need to be fixed are perfectly justified - it's only been 12 days since launch. These things are expected.


But, threads about things that the game is missing such as those posted above have no place here. If you stop and think about it, they will most likely be added later, as well as probably even more cool features which WoW does not even have.


The Developers need to be focusing on things that they have the power to fix and improve upon that are already in the game. They don't need to be bogged down with requests from the Community about things which the game does not "need" right now, and just give the Devs time to implement them on their own time, when they can focus more on things like that instead of bugs and what not.


I like how you compare it to how WoW started even though you say not to compare it to WoW



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So you want every area of the videogame franchise to be available at launch so the developers won't have anything to expand into? Seriously, I really want to tell you how dumb your complaints are, but I'll just end up getting an infraction.



You're about as smart as a bag of rocks aren't you?


He was complaining about the people complain about the lack of THOSE features.


Please do try to keep up.

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I like how you compare it to how WoW started even though you say not to compare it to WoW




Please try to comment about the actual content, and point, of my post, and not just the title of my thread.



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If you want this game to be successfull then keep playing it, reporting bugs and giving your opinions about it. The game is new and you need to be aware of that, it needs a lot more work. If you think is has potential(as I do) then keep supporting it, going back to another game (like WoW) will make this one to die. I believe in BioWare because they´ve made gorgeous games till now and never disappointed me.
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