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Bug with quest: Escaping Hutta


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hello the follwing is the quest text:



Your task on Hutta is complete–you’ve earned your sponsorship for the Great Hunt.


Grataa, an official for the Great Hunt, has sent you to Dromund Kaas to seek out the Huntmaster in the Mandalorian enclave. The Huntmaster will tell you more about the Great Hunt and what it entails. To travel to Dromund Kaas, take the shuttle at the Jiguuna shuttle pad to Vaiken Spacedock.



--> when i go to dromund kaas and enter the mandalorian enclave i dont get the npcs to talk to me :(


can anyone help?

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  • 2 months later...
I've been back and forth between Hutta and Dromund Kass several times, and the quest won't progress. I've checked in at the console on Dromund Kass, ran around Imperial Fleet, went back to Hutta and reset the quest, nothing. Still won't progress. Any ideas?
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Look on your planet map, somewhere there's going to be a bright green and yellow triangle for a quest objective. Obviously you haven't done something, or gone somewhere you're supposed to. The map will tell you where.
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