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Well I loved the Cyan saber in Kotor even went so far as to always spawn one for myself via cheating as it was the only saber in game impossible to get guaranteed via something specific


So Torhead says they are in game.





Ive also seen screen shots of them.





Ive been seeing several republic (level 50) mostly the (sorcerer equivalent) wielding 1 single cyan saber popping up every now and then in game.


My thoughts are that it is the republic (centurion gear) or something anyone else have an idea?


Where can I get one as an imperial player.

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The Cyan color is on the Champion PvP weapons and the Blue/Black color is on the Battlemaster PvP weapons. You can probably get the same color gear out of PvE hard mode instances and raids.


so level 10-49 they push push the you can have what ever look you want with orange gear then you hit 50 and mods are are the window and gear is now stock... wow


I did pull up the pvp vender gear and it has no "mod slots" in them so thats why i guessed the republic were getting it from those venders.


but to have it actually like that is just atrocious.

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My friend actually got a cyan lightsaber today. It was from the Centurion or Champion vendors in the republic fleet (cant remember the lightsabers specific name im afraid)


so I copied down the next republic players name that i saw spoke to him and got a link of the item


turns out its there standard pvp item not a color crystal that can be put into other sabers and atm seems only republic....incredibly lame

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